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FunStuff at the Convention

BG's First Day in Anaheim Poem/Story
Things Raeven learned in Anaheim
I've been lifted, a poem by morjan
HL Things SnickDrollTroll Learned at the Con
Continuation of above from Wingnut
A few things Biker Babe learned at the Con

Bright Girl's 1st Day in Anaheim

Twas the first day in Anaheim
When all through the Hotel, FLers were gathered
For a little show and tell, One room was jam packed
With obsessed HL fans. Everybody took turns
To shake others hands. Hugs were given and
Pic shots left us in a daze. My vision was left
With small boxes to chase. When AJM came
There arose such a clatter. His groupies were there
They all melted like butter. BJ was cool
And he's got lots of fans.
BTW, did I mention? We have pics of his buns =)
Godiva in the buff, wearing only her skate key
Outrageous, a darlin', she's really somethin' aint she
When what to my wandering eyes did appear
The Tropical twins, so glad they are here
Taz spun from nowhere greeting me with a hug
And I met Raeven who, makes the Immie love Train chug chug
More people arrived, a lot of cool gals
And later we then introduced ourselves
There's Casilda, Oubliette and the Terrible Trio
Methos Watcher, Forever and her worse half too
Biker Babe made it all happen, she shouted for each clans
To group with each other, cameras in hand
We gave our best smiles and posed with great drama
Who else was there? Hey look, it's Calla
Jewel2 .. Jewel, what's in a name?
morjan, Morgainne, Oh and there's Jane
TH and her boyfriend, such a cute couple
Lady Maura, Lady Sheona, they're sisters?
I thought I was seeing double
Once the chatting began, a Riot did show
Sheesh, Yep I knew it, her name fits her ya know
The Wenches, the Spammers and quite a few D@mners
Them Wives and Bootlickers, they give me the shivers
MacTrolls were there too, and Boy are they green
MacParodeers were a bunch, too bad they didn't sing
With some Haremites there, the party was Rockin'
Can't forget the Clanless, they were all quite smashin'
Met Jeanne Rose or Sarah to Peter
Dragonfly, Mckinney -- great I'm out of space here
When the party was over,
It was really just beginning
After meeting all these people
Obesessed or not, 170 bucks you say?
It was worth spending

Some things Raeven learned in Anaheim

Forumlanders are wonderful people

Tip the bartender.

Answer the crabby waiter the first time.

Don't use the back of your roommate's head as a directional marker for the path to an elevator.

The Hilton bathtubs aren't big enough to accomodate your favorite Horseman.

Sleep is not an option.

English people spell Jill with a G.

Doors on firestairs are sometimes locked.

No more than two words at a time to cast members, and you don't stutter.

If someone pushes to get you out of the way in front of a signing table, try to fall forward into the cast members.

If you tell someone to shut up, follow it with the word please.

The service elevator lands you smack-dab in the kitchen.

Bring band-aids for the girls...

I've been lifted
a poem from morjan

I've been lifted, By A J's bow.
He made my heart pound, Oh, WOW.
I've been lifted, by bending Gemma's ear. I didn't tell all(as I promised),
Some things must stay right here(touching my heart).
I've been lifted, by Raeven's soulful emotion,
by Oubi's solid constitution, and Bright Girl's sweet disposition(Hubba, Hubba).
I've been lifted, and it wasn't hard.
After all, AP touched my credit card!
I've been lifted, by conversations with you, dancing with James Horan,
and talking with Alexandra Vandernoot(en francaise) just to name a few.
I've been lifted.

HL Things SnickDrollTroll Learned at the Con

1. David Abramowitz is a cantor for a synagogue in Denver. He has an incredible voice, as he demonstrated by giving us all a seder-time blessing.

2. Elizabeth Gracen doesn't know very much about her new spin-off series, except that she will play Amanda, and there will be no deviations from the HL "canon".

3. The Quickenings consist of three parts: the flame part that's filmed with the actor, close-up shots of the actor against a green/blue screen, and lightning bolts that are each one individually hand-painted on each single frame of film.

4. The flashback/present-time transition effects are not written into the script. Sometimes the director knows what he wants, and other times the post-production team decides to get "creative."

5. Bill Panzer is the final arbiter for all things Highlander.

6. Peter Hudson is a very nice man. His eyes, however, are as chilling in person as on the screen.

7. Jim Byrnes is both taller and thinner than I expected.

8. Stan Kirsch is both younger and thinner than I expected.

9. The post-production team didn't know that USA channel was cutting the show. When informed of that fact, they termed the cuts "criminally stupid" or words to that effect.

10. The Con was the first time that Roger Daltrey has sung in six months.

Continuation from Wingnut

11. Ocean Hellman has known Jim Byrnes since she was 3 years old.

12. Alexandra Vandernoot is even more beautiful now than she was on the series. Sooo fragile looking.

13. Stan Kirsch knew about the Clan Denial,

14. Next to the stars, BJ got the biggest round of applause.

15. Peter Hudson does cartoon voices.

16. Bill Panzer hinted at the possibility of having Joe and Methos in the spin-off once it was well established.

17. Myles Ferguson held his own on the "Bad Guys" panel.

18. Roger Daltry is a lot thinner in person than he looks on the show

19. Bruce Young doesn't wear contacts and can't see well without his glasses. During the baseball scene, the ball was going everywhere but where is was supposed to. Wen he threw it the last time everybody on the set moved behind him so they would get hit.

20. Jim Byrnes CAN do comedy.

A Few Things Biker Babe Learned at the Con

1. AJM does *not* have an accent, except when he fakes a British one.

2. I really am the worst at remembering faces and names, so I apologize to everyone I re-introduced myself to.

3. A doppelganger fan club may be in the making. To those of you who wer in on that discussion: wanna do it?

4. PW's body guard is also good-looking!

5. AJM really is cute, and for a *younger* man he doesn't scare too easily.

6. Anthony DeLongis is a hunk, though AP is still my preferred sex object. (Where *are* those extra batteries?)

7. VP, PH, JB are really nice guys. (I'm sure the other celebs are too, but it's these three that I got to encounter personally.)

8. The ceiling in BJ's room isn't high enough to *really* swing a katana.

9. AP can rock my boat anytime!

10. The con was so satisfying, I may start smoking again.

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