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Tomas Velonese


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Always on the lookout for unfound knowledge, Tomas wanders into Ashland after hearing of his cousins rather wonderus things to say during his stay(Malcom) He currently makes his home in Kingston Bay and can be found almost anywhere within Ashland And of course, during the late nights and early morning, one might just come across him wandering the graveyards ............searching..............

LIFE: at this point was merely an ecentric member of the family with a strong liking of the dead

DEATH: Tomas was yet another of the Giovanni family who fled to South Africa during the Death of Capadocious and the rise of Augustus. Much like his more dashing cousin Malcom, Tomas also worked for Richard Velonese(family crime boss) but for many different reasons. Tomas was kept well within the family due to his strong mind and ability to smooth talk deals between the family and helped keep them together. Where Malcom was the one with the brawn and could shoot a man long before he knew he was shot, Tomas already had a mind for the occult, and for someone of his age he knew a great deal more than he should have. This promted some of the family with grownign concern that they might lose him due to a breech of the Masquerade. Richard, not wanting to lose someone who could balance his books with ease( and this was ALL Tomas ever did for him) he had him ghouled. Setting that behind them Tomas was then engulfed into the Giovanni's favorite pastime, wraiths and the spirit world. Much like California's brushfires, his mind lit up with ideas and discoveries and burned with a passion none of the others had seen. Everything came to a halt one dreadful night when the Tremere of South Africa came to collect on an unpaid welched bet made by one Richard Velonese( see Malcom's background for more on this). During this time as Richards house was ransacked, Tomas wasnt seen, and it wasnt until three years later, in the New World (America) that Malcom saw Tomas again. Tomas explained that much like Richard embraced Malcom in an attempt to save his own skin, something similiar happened to Tomas. But their reason was to keep him safe and give him the means to continue his studies

Tomas never had Malcom anger towards the Tremere but the two most heartly indulged into the occult, amassing a library of junk and some authentic books to continue their quest for knowledge. But while Malcom was in need of revenge, Tomas was hungry, and needed more to sedate his thirst for the occult and things of the spirit. One night while sitting at the table together , Tomas had cooked something to eat. Shocked that Tomas wasnt depraved he asked how he could eat food, and Tomas replied "you cant?" Malcom shook his head and told him that his hate was gone, and with his hate died his obssessions for revenge and his whole life to the point. Tomas, who normally never is taken back by anything , was genounly shocked that his "partner" and "lean to" as it were was now taken away. After which Tomas and Malcom parted ways, Tomas still wanting the knowledge, but Malcom needing to wander the world and find himself again. Tomas spent a great deal more time in the occult, only this time, testing his "theories" on cruesome looking wraiths with enough hate to power NewYork.