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January 4, 2000

Mr. Mason Johnson
NEX North Island
Computer Specialist

Dear Mason,

I would like to thank you for all your hard work and especially for the cooperation in helping with sales with your fellow associates. You have proven to be an exceptional associate with a great knowledge of computers and your ability to help the military personnel, retired and active to obtain the merchandise they were looking for. In the year or so that I have worked with you, the department has gained in knowledge, sales, customer service and a good working relationship with the associates throughout the North Island Exchange.

You have provided me with different ideas to improve business as well as given examples of how we could improve communication. Any new computer news that is important to the department that you have gotten from the Internet you have given me or shared with your fellow associates. The standards for computers you have consistently kept in place. The department will miss your expertise in signing, and your ready help in pricing, transfers, dusting, and keeping records of any pertinent information readily handy.

You have been a good example to the department because of your excellent attendance record. No matter what the circumstance for the day, you continually are congenial and very helpful. I personally will miss your knowledge and the genuine personality you have shown to all you come in contact with. I hope that you accomplish all that you desire for your career and that you keep in contact with us here at North Island.


/s/Yolie Osuna

Yolanda Osuna
Department Manager
Sight & Sound Department

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