What do you think of my site?
**Important!! OK, this form works for some people, NOT ALL PEOPLE CAN USE THIS FORM. To find out if it works for you, DON'T fill out the Form below right now. Instead use this form:
, and if I email you soon after and say ok, then that means this form will work for you, but if you receive no reply after about a week (at the MAXIMUM) then just email your answer to me At: mark.64@home.com You can avoid all this confusion by just plain emailing your comments to me in the first place. ^_^ thanx for your time.

Your Name: 
Your Nickname: 
Your Email: 

Male or

How old are you?
13 and under ?
14-18 ?
Older than that ?

Is my page:
I can't believe I'm here filling out this stupid form, cuz this is the worst page on the net!!

What section did you look at first?

What is your favorite section?

Who is your Fav webmaster?
Hate 'em all

If this was your page, what would you change?

Do you have any suggestions or comments or things you'd like to see on my page??