Powdered Milk Man!

Powdered Milk Man!

Powdered Milk Man! in Real Audio format
(Taken from the Song Downloads page)

The wind blows, and I see dust. A cloud of white upon the horizon
My pallet knows, this is a bust, breakfast is wrecked for the chidren of the nation
These cheerios, soggy and tainted, have gone to waste in this milk of devastation
Taste is based from the bones of zombies, the dust is ground
It's not safe to eat or drink when powdered milk's around

Call in the troops cause here's a scoop for you and your group
There's a drink around town and it tastes like foo
The man in the tin suit bearing bitter fruit
Breakfast cereal turns to soup, tastes like puke

Oh no! It's the Powdered Milk Man. Oh no! Holding the Powdered Milk can
The super villain comes a creepin' when you're sleepin'
And must be stopped anyway we can

You stand before me, I will defeat you. You will not break me, I will not take you
You're just another, unearthy poison. Someone will stop you, you and your kind, step back!
Whoa ho ho ho, Powdered Milk Man. Whoa ho ho, you must die!
Whoa ho ho ho, Powdered Milk Man. Whoa ho ho ho whoa!



Whoa ho ho ho, Powdered Milk Man. Whoa ho ho, you must die!
Whoa ho ho ho, Powdered Milk Man. Whoa ho ho, he must die!

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