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I Believe

Angels are intelligent beings, capable of feelings, yet of a different species. This means we can't percieve them ordinarily with our eyes and ears, but they can percieve us. The word "Angel" is the latin word for "messenger." Angels are messengers of God and are the collective group of beings -citizens of "inner space." Some people believe that Angels are the thoughts of God, and others believe that they just send us messages that God would like us to know when we ask for help and guidance. There are many types of Angels, and one of the closest Angels that work with us are our Guardian Angels. They are always by us, watching us, and ready and willing to help us. Angels work with our souls, in conjunction with Universal Mind, to help us raise our sights and spirits and the goodness that exists within everything. Angels are loving, caring beings who help us in loving, caring ways. We are living in a new era of spirituality. We are coming out of an era of materialism. And Angels -with or without wings- are making a comeback. They have always been with us in every time and culture. In the last few hundered years we have come to believe that something is real only if we can see it through a microscope or a telescope. But no telescope will ever be powerful enough to see into the Angelic realms. So we begin to truly comprehend the we're not alone. That there is help and guidance all around us. And so we start opening up to the state of gratitude in which miracles can occur!


  The Archangel Michael, whose name means 'who is as God', is generally considered to be the foremost of the seven archangels and the leader of the Host of Heaven. He derives originally from the Chaldeans by who he was worshiped as something of a god. He is the chief of the order of virtues, Prince of the presence, angel of repentance, righteousness, mercy and sanctification: also ruler of the 4th Heaven, tutelary sar (angelic prince). He is the prince who defended the Israelites and later, it was claimed, the Christian Church, when as guardian he may be called on (sometimes with Gabriel) to defend church doors against the evil angels. According to the Book of Revelations, Michael and his angels' are described as fighting the dragon and his angels. Hence Michael is often shown fighting or overcoming a dragon armed with spear or sword as God's Warrior. 

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There are two ways to spread the light, To be the candle or
the mirror that reflects it!



Watching from above
send you messages of love...
Because they know the pain you feel
and that you need their care to heal...
Through their loving, kind devotion
they'll set your world in spiritual motion...
And just as winter warms into spring
a new awakening they will bring...
Today your heart is filled with sadness
Tomorrow's dawn will bring you gladness...
And you will know that it's in God's love
That Angels watch you from above...

By, Elizabeth Lucas


Standing Watch...

We have one Angel standing watch
above us as we sleep...
Another gathers up the hopes
and dreams we wish to keep...
One Angel is the tiny voice
that whispers in our ears...
With words of love and comfort
to conquer grief and fears...
Of course we have one Guardian,
one friendship keeper too...
Another just to help us mend
the thoughtless things we do...
We have a Guardian of love
who protects our Destiny...
And helps us with our soulmate
who with we were meant to be...
We have a host of Angels
that keep us company...
In order that we become
the best that we can be...

By, Anonymous


To Love An Angel

The Angel came to me one night,
when I was very sad...
She said she had come to thank me
for helping her when no one else had...
She saw a tear fall from my eye
and looked at me in dismay...
And just as soon as she had come
she quickly flew away...
I really didn't understand
I thought she didn't care...
But it wasn't long after she left
that I heard someone was there...
She understood the pain I felt
for she had felt it too...
And she did the only thing
that she could think to do...
I saw a figure there in the dark
and before he stepped into the light...
I knew that my Angel had sent him here
she was trying to set things right...
She had sent me an Angel to stop my tears
from the beautiful Heavens above...
She tried to help me the way she knew how
by replacing the sorrow with love...
And I truly did love him, that I knew
as I felt my heart drown in his eyes...
And he lifted me up into his arms
and we sored into the skies...
I finally knew for the first time in my life
that I would never again be alone...
And then I had a strange feeling, and I saw
that I had grown wings of my own...
We flew together on the current of love
and finally felt whole...
And then he surprised me, yet again
and kissed me, and touched my soul...
The moral of the story is the same as the first
And forevermore is this:
Nothing can heal a broken heart
like the power of an Angels' kiss...

By, Jada Andrews

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