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Welcome To Our Home

This is my Family. I married to Ruth (Regalado) Gonzales. We have three children, 2 boys and a girl. And they all attend the Christian Heritage School in Brandon, Manitoba.

My Wife


Paul is our first born and he is 14 years old. He is one of the geniuses in our family and the whiz kid in his class. Paul is not only outstanding in his class but a committed child of God. He is a kid of many talents and skills and we praise God for a wonderful gift from above. He is presently working for the Brandon Sun, a local paper of Brandon as one of the high columnists. To update about Paul's activities at school,he is actively involved in sports. He just started playing basketball. He is also a pianist and plays saxophone with his cousins. He is preparing to compete at the Music Festival in March of this year. Please visit his own page to learn more about Paul.

John David

John David is the second genuises in our family. He has a kid with so many talents and a child of God. John started concentrating on Arts. He is presently with the Brandon Art Gallery. He is taking painting lesson. John plays piano but his heart is for Arts. His works will be displayed online soon, so keep watch. At present, John plays basketball. He enjoys the company of his friends, Brent Schirmacher and Rema Idonije. These three are inseparable, they are best buddies. Paul did a good profile on him. John is a kid who is not afraid to try anything as long as he is certain that it is for his own good and benefit. He takes his work and decision seriously and carefully. He is now 13.

Jessica Ruth Anne

Jessica Ruth Anne is our only girl in the family and the third genuise and gifted child in our family. She is now in grade 6. She won several Science Projects in her early years. She is presently working on her next Science Project. Last year she won Silver on her project on batteries. Jessica has been playing piano since she was inKindergarten. She is now preparing to compete for the Music Festival in March with her brother, Paul. Jessica has collections of "Beany Babies". She only started collecting last Christmas when we gave her 14 new Beany Babies as presents to start with. At present she is one of those who are after all kinds of beanies and thanks to her Mom who help keeping up with her collections. She gets her collections from the U.S. and Canada. She will be posting her Beanies pictures online. So watch out for it. She has her own page so if you like to view it please go ahead.

So now that you have known a little bit about my family.Why dont you sit down and explore other interesting rooms of our Family.

Kid's Room

Here you will find interesting resources for children and youth for fun activities and spiritual enrichment.

Family Room

Enjoy quality time together with the family. YOu may find this room too much to resist. Again, enter with expectations!

The Fun Room

Haven't got enough fun yet? Why don't you try this next room? We always say, laughter is the best medicine.

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"We can prove our faith by our commitment to it and in no other way.
Any belief that doesn't commend the one who holds it is not a real belief-only a pseudo belief. It might shock some of us profoundly if we were suddenly brought face-to-face with our beliefs and forced to test them in the fires of practical living. ......... A.W.Tozer
