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The Writer's Corner



The eye of the Creator rested for a time upon the blackness of the void spread endlessly before Him; Presently God formed a plan, and in His mind conceived the workings Of a universe so finely honed and of such pleasing form That mortal minds would strive to codify its essence and to ferret out its principles throughout man's stay in time; Of galaxies to fill that void with starshapes without number, Each one glimmering its mysteries across a timeless space; Of awe-inspiring, rainbowed planets oft' with moons reflecting their suns' fire. And so, when God had seen these things in dreams - had seen the good in them - He roused Himself from reverie; With but a gesture did he spangle Heaven's fabric with a trillion twinkling stars, And as He deftly waved His hands across that marvel of first dawn, He watched with pleasure only He could know, As from His fingertips long ribbons trailed Of planets And of moons…

16 June 1980

If you are just a glutton for punishment and wish to abuse yourself more, check out my Poems From Guam.

Last Update:08Jun00

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