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Marley and her Pups

This is my yellow lab Marley. I bought her for $50 when I lived in Utah. She was cheap for a AKC dog because she was the last pup left in her litter, the unwanted one. She was shy, small, and timid; basically the runt. However, maybe the runt is so used to fighting for everything that they become ambitious in there actions. This is the only explanation to as how she is such a great hunter. She was not professionally trained, but learned with duck wings, boat bumbers, and other experienced duck dogs. She has become one of the best dogs I have hunted over, including a pair of 'machines' that were trained at a 6 week facility.

About her only flaw is that she sometimes walks back with the bird, showing off in a way. She does great with doubles and triples, always bringing the cripples back first. I think that her carmel color really camoflages her in the tules where we usually hunt. If I sound like I am boasting, I am. I love my dog like a child and having her while bird hunting is about 75% of the fun. She just became a grandma about 3 weeks ago, and I already have dibs on one of the females. I probably shouldn't get a new dog, seeing that Marley is only 5, but I am determined to hang on to her genes for as long as I can. Although, ther will never be another Marley.

Marley's litter of pups
