Captain Blade
Yo! It Be My Man Blade
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Captain Blade by JR Bird translated into the "jive" dialect
Translation courtesy of Rinkworks, on the web at:
Check dis out. It be bad.
De Gangstas in de Hood!
"Check it bro'! Lookit dare!" de look-out crowed fum de crow's nest.
Man! Captain Blade bounded onto de deck uh de Shootin' Star and crossed
de bridge, reboundin' on t'de deck bedecked wid some telescope. De Captain
surveyed da damn ho'izon ho'izontally and checked out foe Blottan
battleships sailin' towards his ship at dock! Right on! It wuz de
de Dunderbolt, de Hurricane, and da damn somewhut less imposin' Overcast
Sky. Mmm, Mmm, it be a damn sail by shootin'. Slap mah fro! Woo!
Trouble wuz brewin' likes coffee. Blade axes himself: whut opshun t'opt
Foe 'gainst one. Oder, lessa' Captains might abandon ship and save his
ass and da damn crew, so cut me some slack, Jack.
Captain Blade dought
t'himself, dig dis: "Foe against one? Sheeet! Right on! Dat plum means some
larger victo'y suckha! Right on!" Captain Blade. He wuz likes dat. Man! Den
he sez some sheet like: "Sound dem battle stashuns! Right on!" sounded
Blade soundly. Weez gonna kick some ass!