The Fury of the Aquabats!

Small Bat The Fury of the Aquabats! Small Bat

The Fury of The Aquabats!
Featured Songs

Super Rad! (RA)
Red Sweater! (RA)
Magic Chicken! (RA)
Fight Song! (RA)
Cat with 2 Heads! (RA)
The Story of Nothing! (RA)
Captain Hampton and the Midget Pirates!
Martian Girl! (RA)
Attacked by Snakes!
Idiot Box!
Powdered Milk Man! (RA)
My Skateboard! (RA)
Phantasma del Mar!
Lobster Bucket!
Theme Song! (RA)
Playdough! (RA)

The Fury of the Aquabats

(When we last left our team of super heroes and lovers...)

In order to liberate the Aquabats Homeland (The lost continent of Aquabania) from the evil clutches of the great and abominable Space Monster 'M', the Professor had launched the Aquabats on a full global assault to take over the world through music.

As our saga continues, we find that things have not fared so well for our friends. They took day jobs and toured the suburbs in an ice cream truck selling Aqua-Pops and lemon pica in order to just to survive, let alone dominate the world.

Then, tragedy strikes! Space Monster 'M' placed a bounty on the heads of the Aquabats calling forth villains from all corners of the universe, evil foes such as: Gas Face, The Powdered Milk Man, The Zorilla, El Demonico, The Silver Skull, The Specter, Grungor, The Sandfleas, and even Grandma Peterson along with a countless swarm of others to make things a little worse for our struggling heroes. Space Monster 'M' dispatched this army of the universe's most crummy bad guys to seek out and destroy the Aquabats.

As a result of these onslaughts injury strikes, and the Aquabats are forced to recruit old friend and mercenary, The Baron Von Tito, to replace Rod on drums. Then suddenly a vicious Cupid attacks Ben the Brain with sleepless vengeance as he finds himself married and later a father to a family much too adorable for musical crime fighting adventures, leaving the Aquabats brainless. To top it off keyboardist and pancake maker, Nacho, takes a break to pursue his solo career in "Nine Inch Nachos" (Huge in Europe). So the Professor and Catboy scramble to rebuild this legion and invent a multi-talented android known as Jaime the Robot out of the-dessert-you'll-always-have-room-for and video game parts. Then, miraculously, the mysterious Ultra Kyu returned from the swamps of the nowherelands to reconstitute the Aqua-Battalion. Along side their allies, the Magic Chicken, the Wrestling Roadies, the Pigbat and Manboy, the Aquabats were once again prepared to do battle.

Still the threat continues, not only is Aquabania in distress, but we find that America and possibly the entire planet is faced with potential calamity from this intergalactic tyrant. Outnumbered and distraught, are the Aquabats done for? What opposition lies ahead? Did I leave the iron on? Stay awake kids as this story unravels. Just remember what counts - It's not the size of the battle...It's the FURY.


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Aquabats pictures taken from The Official Aquabats' Page