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Afghanistan Through Lenses

Prior to the events of the early thirteenth century, there was an extensive urban civilization in the southern desert of what is now Afghanistan, particularly in the basin of the Helmand River.

Women are washing dishes at the entrance to a typical mud brick house. A cemetery is visible in the distance. Although there is no indication of this in the picture, the house sits at the base of a large hillside into which deep terraces are cut; a Zoroastrian Temple was situated here during the Kushan Period.

Winter, when the rains were just beginning to stimulate the growth of new grass. The region was probably once forested, but several millennia of human occupation have stripped it bare, and today grazing sheep and people foraging for firewood keep the hills free of trees.

A shepherd boy and his goats follow a trail along a cliff overhanging the Kunduz River.

A small channel can be seen on the far side of the river; this will irrigate fields further down the valley.

A flock of sheep and goats moves across the Kunduz hillside covered with grass and patches of colored flowers.

The Steppes of the Samangan Province

Lavender Flowers Near Maimana

Kunduz Valley

These people are going to the river in the late afternoon to wash and to fetch water.

These are the ruins of Tashkurghan, a city that once housed a thousand shops and a score of caravanserais. This was a stop on one of the many branches of the great "Silk Route," and also an important town on the road between India and Samarkand. It was the slave market for Uzbekistan.

The gates of Tashkurghan city were a part of a larger structure that had several levels with rooms and towers. The connecting walls and the arch above this gate have collapsed, and this is all that remains of one of the gates of the city.

Beautiful scenery along a hillside

The shadow of a ruined civilization at dusk

Travelers along a glaciery frozen waterfall

The patchy form of snow fallen on the mountains.

Aerial view of Kabul City

Independence Minaret in Kabul

The Shrine of Hadrat Ali (Rahimullah) in Mazar-e-Sharif

"Gumbazee"--Non-wood made homes in Mazar-e-Sharif

The fortress of Alexander the Great in Herat

Ancient walls of Herat

The Buddha statue in Bamyan. It reaches 175 feet high and is carved in the mountain.

View of Bamyan from the head of the Buddha

Takia Zafar situated in Paghman

A wooden bridge in the Valley of Panshir

No it's not Switzerland, it is actually the Province of Paktya.

The ancient Minaret of Ghazni.

The beautiful Band-e-Amir.

A scene from Kokcha River

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