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Ascii Art Flowers2!

     -=[ lotus flower ]=-    

          __.=./\ / \ /\.=.__
         (-.'-;  |   |  ;-'.-)
            \ `\/     \/` /
             ;  `\   /`  ;
             |    | |    |
              \\/^\ /^\//
               \   `   /


     -=[ May basket ]=-   

             {\}        .--.     (\/)
             {-(\/)  .=<\__{}   (=()=)
         .--.{(=()=)/@  '--'(\/)q_p=.--.

               .='               ',
              / }`""`""`""`""`""`{ \
             { }        .--.     (\/)
             { (\/)  .=<\__{}   (=()=)
         .--.{(=()=)/@  '--'(\/)q_p=.--.
             {d^(-()-)\) (=()=)  (\/)\
             /  @(/\)q_p  (/\)@ (=()=)
            /        d^(\/)@q_p  (/\)@\
           {          (=()=)d^b        }
           {           (/\)            }
           {                           }
            \                         /
             \                       /



     -=[ basket of flowers w/bow ]=-  

                            _       _
                  _.=;;;;;;/ '.,-,.' \
                .:="`   _ _\_.'\_/'._/
               //_ _   (_I_)  / | \
              ||(_I_) (_>@<_)/_/_\ \
              |(_>@<_)_(_I_) (_I_)\|_




     -=[ basket w/flower arrangement ]=-   
              |-; /\/'8._.'/\8o |.-;
            .-\  \|=\8o_,o8o.; / .'-.
           `-._.-"\/"o/ \8_'-.|\_/`.
               (_.__=,\.' _ =  __) 
               (__._.__,` - __,_.)
                \_    =-__      /
                 `-. ________.-'


     -=[ lilies ]=-    

          (.--; ,--')_,
              | ;--.)
          .-. |.| .-.
             \|\|/ .-.
            `\|/|/` '

     -=[ tulip ]=-   
           | \/   |
           | |    |
           \ \    /
              ||  ,
          |\  ||  |\
          | | ||  | |
          | | || / /
           \ \||/ /


     -=[ tulips ]=-  

                  /` \.-.{/ \
                 /  .' ; '.  \
                 | /       \ |
                 |/         \|
                 T      :    Y
                 |      :    ;
                 |      :    |
           |\.   \     :     /
           | \'.  '.  .    .'
           | |  \   `"T=T"`
           | /   \    | |
           |` :   |   | |
           \   :  |   | |    _ 
            |   .  \  | |  /` `-._
            |   :   | | | |   .'  /'.
            \   .   | | | |  .   |   `\
            |       | | | |      /     |
            |   '    \| | | :   /'-.   |
             \   '   || |/  ;   |   \  /
             |   :   ;| ||  .   |   '-'
             \   :   || |/ ;    /
              |   '  ;| |  '   |
               \  :  || | '   /
                `\ ' \| ;'   /
                  `\' | |  /`
                    `\| |/`
                      | |
                      | |
                      | |

                 | / .  \ |
                 |;   :  :|
                 \(   :  )/
                |\   ||
                \ \  ||
                 | | ||
                 | | ||   /|
                 \  \||  / /
                  \ ||| | |
                   | || | |
                    \||/  /
                     ||| /
                     || |

     -=[ woman tending to her garden ]=-   
           _         ___
         _(_)_    .-'   '-.
        (_)@(_)  /         \  ,,,   _
          (_),,, \^^^^|^^^^/ {{{}}_(_)_
           |{{{}} \   |   /,  ~Y~(_)@(_)
           | ~Y~(@)\  |  /{}} \|/  (_)
         (\|/)| \Y/ \ | / ~Y~ \|/ (\|/)
          \|/\|/\|/  \|/  \|/\\|//\\|//


     -=[ maibox ]=-  
              | | mail |
                  ||   www
           ,;,    ||   )_(,;;;,
           <_>  \ ||   \|/ \_/
           \|/  \\||  \\|   |//


     -=[ bouquet of flowers ]=-  

               (\/(/\)@| (-{}-)
                (/\)|:   |
                   /::'   \
                  /:::     \
                 |::'       |
                 |::        |
                 \::.       /


     -=[ more flowers]=-   

              wWWWw               wWWWw
        vVVVv (___) wWWWw         (___)  vVVVv
        (___)  ~Y~  (___)  vVVVv   ~Y~   (___)
         ~Y~   \|    ~Y~   (___)    |/    ~Y~
         \|   \ |/   \| /  \~Y~/   \|    \ |/
        \\|// \\|// \\|/// \\|//  \\|// \\\|///

     -=[ four leaf clover ]=- 

            ( /|\ )       __
             '-'-'`-.__.-'  `-


     -=[ 4 leaf clover ]=-   
                       _  _
                     /` \/ `\
                   _ \      / _
                 /` '.'.  .'.' `\
                 '.  _'.\/.'_  .'
                 .'`  .'/\'.  `'.
                 \._.'.'  '.'._./
                     /      \


     -=[ acorn ]=-
              |`       `|
              |         |
              `\       /'

     -=[ maple leaf ]=-

                  . |`|/| .         


          -=[ leaves ]=-   
                       . |`|/| .

             `>.-' |\'-.<`
             /.-' /|'\'-.\
               ' |.|\| '

                    /.'|\ \
                    | /|'.|
                     \ |\/


     -=[ fall leaves  ]=-   

                    }`-.   ,          ,
                    \ \ '-' \      .-'{
                    _} .  | ,`\   /  ' ;    .-;\
                   {    \ |    | / `/  '-.,/ ; |
                   { -- -.  '  '`-, .--._.' ;  \__
                    \     \ | '  /  |`.    ;    _,`\
                     '. '-     ' `_- '.`;  ; ,-`_.-'
                 ,--.  \    `   /` '--'  `;.` (`  _
              .--.\  '._) '-. \ \ `-.    ;     `-';|
              '. -. '         __ '.  ;  ;     _,-' /
               { __'.\  ' '-,/; `-'   ';`.- `   .-'
                '-.  `-._'  | `;     ;`'   .-'`
                  <_ -'   ` .\  `;  ;     (_.'`\
                  _.;-"``"'-._'. `:;  ___, _.-' |
              .-'\'. '.` \ \_,_`\ ;##`   `';  _.'
             /_'._\ \  \__;#####./###.      \`
             \.' .'`/"`/ (#######)###::.. _.'
              '.' .'  ; , |:.  `|()##`"""` 
               `'-../__/_\::   /O()()o


     -=[ dandelion ]=-   

            .'. ':. ' :'.
           '`' : `. `: ':'
          : : '.'. .'.':.`:
          :' -`= `+ .= - `:
          :.' .'.' :.'.`:':
           : : .:`' .:`.':
            '.: . :`. :.'
                  \       _
                   \    /`/
             _      |__/:/_  
             \`\    |\ :  /
             _\:\_  /\ : /_
             \ : /_/\  :  /
             _\ : /_/ : /`
             \  :  /.'/`
              `\ :/'/``

     -=[ Ode to Princess Diana ]=-   

             PAPARAZZI                             DRUNK DRIVING
            .-'`\-,/^\ .-.                     .-. /^\,-/`'-.
           /    |  \  ( ee\   __         __   /aa )  /  |    \
          |     |  |__/,--.`"`  `,     ,'  `"`.--,\__|  |     |
          |    /   .__/    `"""",/ D I \,""""`    \__.  \     |
          |   /    /  |   _____________________   |  \   \    |
         .'.-'    /__/   |-._`-._ :| |: _.-'_.-|   \__\   '-. '.
        `"`| |';-;_`     |   `-._`:| |:`_.-'   |     `_;-;'| |`"`
           |/ /-))-))    |-------`-' '-'-------|   -(-((-(-\ \|
                         |------_.-. .-._------|
                         |  _.-'_.:| |:._`-._  |
                         |-'_.-'  :| |:  `-._`-|
                    .---.,       \ 
                    `----'      ,/


     -=[ England's Rose ]=-   
             .--'|}        "Goodbye England's rose,
            /    /}}   may you ever grow in our hearts.
          .=\.--'`\} You were the grace that placed itself
         //` '---./`      where lives were torn apart.
         ||  /|
          \\| |          You called out to our country,
        |\_\\/         and you whispered to those in pain.
        \__/\\              Now you belong to heaven,
             \\        and the stars spell out your name."
     -=[ dandelions ]=-   

          _ ';:;;'
          >'. ||  _
          `> \||.'<
            `>|/ <`


            .;:;:.     `::`
            ::;:':      /
          _ ';:;;'     `
          >'. ||  _
          `> \||.'<
            `>|/ <`


                   `    `;:`
             .;:;        /
             ::;        `
           _ ';:;;'
           >'. ||  _
           `> \||.'<
             `>|/ <`


           _   ||
           >'. ||  _
           `> \||.'<
             `>|/ <`



     And then in a short time like this:

                 `  `;:`
            .;:;     /  .;:;.       .;:;;,      .;:;:,
            ::;     `  ::;;':       ::;;':      ::;;':
          _ ';:;;'     ';:;;'       ';:;;'      ';:;;'        
          >'. ||  _  >'. ||  _    >'. ||  _   >'. ||  _   \/   |_| /\ /\
          `> \||.'<  `> \||.'<    `> \||.'<   `> \||.'<   /\     | \/ \/
            `>|/ <`    `>|/ <`      `>|/ <`     `>|/ <`
             `||/`      `||/`        `||/`       `||/`
Ascii Art Index!