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Make Your Own Web Page!

Have you ever considered making your own children's ministry web page? Why not give it a try! It's easy, and best of all it's free! If you are like me, I had no idea how to create a web page, but after much investigation, I figured it out! To make it easy, I have put together a page on how you can make your own page. Why not get started right away! Share your ideas with others, and help others minister to kids effectly too!

Some pages you may wish to include....

How to get Started:

Go to the Angelfire home page, Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages and sign up for your free page! It's easy, no cost involved! Then, once you pick your title for your page, you are ready to get creative! Angelfire makes it easy. All you have to do is fill out the provided form to choose your background color, your font color, link color etc.

To make links to other pages, you need to make a new file. Give it a name, and then add the link to your index page, so that people can click on it, and see the "next page". You can find detailed information on how to do all this from the Angelfire homepage, or from a very helpful source, Dave's Answer Page - for Angelfire web page makers. Once you understand the basic form, then you can get a little more advanced. Be sure to read the "basic html" page found on the Angelfire home page. You can change your format from "Basic Editor" to "Advanced Editor". This will allow you to be much more creative. You can change the layout of your page, add more graphics, and anything else you can think of.

Here are some links to some graphics pages I have found useful when creating web pages.

Making Your Own Graphics

I have spent hours and hours surfing the net for the "perfect" graphics. Many times, I left frustrated, because it took so long to find graphics sites that I liked, and then for all the graphics to load up, and only to find they didn't really have what I was looking for. So, I decided to make my own. It was time consuming, and I had no idea what I was doing when I started. I downloaded a program called Paint Shop Pro. It seemed to be the program that web graphic designers use. If you click on the link in the previous line, you will go to their home page. Look for "download here". Once I installed the program, I was very confused about how it worked. So, I did a search on the net for "Paint Shop Pro" and I found several sites that had helpful hints. I wanted to make buttons for my page. I found a site that said "how to make buttons". I have listed a few links for you, so you can find some hints to help You! It takes some patience, but eventually, you will end up with just what you were looking for!

Be sure to email me when you have your page up and running so I can add it to my links page. It doesn't have to have lots of information. You can add more and more ideas and things you have done in your kids' ministry as you have time. That's the great thing about web pages. You can always add more stuff! Have fun!