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Hi there, my name is Jess Gonzales. My friends on the internet call me KC77. In real life, I am known to most o my friends and family as Bobby, or Jess.I was born in the Philippines and raised by a Catholic family. I came to know Christ when I was in high school. My friends introduced me to Jesus and I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour in February 1974. God did a tremendous change in my life. I attended Church's Youth activities. I attended Christian camps. I led Bible Studies. When I was in College, I got baptized in the Christian Alliance Church.To know more about the details of my Christian Beliefs please click here.

In 1977, I attended the IVCF's Kawayan Camp (for short KC77) in Batangas, Laguna. This Kawayan Camp is an annual IVCF Leadership Camp. It was an intensive training camp designed for student leaders. It was like taking a 2 year course in the Bible Seminary.

While I attended theUniversity of the Philippines, I was involved in the Christian Chorale Group called the HIS SOUNDS. Originally, the group was exclusively just for the UP students but was later extended to other campuses and Universities. It was a ministry headed by Romulo Pizana. We sang in all different churches and traveled and joined in various competitions.

I immigrated to Cananda in 1982 after I married my fiance. We got married in the Philippines. For seven years that I lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba I helped out with church planting of the Filipino Churches until I was called to start a new Eye Masters (now Lens Crafters)outlet in Newmarket, Ontario. And there we attended Grace Bible Church and started a basketball fellowship of Filipino men and youth. In 1992, God called me back to Brandon, Manitoba

Now, I am the city director for the International Student Ministries of Canada, a campus ministry for the International Students.

May God be blessed as you continue to surf my page. God bless you!

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