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My First Concert Experiance

Well, this weekend I got to go see Aerosmith at the Hollywood Bowl. It started off like any other day. I woke up, went to school. But then it changed. I left after lunch. Jumped into our Lincoln Tank (rental car). And we were off for Hollywood!

On the way, we listened to many bands. Some Aerosmith, Ozzy, Social Distortion, Brian Setzer Orchestra and then some...I think. Anyway, we arrived at our hotel, the Hyatt West Hollywood, (where the fanclub was also staying). We then noticed a limo parked outside of the hotel, and on the side was painted....Litte Richard. I was pretty excited about that, after dropping our stuff in our rooms we went hunting for him. But were unsuccessful.

Around 5:30 or so we left the hotel and went to the Guitar Center. I plugged in to a huge amp and started playing Aerosmith... Im sure it was well apreciated. Then around 6:20 we left for the concert. Seeing as how they said cameras were not allowed, I took pictures of everthing else on the way.

We then walked in, and I bought a T-shirt and a Tour Book. $25. for the T-Shirt and $20. for the book! DAMN! But then again, it was well worth it. We then went up and found our seats. They were pretty good. We could see everything. All of a sudden a lady behind me said "Oh my god there he is!" (not an exact quote) She was looking at Steven Tyler who was signing autographs in the pit area. So I grapped my Tour Book and a pen, and ran down there. Security was blocking off the section, but when he turned around, a group of people walked right by, so I figured... What the hell. I looked up at my friend Jourdan, who then motioned for me to go in. I turned around and ran for it. Yeah! I made it in. But to get to Steven Tyler I would have to get past Secret Service esqe security. I gave up when they told me to find my seat. I returned empty haned. Oh well, at least I tried. Then the show started.

Johnny Lang came out and played his set. During which me and my friend Joey ran to rent some binoculars which needed a Drivers License or $35. bucks to rent them. So once again, I came back empty handed.

When we returned. There was a guy sitting in the seat next to mine with a beer in his hand. He started talking to me and seemed nice enough. Then he had some more beer, and more, and then some more on top of that. All of a sudden he became Dr. Love. He was telling me to hit on every girl in the section. I was telling him. "No, no thats alright, Im not like that." Yet he persisted, even while his wife was telling him to stop bugging me. All I could do was laugh.

Then the lights in the stadium went out. The Indian song from the begining of Taste of India started playing. Then we heard some bells, then Joe Perrys guitar. BOOM!!!! Fireworks exploded and they went into "Back In The Saddle." Everybody in the stadium stood up, including myself and started cheering. It was so cool. He started whipping his mike stand around while whip sounds were playing. Ha ha! But I would have to say one of the most memorable things was when they played "Dream On" and the whole audience lit lighters. It was the coolest sight to see. Their last song was "Dude Looks Like A Lady." Which was perfect! Then, just like that. It was over...ENCORE!!!!! They came out and said "Do you guys remember Doctor Demento?" I knew then they were going to play "Big 10 Inch Record" YEAH!!! That is one of my favorite songs, and from what I saw, my friends too. Then they played "What It Takes" and ended with "Sweet Emotion" which in the middle they stuck Led Zepplins "Dazed and Confused." Which was was very cool.

But what made the show great was they way they would stop songs, wait a minute, and then go into them again. They put songs in the middle of other songs. And they had the coolest fireworks that went off with the beats. Like in "Janies Got A Gun." Whenever they hit the base drum. A huge flash would go off, and my friend Trevor said that Tom Hamilton was hitting the base string with a mallet to make it louder. Then it was over. We all crowded out of the stadium. All 10,000 of us. On the way, I bought another T-Shirt, and so did Trevor. We then passed a guy who was still doing a singing puppet show outside. A guy with a megaphone yelling something about salvation (although Steven Tyler said "God Bless You" at the end of the show. So maybe we werent so bad off...hmm. Nevermind. Then we passed a guy playing a Sax and a keyboard, I told him he rocks and threw some change in his hat. We then saw this lady with a big poster board that Tower Records had out there. I said "That is so cool!" She replied with "Yeah, and nobody better F%@#$^$ touch it either!" Wow! I then said "Im not going to touch it, but its still cool" She smiled and went away.

We then made it to the street corner where we were to meet our ride, who was nowhere in sight. So we waited, watched guys trying to sell stolen Aerosmith shirts for $10. (at least I think they were stolen) I almost bought one too. But the guy was a little too supicious looking. So I told him I didnt have enough money. I actually had enough money to buy 6 of them from him. But he didnt know that. While we were waiting. We started to walk down the street looking for our car. We then heard shouting. "Yeah! Yeah!" We look up and these 2 girls were flashing these guys out of their hotel window! Wow! I couldnt see much, but my friend Jourdan seemed to like it. Anyway, Trevor's ride called us to see where our other ride was. It was nowhere to be found. So they came after us. Through Hollywoods terrible traffic. But then right before they got there. BOOM! Our other ride showed up. So we jumped in, called our other ride off. And were on our way. Although Trevor was afraid his parents would be all pissed at him. They werent. We stopped buy In And Out. Got some food. I had a Double Double and some fries, like you care to know what I had. And we went back to the hotel. We ordered Varsity Blues on the movie thing, which turned out to suck. I fell asleep towards the end. Then I woke up just in time to see my friend Joey leaving for his room. Jourdan was passed out, Trevor was tired, and I was half asleep. So we turned out the light, and went to sleep with the sound of the Sunset Stip below us.

We then woke up in the morning. Packed up, had a sweet role and a Pepsi, (what a breakfast) and left. I fell asleep on the way home. I woke up right as we pulled into town. I got dropped off at my house, went inside, said "Hi" to my mom, talked about the concert a little (she was on the phone) and sat down at my computer to type this while it was still fresh in my mind.

While this is called my first concert experiance. Their was more about my wondering around Hollywood written, and the reason is, I cannot describe the concert. It was too cool. I'd write out the set list, but I dont remember it. I was mezmorized by the show. There was so much more I wanted to write, like about all the Aerosmith fans we met at the Hotel. When we were in an elevator, I told a guy to "Walk This Way" I laughed but everyone else in the elevator just tried to ignore my poor attempt at humor. I knew it was a bad joke when I was saying it. I also saw Aerosmiths plate on the "Hollywood Rock Walk" While was just outside the Guitar Center. I took some pictures, Jourdan got one of my with my hand in Steven Tylers Print. May 7th 1999 was a day I will never forget. It was a dream come true. It was on the list of 3 things I wanted to do before I die. I dont know what the other 2 really are, but I think one of them is See Aerosmith Again! Ha ha! I probably wrote this more for myself, so I dont ever forget the events that happend. Just so I dont forget, sodas were $1.50 in the hotel...hmm that was pointless. Anyway.... I would just like to say thanks to all of the people involved in the trip, mainly my friends parents who drove us to Hollywood....I will go to another one, once is not enough. Maybe someday you will see me dancing along and singing at another Aerosmith concert.

And like I said to my friends when they gave me a wierd look for doing some nuts like making bad jokes in an elevator or any other wierd thing i did.

Shut up, Im having fun! -Joe Perry