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Poems written by me


Oh, how i wish for a change of place
A new dimension in time or space

Out the door
I wish i could
or fly
or die
just to get away

Away from all the people i have nothing in common with
some times i wish i was living in a fairy-tale or a myth
that would be better than this.


Written by Kristin H.

Rain is what we need
to grow, live and be strong
Without rain everything would be the same
Rain teaches us to
And be strong
To hope for a bright and sunny day
We just have to remember
there WILL come a sunny day soon,
the weather will change
and life will go on
Everything will be great
no loss
But, the rain is here and it can't be ignored
One day we will awake into a new day
Our spirits will be forever changed
and all the shadows will be gone
But, for now all there is


My Place

Written by Kristin Horak

It is where i go when i am sad,
Where i go when i am hurt,
Where i go when i just don't know what to feel.
This is where the confusion sets in
and all the feelings come out
A safe place where thoughts are an everyday thing,
Life is constantly discussed
And problems are solved.
In this place all secrets are shared
And furniture is left untouched.
Transportation is not needed to go to this place,
All you need is
A mind,
And the power to understand.

Lost in a dream

Written by Kristin H

The clock ticks
Her hands are sweaty.
She is shaking with fear.
What is going to happen now?
She wonders
The thoughts race through her mind as she tries to calm down.
I didn’t….
But I did….
The frustration is settling in.
Her mind is drifting away.
The bell rings
She runs out of the room gasping for air.
The pain suddenly vanishes and she runs away
Never to return the her dark place again.


Written by Kristin Horak

A hard thing to find
A hard thing to keep
The feeling of security when you are with friends.
Emptiness, when you are alone
Over time friends will come and go
You will meet new people and try new things
The people you card for will always be there for you.
Good times
Bad times
Great times
Sad times
Many things can happen when you have friends.
You may fight, but true friends can
Never be broken apart.
If it is ment to be
It will be.
If it's not
It's not.
But friends will always remain in your


Written by Kristin Horak

Punch me for talking
Kick me for caring
Hurt me for lying
Kill me for crying
Murder me for trying to make you understand
Hurt me for not being good enough
Torture me for being too great
No matter what I do
I can not please you
This will be my fate.

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