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How to Make Kids and Stuff Your Start Up Page!

 If you are using Netscape Navigator, Release 3 or prior:

  1. Under the "Options" menu, select "General Preferences".
  2. Under the "Appearance" tab, in the "Startup" box, click the button, selecting "Browser Starts With:  Home Page Location".
  3. Type ""  in the box  immediately underneath.
  4. Click "OK".

 If you are using a newer release of Netscape Navigator:
  1. Under the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
  2. Click the button selecting Navigator starts with "Home page".
  3. In the Home page "Location" box, type ""
  4. Click "OK".

 If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer:
  1. Under the "View" menu, select "Options".
  2. Under the "Navigation" tab next to "Page", select "Start Page".
  3. Next to "Address", type ""
  4. Click "OK".

 If you are using the AOL browser:
  1. Click on "Prefs" in the browser menu.
  2. Change the address of the home page to ""
  3. Click on "OK".

Many thanks to Cybergrace for this information!
