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The Family and Pets----page 1

Because I have so many pictures that I just had to put on this site, I had to make more than one page dedicated to my family....sorry, I love my family.....
This is me and my ex-husband. This was taken in late '92.
Grandpas future hunting partner?????
This is my father-in-law with Zachary at age 4 months.
This is me and Zachary at Christmas 1994. I was about 7 months pregnant with Lindsay.
This my mom with Zachary, age 2 1/2 and Lindsay, age 1 week ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is Zachary, age just shy of 3, and Lindsay, age 4 months ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Come here big brother, let me check your ears."
This is Zachary and Lindsay, ages 3 and 7 months.
Lindsay, age 18 months and Zachary, age 4...this was taken right before his party.
This was taken on our vacation back to Iowa in Oct 97. The view is that of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers meeting at Sioux City, Iowa. The picture was taken from War Eagle Monument. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This was taken just after Christmas 1997, ages 5 and almost 3

Who is justSmokey???
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