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Meet Malcom Velonese

I am Malcom Velonese...This is my story. (All information is out of character unless otherwise stated)

Height 6'1" Weight 195lbs Hair long,black Eyes blue age 200 yrs born 1776 died 1807 sire Richard Velonese

Occupation hitman/ now club owner










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After being in Ashland for a few months Malcom ended up meeting Kirsten Deluna in the Rose Gardens and has since fallen for her greatly..Around the same time Malcom opened Club Gehenna in a town not far away. With buisness picking up and (un)life seemingly in order he returns to Ashland to scout sites for possibly another Club and as always looking to find the ever elusive Giovanni of Ashland


LIFE: at this point Malcom wasnt much more than a standard thug

DEATH: Malcom by trade was a hitman/thug for long time boss Richard Velonese(who was a smuggler among other dirty things).Doing his job well Malcom ended up coming into Richards eye one night after a paticular job had gone the fact that Malcom had saved everyone he could..Richard approched him and asked if Malcom was lookin to move up in the Family(the Velonese are Giovanni who changed their names back when Augustus offed the Capadocians) Malcom still being naieve at the time agreed and after a series of nights Malcom became a ghoul under Richard. Richard then told him little tid bits about "Kindred" and about the "Giovanni" what clans were and so on but not so much as to endanger his own place or plans...until the fateful night that Richards underhanded dealings caught up with him. Seems that Richard cheated some Tremere out of valuable information and had missled them..and they were here to collect in full. Using a mortal pawn(psychic) they found Richard three times after he fled the intial encounter...almost out of "loyal" kindred he embraced Malcom to protect him...but what he failed to realize or remeber was that the embrace is not in an instant..thus when the Tremere found, staked, and burned Richard, they left Malcom there..thinking Richard fed from him in an act of despration. After Malcom "awoke" he found the psychic the Tremere used and stuck his head on a poll in town and then left for the states where he emmersed himself in the occult..trying to find out all he could about the Giovanni and how to use spirits.Malcom had learned a valuable lesson that night his sire died..Knowledge of ones enemies will pay off and unprotected knowledge(like the psychic using clairvoyance) would be his ultimate goal. He then spent years in a new Family of Giovanni, this time learning to use spirits the same way as the other Giovanni use them and after he collected so many books(junk and authentic) on what he dee med "his goal" he found that his anger was gone....Now all he wanted to do was be different..find something that interested him and do he came to Ashland this is still under construction please bear with me

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