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Pointless Depressing Poetry

Yes !

This Page has been updated, it is now even shittier as of March 8th, 00

Sorry about the pop-up window, but it seems that the facists behind angelfire have decided that we can't have just plain, old, freedom of speech without constant bombardment of advertisements.... oh well, fuck them, at least this is still free money wise........


"We've got to regain knowledge again, and we've got to regain an understanding again, of who we are. Not just those chosen to fuel systems, but individuals who have the power to criticize and analyze, and attack injustice when it becomes prevalent and apparent in front of our faces like it is in ours right now. We've been all put to sleep. Put to sleep to a system. A system that continues to perpetrate ignorance amongst our spirit and amongst our minds. One that wants you not to act. A system that would rather see all of you at that bar drinking beer filling your minds being put to sleep with beer or with drugs rather than acting against it and fighting a system which has been perpetrating imperialist lies and other fucking bullshit for five hundred years. So fuckin drink up or fuckin wake up. Your part of the solution or your part of the fuckin problem. I am sick and tired of my own complacence in my life and I know I'm fuckin sick of yours. So wake up and stop fuckin sleeping. Wake Up."

Zach de la Rocha, of RATM, from the famous speech on 02/02/93 Stokholm at the Melody

The world itself is but a large prison,out of which some are daily led to execution.

Sir Walter Raleigh

"Religion is the Opiate of the Masses"

                      - Karl Marx

The Hiddeousness That is....

My Poetry

And of course, where would this page be if you couldn't read my lame poems.....they really do suck, so be forewarned....

Rad Lyrics

Music is poetry in's corny..but it's true...

Chill Poems

Cool poems by other people....hope you dig

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