Lusitano Horse
The Pureblood Lusitano Horse
The Lusitano horse is one of the world's most ancient breeds of horses, and one of the most pure.
The Lusitano horse has been bred as a saddle horse for thousands of years in its native land, the Iberia peninsula, which is modern day
Portugal and Spain. In Portugal it is known as the Pureblood Lusitano Horse (after Lusitania, the Roman name for modern day Portugal) and in Spain, as
the Spanish Pure Race Horse.
The Lusitano horse was the ultimate war horse of the middle ages, became the premier high school horse during the renaiscance period, and in
modern times, has become the ultimate sport horse, easily trained and handled, and excels at dressage, jumping, three day eventing, carriage driving and as a personal
mount. The Lusitano Horse is very versatile, and highly competitive under saddle.
Please visit the following pages for more information, or contact Royal Iberian Lusitanos, by clicking the e-mail sign.
Member of the Associacao Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro-Sangue Lusitano
Email: luis.mendonca@gbd.com