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The short version of the Story

I found my Birth Mother, with the help of a few wonderful people, and the internet in general.
I went though many stages;
the passing fancy stage. The now that I have children of my own I need medical history stage, and the ever famous forget it, it's to hard stage(several times).
After 6 years of the search, on November 14th,1997, I found and contacted, not necessarily in that order, my birth mother, Barbara.(mn-Aubuchon)
All I had to start with was a very incomplete non-ID letter, one page, no names, dates, or otherwise.
click here to read the full version for your self

Please Feel free to e-mail me if you want more information, or assistance.
My Birth Mother, has three children, other than myself. Two sons,Jim and Tom, and a daughter Darcy, (31,30,29). They would be my Half-brothers and sister.
Please note Jim was shot and killed by police in Louisiana earlier this year,a wrongful death suit is pending. I never got a chance to meet him.

We went to see them the weekend after the inital contact and had a wonderful time.I just can't get over how similar my sister and I are in so many ways,our children even have the same eyes and hair color.
Darcy and I have found ourselves to be good sources for each other, and E-mail each other almost every day. For more on Darcy and her family, and to see a picture.
Click Here WE have new pictures 8-28-98
B-mom, Me, Darcy

Some of my Personal Stuff on the Home Front, you know pictures of Kids & Dogs!

Please take a look at My Tribute To My Parents the people who raised me up!

The true Hero of this saga is the volunteer searcher Delayn Curtis who really helped us with the search. She kept feeding us little tid bits which kept us going and up beat. She got us names and sibiling information we could not find.
More later.............................

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Last updated----- 9-23-98