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Practical Links for People with Lupus

Know Your Rights
Coping with Lupus
Alternative Medicine
What is lupus?
Lupus is an autoimmune disease -- the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. Lupus can affect the joints, heart, kidneys, and brain. There is no cure, yet. For a detailed definition see Symptoms of Lupus.

Know Your Rights

Health Insurance

Health insurance is essential for anyone with lupus. There are laws that help people with chronic illnesses get and keep insurance. All of these laws have limitations so research them further to see which might apply to your situation. Please realize that I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

Links to General Health Insurance Issues
Managed Care
Links for People Who Have Pre-existing Conditions

Employment Rights under the ADA

Do you know of any good legal or political web sites? I am always looking new links to add to this page. Submit a URL




Lupus is a disease that affects mostly women, especially African-American women. Traditionally, diseases that affect primarily women are considered less important than other diseases, and that low status is shown by the amount of money that the government spends on lupus research. Things are slowing changing; the law now requires that women and minorities be included in medical studies. Following are some bills designed to improve the lives of people with lupus.

Legislation and Issues

Political Action

Links to Other Lupus Sites

Large lupus sites Lupus Foundation of America Lupus Home Page MCLFA
Other lupus sites On the Road: Stories of Lupus Our Circle of Friends Homepage Lupus & Scleraderma

Lupus Awareness
This Lupus Awareness Ring site is owned by Legi B
Want to join the The Lupus Awareness Ring?
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This web page is educational only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice.

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