Last Update - 12/9/95
Hello all,
These files represent an up to date archive of guitar effects
schematics. They were drawn in Xfig and output as PostScript in the hope
that other people might enjoy building thier own effects as much as I do.
I tried to ensure that every effect was clean looking and accurate. If
you should find a problem with one of these schems then please email me,
and I'll see what I can do. I'd like to thank R.G. Keen for all his help
in drawing these and all the other folks (Dean, John, Tim, and Tom) for
providing me with schematics and oodles of general knowlege, and all
the other myriads of people who have responded to this idea. So grab yer
soldering iron and start wailing.
Also check out my homepage for the very latest schems and other
strangeness ...
dualpabb (Dual Preamp and A/B box)
Originally designed for switching between harmonica mics.
preamps Various
Simple little op-amp and FET based preamps for guitar.
toneccts ???
Small preamp circuits with treble and bass controls.
=============================Effects - Commercial==========================
bosssg1 (Slow Gear Atack Delay)
As the name implies it is an attack modifier to simulate backwards
_______________________________Dallas Arbiter______________________________
fuzzface (Legendary Fuzz Face)
Jimi Hendrix's fuzz box. Roger Meyer probably "tuned" Jimi's though.
dodcomp(Compressor 280A)
Its a compressor pretty, simple except there is some speculation on
its acutal correctness.
dodenvf(Envelope Filter 440)
Pretty normal envelope filter except it uses a center tapped CDS/LED
device to achieve its enveloping effects.
dodfx75(FX-75 Flanger)
Flanger made using the MN30XX series chips. PostScript only.
dodoverd(Overdrive 250)
Say hello to the big cliche. MXR distortion + and a thousand
others... Diode based clipper with tone control.
crybaby (Crybaby Wah-Wah)
Looks like one of the earlier models from the components but I could
be wrong. Still its hard to be the Cry Baby sound for what it is.
jhfface (Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face)
Similar to the Dallas Arbiter model only uses more modern
transistors. More of an aproximation of the original than a clone.
______________________________Electro Harmonix_____________________________
bigmufpi (Big Muff Pi)
For that smooth Hendrix sound. Very popular, now being made by
sovtek. Great fuzz tone.
bsynthx (Bass Micro Synth)
This is just about too much to explain, its sort of complex and
it can do alot of pseudo synthish things. Comes in Guitar too. PostScript
ehbsters (Eh Boosters)
File includes muliple schems for Hog's Foot, Screaming Tree,
LPB-1, and other simplistic boosters made by EH.
ehfuzzwa (Fuzz Wah)
Standard or reverse sweep, combines wah+fuzz, (either/or) and uses
a Muff Fuzz clipping section.
gsynthX (Guitar Micro Synth)
This is just about too much to explain, its sort of complex and
it can do alot of pseudo synthish things. Comes in Bass too. PostScript
mufffuzz (Muff Fuzz)
Looks really basic, but sounds surprizingly sweet. This was the
first of its kind. I suggest driving it hard to obtain a good fuzz tone.
smlstone (Small Stone Phaser)
Issue J of the sought after Small Stone.
soulprch (Soul Preacher)
This is a compressor. The same one used in the sustain section
of a Deluxe Big Muff.
fblender (Fender Blender)
Excelent sounding fuzz device. Crazy octving effect, lots of fun.
foxfzwah (Fuzz-Wah)
A fuzz, a wah, and an octaver all in one. Pretty nifty gadget.
controfz (Contro Fuzz)
Blends fuzz and strait signal in a subtractive manner that gives
a clean attack with a distorted decay.
rd (RD Guitar)
Compressor and expander circuitry for the Gibson RD Artist.
ibnzts9 (TS-9)
If you don't know what this is, then don't ask. Consider yourself
lucky to be blind to the hype.
jordan (Boss Tone)
jshfuzz (Fuzz)
Fraid I don't know much about this one, uses transistors and diodes
for clipping.
kaytrem (Tremolo)
This is a tremolo circuit from Kay, simple amplitude modulation.
mboomer2 (Boomer 2)
Cousin to the Boomerang... probably just another version of the
same effect, though it appears to function as a volume pedal as well.
mboomer (Boomerang)
A wah-wah pedal made by the infamous folks at Maestro. Looks pretty
maefuzz (Fuzz)
A fuzz device, made by Maestro.
mfuzzrite (Fuzz-Rite)
Yet another vintage transistor fuzz. Pretty extreme fuzz when
I proto'd it.
mxrdistp (Distortion +)
The 1976 version of this famous fuzz. Repleat with a ton of mods.
mxrhott (Hot Tube Distortion)
A Craig Anderton TS Fuzz look alike. Uses same 4049 chip trick.
obphaser (PS-1 Phase Shifter)
A six stage phaser with setup instructions. Has speed switches,
level controls.
olsonns (New Sound)
A very interesting fuzz tone. Only uses 1.5v!
axgrindr (Axe Grinder Distortion)
Nice sounding distortion pedal with blend controls and surprising
tubehead (Tubehead Guitar 2 channel preamp)
A stereo preamp. Hybrid system, uses 2 12AX7's to achive
tube coloration without the hassles of hefty transformers.
tubemicp (Tube Mic Preamp)
Similar to above, only one channel and optimized for mics,
includes a page of mods.
pcrat (The Rat)
A distortion pedal. Model and revision unknown. Based on diode
clipping with a tone control.
pcratb (The Rat)
Same as above but newer (?) revision, type B. Only uses one
bipolar transistor where as the other uses two FETs.
Simple op-amp diode based distorter.
Transitor based distortion circuit.
_________________________________Uni Chord_________________________________
univibe (Univibe)
Pedal used by Hendrix to simulate rotating speaker cabs.
unvbachk &
unvbbchk (Univibe check plots)
Check Plots for R.G. Keen's univibe pcb layout.
unvbapcb &
unvbbpcb (Univibe pcb layouts)
Layouts for two versions of univibe circuits by R.G. Keen.
univibe.txt (textfile)
File to explain the above files.
uvspfuzz (Super Fuzz)
Fuzz. Uses all transistors... 2n2222's. Produces an octaving
voxtb (Tone Bender)
Similar to the Fuzzface. Vintage fuzz from the days of Paul Revere
and the Raiders.
voxtreb (Treble Booster)
This simple treble booster also includes mods on how to turn it
into a fuzz device.
________________________________Dan Armstrong______________________________
bclipper (Blue Clipper)
The circuit of the plug-in-the-guitar distorter from Dan Armstrong.
It's a back-to-back diode clipper driven by an op amp.
grnring1 (Green Ringer)
Wierd ring modulator type effect.
=============================Effects - Home Brew===========================
3btone (3 Band Tone Circuit)
Simple tone control from Graff`s Encyclopedia of Electronic
Circuits. Could be hacked into a pedal easily.
4bandeq (4 Band Equilizer Circuit)
Simple eq circuit, pretty straight forward.
angrybd3 (Angry Beard 3)
I won't claim this is the best fuzz out there. Its a very simple
circuit and sounds pretty grungy but it gets the job done. Uses a
overdriven germanium transistor.
brighten (Signal Brighteners)
One circuit brightens the signal across the entire audio spectrum,
has two controls for treble and bass brightening. The other just boosts
upper frequencies.
electra (Circuit similar to Electra Fuzz)
This circuit is close to the circuit placed in Electra guitars at
one point in time to achive overdrive. Is said to sound surprisingly
like a TS-9.
eq (10-band EQ circuit)
Its a 10 band EQ, notch and boost fun.
geuoctv (Guitar Effects Unit)
This is a fuzz/octaver with full wave rectification. Sounds
pretty snazzy.
harmswtn (Harmonic Sweetener)
Possibly a selected frequency band distortion device, not unlike
the idea present behind Aphex sound enhancement.
mtsfuzz (Modified Tube Sound Fuzz)
A derivative of the Tube Sound Fuzz from Anderton. This one is
by M. Hammer, and sports a tone control as well as bright switch.
panner (Forrest Cook's VC Panner)
A volatage controlled panner designed for synths.
pipebomb (Pipe Bomb)
A tone/fuzz mechanism based on piping a guitar through a piece of
PVC tubing to change the tonal characteristics. Gets wicked feedback if
you put it to close your amp, lots of fun, very grungy.
screverb (Stage Center Reverb)
A sample of spring reverb circuit from an old Guitar Player.
Article is by Craig Anderton.
tremoloc (Tremolo Circuit)
Basic modulation uses transistors, has rate and depth controls.
tonebstr (Tone Booster)
Circuit used to bring out clarity in sound.
tubedist (Tube Distortion)
Uses real tube, 12AU7A to be exact.
cln9powr (Ultra Clean +9v DC Power Supply)
The name says it all.
smixer (Simple Mixer)
Try you effects in parallel, its pretty neat but you'll
need one of these to do it.
spreader (EM Stereo Spreader)
Subtractive stereo spreader, kit available from PAiA.
bassman (Fender Bassman - Tweed)
Great old tube amp that uses 12AX7s an