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The Family and Pets----page 3

UPDATED: June 27, 1999
Mommies moments continued,
This was taken at the end of July. Zachary is now age 6 and Lindsay is age 3......SHE decided to cut her hair.....I cried!
And finally, the animal children
This is Snoopy. He has been a part of our family since 1994.
This is Smokey. She has been in charge of our house since Oct 1996. She is also where I got my nickname for chatting.
--Updated Info: Smokey has since gone to the heaven for pets. She disappeared in late 1998 one night while I was working the graveyard shift and she did not meet me in the morning when I got home. I have a feeling that the coyotes had a midnight snack with her, but I will never know.
This is Sebastian, the newest addition to our family. He was a Christmas present to the kids in 1997.
Sebastian is no longer the newest addition. I aquired a cockateil late last year from my best friends father. Her name is Baby.
Picture not available
In November of 1998 I had a very loving, yet typical persian, given to me by some co-workers. Her registered name is Princess Sweetie Pie, but we call her Princess, or sometimes with all the love I can muster for her, Bitch!
Picture coming soon
To add to my growing adoption clinic, I got a domestic long haired black and white cat from the local pound. He weighed in at 11 lbs when he arrived home and is constantly growing. We named him King Tritan because of his size and he thinks that he rules the house.
Extremely camera shy
And finally, because five animals is not enough for a single wide 64x14 trailer, I got yet another cat. This one is just a mutt as far as cats go, a short haired domestic, and is only about 3 months old as of the update. She has been dubbed Bella Donna. Don't ask me, her brothers were named Sherbert and Taz.
Too recent of an addition to have a picture. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------