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Afghanistan-related Jobs


List for 06-19 March 2004

Employment Opportunities


For Afghans Residing in the EU: Several Vacancies


 International Organization for Migration (



Organization Description The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM has become the leading international organization working with migrants and governments alike to address migration challenges, while also recognizing the enormous potential benefits of migration for countries of destination, for migrants themselves, and for their countries of origin. 



Job Location Afghanistan



Closing date 01 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Afghanistan is slowly recovering from the damage caused by more than 20 years of strife and instability. Qualified and highly qualified Afghans are being sought to help rebuild the country to its former greatness.


The International Organization for Migration's (IOM) Return for Qualified Afghans programme (EU-RQA), which is co-funded by the European Commission, is offering comprehensive assistance packages to qualified and highly qualified Afghans now residing in the EU who wish to return to their home country to work in the public and private sectors.


The EU-RQA programme focuses on the development of critical sectors in Afghanistan including: private businesses that provide goods and services in the domestic market, civil and social services, public infrastructure, and rural development.


The EU-RQA programme also offers a Self-Employment Option, whereby grants of up to

3 600 € per person are awarded to Afghans who wish to start their own small businesses.

Assignments are 6 months or 12 months in duration and include travel and reintegration assistance. Skilled Afghan women are encouraged to apply and will receive an extra per month allowance.


All qualified Afghans residing in the EU and holding at least a Bachelor's degree are encouraged to apply. The EU-RQA programme places qualified Afghans in one of the following areas: the public sector for the Afghan Transitional Administration, in private industry, or as a self-employed returnee. Afghans applying for the self-employment option must have previous professional experience in running a business.


The selection of candidates is dependent solely on the employer's needs. The EU-RQA programme will then contact successful applicants in order to arrange for their departure to Afghanistan.


Selected candidates can return for a 6-month or 12-month mission. The assistance package will vary according to the length of the stay, whether it is in the public or private sectors and the applicant's gender (skilled Afghan women will receive special benefits).


Please go to our website at: for additional information and an application.


Please note: these positions are open ONLY to Afghans currently residing in the European Union. 


Applications for this position should be sent to:


See our website at




Chief Protection Officer


 UN Development Programme (


Job Location Afghanistan (kabul)



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:






Post Title: Chief Protection Officer

Organizational Unit: UNDP/ANBP

Type of Appointment: ALD/3 - International

Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan

Duration: 6 months, with possibility of extension

Closing date of applications: 31 March 2004


Description of Duties


Based in Kabul, the Chief Protection Officer for DDR in Afghanistan reports to the ANBP Deputy Programme Director, and will be responsible to the ANBP Operations Advisor for assisting with the preparation and management of all security aspects relating to the implementation of the DDR program. The incumbent will have the following duties and responsibilities:


Duties and Responsibilities:


Undertakes security assessment missions to the field to analyze security factors and levels of risk related to ANBP activities and to evaluate existing security measures for the safeguarding of staff, property, premises of ANBP, private residences of ANBP staff members, and makes appropriate recommendations and arrangements for their improvement.



Prepares guidelines for , and is instrumental in implementing, enhanced security precautions/measures/standards for ANBP offices and MDU?s in the field; reviews country security/evacuation plans and proposes improvement/necessary changes; ensure that all staff are familiar with these plans.



Implements and controls security clearance mechanisms and procedures for ANBP and reports all breaches to the FSCO.



Briefs staff on radio communication procedures, convoy procedures, identification of explosive devices, identification of equipment required for security measures, security and evacuation procedures and other security issues and precautions to be taken.



Conducts training courses on a local basis on security issues/preparedness/ methodology/approaches/practical arrangements.



Coordinates on all security issues for ANBP with the FSCO (UNSECOORD).



Coordinates the efforts of the MDU Protection Officers.



Maintains updated security information, papers, prepares periodical situation reports ensuring that the Deputy Programme Director and Operations Advisor are kept informed of security issues.



Performs any other relevant duties.


Minimum Qualifications and Experience:


University degree in International Relations or other related fields. Military/police or security background is essential.

Ten years previous job experience including at least 2 years in an international capacity.

An excellent command of the English language is essential.

Ability to remain focused under pressure, with a commitment to working hard and for long hours.

Good computer skills, with familiarity of MS Word and MS Power Point.

Good interpersonal and diplomatic skills are essential.

Previous military experience is essential.

Experience with international organizations, preferably within Afghanistan, will be a distinct advantage.

Ability to start work at short notice.

Proven capacity to coordinate and motivate an important team formed by women and men from different cultures and nationalities;

Excellent communications skills;

Ability to work and act under pressure, and with discretion, in a politically sensitive environment, with a minimum of effort;


Languages: Excellent working knowledge of English. Dari or Pashtu knowledge a plus


Submission of Applications:


Please note that applications received after the closing date (i.e. 31 March 2004) will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


The application comprises of one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post attaching your CV to it. Interested International Candidates should submit their application via e-mail their application (indicating on the SUBJECT line the VA number and the title of the position applied for to

For hard copy applications, please send to UNOCA Compound, Human Resources Section, UNDP / ANBP (DDR), Jalalabad Road, Kabul, with the vacancy title and number on the envelope.




Assistant Country Director



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 02 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




5 + years of previous overseas management experience in humanitarian assistance programmes in complex emergency situations.



Experience in proposal development and report writing.



Experience in liaising with government officials, UN agencies, NGOs and a variety of donors.



Staff management and personnel experience.



Budgetary control and financial management experience.



To be familiar with and abide by the NGO Red Cross Code of Conduct, the People in Aid code, and Sphere Minimum Standards.



Fluency in written and spoken English.

REPORTING TO: GOAL Afghanistan Country Director


Responsibilities and Qualifications:


GOAL has been working in Afghanistan since July of 2001. Since that time GOAL has established a programme that responds to the livelihood challenges facing Afghans in provinces of northern Afghanistan and urban areas of the capital Kabul. To date the programme has employed a multi-sectoral approach incorporating activities such as food distribution, agricultural development, monitoring food security and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure. Key target groups have been internally displaced persons, returnees and rural poor. In the city of Kabul GOAL has worked at district level with urban poor. Current interventions focus on education, including construction of a school, the development of an adult REFLECT literacy programme, and non-formal education for adolescents. GOAL Afghanistan is also committed to emergency preparedness. GOAL's emergency response to date has included rehabilitation following earthquakes, assistance to urban and rural poor during the winter months, and locust control programmes.


GOAL's head office for the Afghanistan programme is based in Kabul. There is a regional base established in the city of Mazar-I-Sharif with provincial project offices in Samangan (Aybak) and Jawzjan (Shibreghan) Provinces. GOAL Afghanistan has a team of 15 expatriate staff and approximately 350 national staff.


General Description of the Role: The Assistant Country Director (ACD) provides support and backup to the Country Director (CD). The ACD also provides support and backup to the Provincial Coordinators and the Security Officer. The ACD, together with the CD will be responsible for the overall management and development of the GOAL Afghanistan programme. This involves regular travel to project sites within Afghanistan, and may include travel within the region.


The position will be based in the northern provinces; time shared between offices in Samangan and Jawzjan Provinces. In addition there will be scheduled visits to Kabul. The time split for the position is expected to be; two thirds, northern provinces and one third Kabul.


Key Duties

During the absence of the CD represent GOAL in Afghanistan;



Assist in the management of the GOAL team in Afghanistan;



Together with programme and project staff participate in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the GOAL Afghanistan programme;



Primary responsibility for GOAL Afghanistan security;



The development and implementation of a GOAL Afghanistan emergency response plan;



In consultation with programme and project personnel develop a country staff training plan (This will include identifying training needs and suitable courses for national and international staff);



Liaise with Afghan government departments, UN representatives, donors and NGOs;



Development of a Goal Afghanistan orientation package for new staff, and visitors, including supporting materials;



Assist in the preparation of reports for GOAL Afghanistan, GOAL Dublin and donors; and



Participate in the investigation and development of GOAL Afghanistan's potential for expansion geographically and sectorally.



This element of the job involves ensuring that all projects conform to the GOAL Afghanistan strategic plan, ensuring that they are monitored and evaluated, in line with deadlines, and that they are appropriate, cost effective, targeted, sustainable and of significant scope. Specifically, this includes:

Participate in the ongoing review of the implementation of the GOAL Afghanistan strategic plan, and the appropriateness of interventions;



Provide direct programme guidance and advice to Provincial Coordinators;



Together with the CD participate in the identification of new projects in country targeting the most vulnerable sections of society;



Together with the CD identify new or additional sources of funding to support the ongoing GOAL Afghanistan programme;



Though participation in working groups be cognizant of donor trends and policy changes affecting the GOAL Afghanistan programme;



Preparation of the monthly report for GOAL headquarters in Dublin;



Assume primary responsibility for projects in District 16 in Kabul (e.g., donor, headquarters reports, monitoring etc.)



GOAL Afghanistan is committed to maintaining high standards in regards to security for all staff. The Assistant Country Director has primary responsibility for GOAL Afghanistan security:

To ensure that security guidelines and practices as established by GOAL Afghanistan are followed throughout all programmes;

Regularly review and up date security, evacuation and medical emergency plans;



To ensure that the headquarters in Kabul maintains the highest level of security regarding the office guesthouse complex;



As necessary participate in UN or NGO security meetings;



Ensure that information regarding security in both Kabul and the provinces is circulated promptly to all concerned; and



During the absence of the CD convey information regarding security to GOAL Dublin as necessary.



Coordinate security coverage of Mazar-I-Sharif with the Security Officer, Provincial Coordinators and Financial Controller, to ensure that full-time coverage is maintained.



During the absence of the CD the ACD is responsible for all staff including expatriate and local personnel. In addition the ACD will have primary responsibility for the development of staff training plans. Personnel responsibilities include:

Accountability for the overall welfare and security of personnel;



Ensure that there are procedures in place to support and encourage appropriate personal and professional development of staff;



Participate in the ongoing review/evaluation of staff performance;



Together with the CD ensure the adherence by all staff to GOAL rules, regulations and policies; and



Provide support and assistance to Provincial Coordinators and individual staff on personnel issues, including disputes and grievances, on an as required basis.

It is understood that the above listing of responsibilities will be reviewed and revised as required and that the Assistant Country Director may be called upon to undertake some responsibilities not specified.


This is not an accompanied posting.


This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document.


Interviews will be held in Dublin or London. Unfortunately GOAL cannot contribute to any financial costs incurred when atten 




Applications for this position should be sent to:




Job Title Internist, Spinzar Public Hospital 

International Organization for Migration 



Organization Description The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM has become the leading international organization working with migrants and governments alike to address migration challenges, while also recognizing the enormous potential benefits of migrants themselves, and for their couintries of origin. 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kunduz Province)



Closing date 30 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



The Spinzer Public Hospital in the Kunduz Province, Afghanisan has an immediate opening for an Internist. The Hospital works with key medical NGOs in the province (ICRC, the Japanese Red Cross and the Swedish Committee). Candidate should have a degree in medicine and at least five years of experience. Strong English language skills an advantage. Dari (Farsi) and Pashto are required.

For further information on this job offer, the EU-RQA program, and its benefits, please consult our website:






Applications for this position should be sent to:


Please consult our website,, or via telephone, +, or in writing:

EU-Return of Qualified Afghans

International Organization for Migration

Rue Montoyer, 40

1000 Brussels






Logisticien - administrateur

Médecins du Monde (



Description Médecins du Monde est une Organization non gouvernementale de coopération et de solidarité internationales qui a pour vocation, par l'engagement volontaire et bénévole de professionnels de la santé, d'aider et de soigner les populations les plus vulnérables dans des situations de crise, de guerre, de catastrophe naturelle et d'exclusion dans le monde. 



Job Location Afghanistan (Nimruz province)



Closing date 25 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



L'administrateur/logisticien est responsable de l'Organization et de la supervision du travail de l'équipe logistique et administrative locale. Il travaille étroitement avec le coordinateur terrain. Il est tout d'abord chargé de la mise en place logistique de l'intervention (vie d'équipe, installation, ressources humaines). Il supervise également la gestion du matériel, le suivi des approvisionnements et soutient l'activité logistique de la mission. Il supervise la gestion administrative, comptable & financière de la mission ainsi que la gestion des ressources humaines. Il soutient enfin l'activité administrative de la mission (recrutement, politique salariale, gestion de trésorerie).

Expérience humanitaire à un poste similaire demandée.

Capacité de gestion, leadership, diplomatie,

Capacité de travailler en équipe.

Bonne connaissance de l'informatique (Word, Excel)


Langue: français, anglais 




Applications for this position should be sent to:





Finance Manager

International Rescue Committee (



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 05 May 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




The International Finance Manager is responsible for effective management of three national finance staff in the Kabul HQ Finance department. He/She will be responsible for the financial aspects including periodic financial accounting, management reporting, budget review, control and risk management, audit systems, and reconciliation reporting; The position requires the development of close and effective working relationships with other teams within the programme;The operation is dynamic and complex and the post holder should be able to adjust and re-invent effective ways and means of ensuring clear and transparent financial information is maintained;The post holder will be expected to support other departments in the operation to ensure that all the departments complement the financial operation to hence operate efficiently; The International Finance Manager will also be expected to assume some or all of the Controller responsibilities when the FC is absent; The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that the day-to-day accounting operations and financial management functions in the Kabul Head Quarters are performed in accordance with IRC and country office policy and procedures. Specific responsibilities within each functional area are as follows: SUN Processing; With approval of the Financial Controller, the IFM will be responsible for the entry of changes to the Chart of Accounts, Analysis Codes and Exchange Rates; Supervising the posting of entries ensuring proper controls are enforced and appropriate systems in place to maintain all required supporting documentation; Production of the required monthly and adhoc reports to budget holders and managers; Developing expertise to control the system, develop new reports and be able to train the Kabul HQ finance staff in processing of data via sun and vision; Ensuring documentation on approved budgets is on file and that the amounts, supplementary budgets, cancellations are loaded up into the system on a timely basis; Ensuring a backup and retention procedure is in place and followed for all SUN master files. Ensuring that the monthly backups are maintained on the server and in the safe; Monthly Reporting; Performance Reports for field offices: Ensure that monthly performance reports to the field offices about the quality of their monthly accounts; Donor Reports; Procurement Accounting; Cash/Bank Processing; Cost Accounting; Internal Audit.




- A Bachelors degree in Accounting, with a recognized professional certificate in accounting (CPA or equivalent certification, an added advantage); Minimum of three (3) years of accounting experience and one (1) year direct supervisory experience; Experienced with various PC and financial related software (spreadsheets, accounting packages); ·Able to communicate effectively (written and verbal) in English with program staff, management and employees


- Good supervisory skills (developing others, taking charge, delegating effectively, and motivating others). ·Works Effectively with others (supports others, influences decisions, communicates well and has good interpersonal awareness; Achieves Results (drive to achieve results, has initiative, tenacity, and organises to work effectively).


Long Term, contact Susan Riehl . Unaccompanied 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Interested Applicants are urged to apply online at:





Programme Officer (Electricity/Power Engineer)

International Organization for Migration 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 30 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Classification: Official, Grade P3 (UN salary scale for Professionals)

Type of Appointment: Special, six-months, with possibility of extension


General functions:


Under the general supervision of the Chief of Mission and the direct supervision of the Programme Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the coordination of the Mission's activities in the area of infrastructure projects, including responding to the needs of the USG for politically important, large scale and high visibility infrastructure projects throughout Afghanistan. In particular he/she will:


1.Develop and maintain working relationship with local, district, provincial and regional governmental authorities and other related entities and draw up Memorandum of Understanding with municipal authorities, program-targeted government ministries and other potential partners, as required.


2. Assist with the development of ministry-level action plans and facilitate program-targeted actions, in coordination with relevant government authorities.


3. Facilitate activities that assist government authorities to liaise with community leaders, individuals and groups to identify and prioritize community needs.


4. Work with government and local authorities, leaders, individuals and groups to identify and implement selected community development projects.


5. Facilitate meetings to discuss potential areas of mutual interest and benefit with relevant municipal authorities, government ministries, local and international NGOs, United Nation's agencies and Afghan communities.


6. Develop, implement and monitor coordinating mechanisms for project implementation and reporting with local authorities, government ministries, UN Agencies and NGOs.


7. Identify appropriate mechanisms or vehicles to adapt structures and to tender bids from contractors or local labour.


8. Negotiate contracts or agreements with contractors, and oversee administration of grants.


9. Supervise projects in coordination with government or local technical personnel and in collaboration with IOM technicians.


10. Track financial expenditure of all program funds in the area of responsibility.


11. Maintain records in accordance with programme standards.


12. Prepare project progress and financial reports and recommendations, as required.


13. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.


Desirable qualifications:

(Education, experience and competencies)


University degree in Electrical Engineering. Five years of experience in the field of power generation and power grid construction and management. Extensive experience in post conflict environments, including management of IOM infrastructure projects. Experience with hydroelectric generation as well as in developing end user power monitoring and revenue collection systems. Ability to supervise, direct, coach and mentor staff.


Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Effective resource management skills.  Understanding of complex social-political environments. Ability to work under extreme pressure, in difficult conditions while maintaining security awareness.  Stamina, determination, commitment and adaptability. Flexibility and focus on processes and their improvements.  Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds.


Languages: Thorough knowledge of English; working knowledge of Pashto, Dari or any other languages spoken in the country an advantage. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:





Roving Technical Officer (2 positions)

Organization International Organization for Migration 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 30 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Classification: Official, Grade P2 (UN Salary Scale for Professionals)

Type of Appointment: Special, six-months, with possibility of extension


General functions:


Under the general supervision of the Chief of Mission and in coordination with the Programme Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the coordination of all aspects of engineering and construction activities of the Afghanistan Transition Initiative (ATI) throughout Afghanistan. In particular, he/she will:


1. Assist the Programme Manager with the general supervision and implementation of the ATI programme and make recommendations to better establish the programme, strengthen the ATI's government counterparts and to increase the efficiency of ATI contract tendering mechanisms.


2. Oversee the organization, supervision and improvement of ATI programmatic activities associated with the engineering and construction components of the programme in coordination with the Programme Manager and regionally based Programme Officers.


3. Monitor and evaluate the engineering and construction work of ongoing and completed projects; manage engineering work associated with especially complex, unusual, or high profile projects to completion; ensure that engineering staff maintains a regular and adequate monitoring schedule for all ongoing projects.


4. Supervise national staff dedicated to the improvement of the ATI's engineering teams across Afghanistan.


5. Develop standard designs for high frequency projects types taking into consideration locally available resources and safety concerns, in conjunction with appropriate governmental authorities.


6. Coordinate with ATI offices throughout Afghanistan the establishment of engineering techniques and reporting procedures.


7. Coordinate with the Logistics Officer to support the ATI programme, as needed.


8. Establish a methodology for the transfer of technical knowledge from ATI hired contractors to local labour employed on ATI projects.


9. Liaise with governmental counterparts to further strengthen ties between the ATI programme and the government of Afghanistan.


10. Establish and maintain liaison with United Nations agencies working in the engineering and construction fields to promote ATI projects and to raise ATI engineering standards; maintain contacts with relevant governmental and agencies, NGOs, Programmes and other entities.


11. Establish and maintain centralized record of all aspects associated with engineering and construction of ATI grants throughout Afghanistan to ensure that the highest standards are followed, and recommend changes or alterations to plans to the Programme Manager when necessary.


12. Assist Programme Manager in the drafting programme documents, forms and tracking tools.


13. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.


Desirable Qualifications:


Education experience and competencies)



University degree in Civil Engineering. Three years of experience working in post-conflict environments. Experience in project design, management and implementation, as well as in liaising with governmental and diplomatic authorities and international institutions. Demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced multi-cultural environment. Ability to work with Coalition and ISAF forces. Ability to supervise staff and coordinate administrative activities. Experience working in Afghanistan on infrastructure projects preferred.



Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, drive for results, respect for diversity, creative thinking. Good level of computer literacy. Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds.


Languages: Thorough knowledge of English; working knowledge of Pashto and Dari an advantage. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:





Midwife Trainer

Organization International Rescue Committee (



Job Location Afghanistan (Gardeyz)



Closing date 22 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



IRC seeks a Midwife Trainer as part of its application for a Health RFA. The Midwife Trainer will be based in the IRC Afghanistan Gardez Field Office and will work on the Community Midwife Education Project.



Project management at the Gardez Field Office level, including staff supervision, reporting and budget management; supervising training of Gardez Hospital maternity unit staff, midwifery students and for building the capacity of a counterpart from a local humanitarian non-governmental organization in South East Afghanistan; oversee related administrative, financial, and logistics matters.


The position will be based in Gardez, Paktya Province but will require frequent travel to Kabul. Conduct an assessment of midwifery training needs of staff working in Maternity Unit and MCH Clinic at Gardez Hospital; provide training for these staff to upgrade clinical skills; provide training for doctors and midwives to train as trainers for midwives at Gardez Hospital; assist in recruitment of student midwives and oversee student midwife training by hospital training team using existing MoH Midwifery curriculum and build capacity of local NGO counterpart; assist in community health education networking mechanisms throughout Paktya province. Supervise training sessions as necessary; Perform other duties as requested by the Health Coordinator and/or South East Afghanistan Field Coordinator.




CNM, MPH, 2 years experience in post conflict settings, experienced trainer, including experience in capacity building of government and/or NGO staff; Familiarity with the Afghanistan situation; Strong analytical and communication skills; Experience with Word, email; Proven self-initiative and problem solving abilities; Ability to work as part of and lead a team in an insecure and remote environment.


Length: 6 months-One year 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


We request that all applications be completed on line. The IRC reviews all applications and you will be contacted directly if you are selected as a candidate. Contact:





Program Manager - RBH

International Medical Corps (



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 01 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Supervisor: Country Director




Victims of decades of political strife, mothers and babies endured a rate of maternal and infant mortality among the highest in the world; almost one in ten Afghan women will die in childbirth during her childbearing years, while one child in four does not live to see his/her fifth birthday. DHHS, CDC and IMC is helping to renovate Rabia Balkhi Hospital (a large maternity hospital in downtown Kabul), and start a training program to help Afghan healthcare professionals update their medical skills, as well as creating a residency training program in Obstetrics and Gynecology.




The primary role of the RBH Program Manager is to coordinate activities within the Rabia Balkhi Hospital with DHHS, CDC, IMC-HQ, and consultants.


Essential Responsibilities and Duties


Provide coordination and support to DHHS and CDC consultants and to IMC staff in the Rabia Balkhi Hospital Training Program.

Manage program budget and approve expenditures in coordination with IMC finance unit.

Submit timely weekly, quarterly and summary reports to IMC and to DHHS.

Plan program activities in cooperation with IMC national project officer, RBH administrator, MoH, DHHS and CDC to ensure that program needs are met, MoH policy is followed and efforts are not duplicative.

Communicate regularly with all IMC Senior Staff and representatives of donor agencies regarding program developments and needs.

Cooperate and coordinate with IMC departments to ensure effective program support (including renovation efforts) and smooth working relations with RBH program participants.

Perform other duties as assigned. The duties and responsibilities listed are representative of the nature and levels of work assigned and are not necessarily all-inclusive.


Education and/or Experience Requirements


Three to five years successful administrative and budget management experience.

Post-baccalaureate training/education in Health professions or Educational administration.

Good communication skills and native language fluency in oral and written English.

Demonstrated success in facilitating teamwork among multiple staff members of diverse backgrounds.

Experience working in a supervisory position in third world countries.

Training in OB/GYN desirable.

Experience working in Islamic context and knowledge of Afghan culture; able to cope in unstable environments.


Language Skills


Ability to read, analyze, and interpret administrative reports, technical procedures, or governmental regulations.

Ability to write reports, and procedure manuals; ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from managers, counterparts, Ministry of Health, Partners and Headquarters Office.

Must speak fluent English, ability to speak Dari highly preferred.





Applications for this position should be sent to:


Please apply online at




Gender Consultant

Afghanistan New Beginnings Program 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:





Post Title: Gender consultant

Organizational Unit: UNDP/ANBP

Type of Appointment: Short-term consultancy (SSA)

Duty Station: Kabul Afghanistan

Duration: 3 months

Closing date of applications: 31 March 2004




The Gender Consultant will be located in the Offices of the "Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme", an organization of the Islamic Transitional State of Afghanistan established to assist in implementing the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts of the government. He/she will report directly to the Senior Programme Advisor but will also coordinate substantially with the Public Information Advisor. The consultant will have the following duties and responsibilities:


Within the delegated authority, the incumbent has the following duties:


Work closely with the Public Information Office, and participate actively in the dissemination of DDR public information to families and communities;

Promote awareness and understanding of ANBP mandate for sustainable disarmament and reintegration through workshops, meetings, consultations with community leaders, elders and the population;

Assist in identifying and contracting with government organizations, UN agencies and/or NGOs that can manage large-scale information dissemination to families and communities as well as information gathering from families and communities;

Develop conceptual approaches and identify best practices in provision of reintegration opportunities of families of ex-combatants including design of projects and programmes;

Identify parallel government or humanitarian initiatives such as elections that can complement ANBP gender and family activities;

Drafting of project documents, position papers and policy notes;

Monitoring substantive project development and implementation;

Organizing and coordinating gender thematic group meetings in support of the DDR programme;

Training national counterparts and developing approaches to build DDR capacity.


Minimum expected outputs:


Hiring and training of a nationwide gender team, including a national Gender Program Officer in Kabul and at least one female caseworker in selected regions

Development and initial implementation of the family and community component of the ANBP Programs Monitoring and Evaluation strategy, including objectives, methodology, resourcing, timelines, budget and expected outputs

In consultation with the ANBP Public Information team, development and implementation of the family and community component of the ANBP Public Information strategy, building on current activities initiated by ANBP Gender team and ANBP Public Information team

Identification of concrete family components that can be integrated into all Reintegration packages

Development of an approved Gender budget




University degree in related field;

6-8 years of experience in gender-related work;

Excellent knowledge of process planning;

Good knowledge of the UN system and its procedures;

Proved capacity to coordinate and motivate a team formed by women and men from different cultures and nationalities;

Effective communication skills and ability to establish good working relationships with national and local authorities, and international interlocutors;

High moral integrity, sound political judgment, as well as diplomacy, impartiality and discretion and proved capacity of initiative, leadership and autonomy;

Ability to work and act under pressure and with discretion in a politically sensitive environment, with a minimum of comfort;

Excellent computer literacy;

Excellent command of English and good knowledge of at least one other UN language.

Knowledge of the political and economic situation in Afghanistan is highly desirable.


Submission of Applications:


The application comprises of one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post attaching your CV to it. Interested INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES should submit their application via e-mail their application (indicating on the SUBJECT line the VA number and the title of the position applied for to


For hard copy applications, please send to UNOCA Compound, Human Resources Section, UNDP / ANBP (DDR), Jalalabad Road, Kabul, with the vacancy title and number on the envelope.


Please note that applications received after the closing date (i.e. 31 March 2004) will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:



Contruction Engineer

Afghanistan New Beginnings Program 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:





Post Title: Construction Engineer

Organizational Unit: UNDP/ANBP

Type of Appointment: ALD/3 - International

Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan + Travel to Provinces

Duration: 6 months, with possibility of extension

Closing date of applications: 31 March 2004


Duties and Responsibilities:


- Under general guidance from the Chief Engineer, directly supervise construction activities, both in Kabul and the Regions.


- Provide technical advice as part of the procurement process.


- Provide cost estimates for construction proposals.


- Provide technical advice to both the Chief Engineer and ANBP Management regarding construction and engineering activities and proposals.


- Hire and supervise daily labour as required.


- Develop and implement building construction and maintenance schedules.


- Supervise National staff involved in ANBP Engineering activities, providing encouragement, training and support.


- Using innovation and initiative, resolve technical challenges in a cost effective and timely manner.


- Complete assigned construction and building maintenance projects in previously agreed time frames and to previously agreed budgets.


- Act in the capacity of Chief Engineer during the Chief's absence, including supervision of the Engineering Section.


Minimum Qualifications and Experience:


- Degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering. Trade qualifications in carpentry, building or other trade group associated with building construction and maintenance will be accepted given suitable, additional, associated experience.


- Ten years experience in building construction and maintenance activities.


- Two years experience conducting building construction and maintenance activities in a post conflict or developing country environment.


- Experience demonstrating an ability to successfully lead and manage teams of Afghan technicians and tradesmen.


- Knowledge of and commitment to the aims and philosophy of the ANBP.




Excellent working knowledge of English. Dari or Pashtu knowledge a plus


Submission of Applications:


The application comprises of one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post attaching your CV to it. Interested International Candidates should submit their application via e-mail their application (indicating on the SUBJECT line the VA number and the title of the position applied for to


For hard copy applications, please send to UNOCA Compound, Human Resources Section, UNDP / ANBP (DDR), Jalalabad Road, Kabul, with the vacancy title and number on the envelope.


Please note that applications received after the closing date (i.e. 31 March 2004) will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:



Programme Manager, Comprehensive Disabled Afghans' Programme

UN Office for Project Services (



Organization Description UNOPS 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul with extensive travel in Afghanistan)



Closing date 30 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Duration: 1 year initially, renewable based on performances

Type: International, AL4




The United Nations Office for Project Services, the implementing agency for the Comprehensive Disabled Afghans' Programme is seeking a Programme Manager with overall responsibility for CDAP, the United Nations intervention in disability in Afghanistan. CDAP is a USD 5 million programme, supporting NGO's in the delivery of services to PWD and the Government of Afghanistan in developing strategies, policies and programmes to provide coherent and substantive social protection in support of PWD in order to sustainably reduce the incidence of poverty amongst PWD.


In addition to fiscal support to the NGO sector, CDAP also provides training and evaluation services through a Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Unit, currently being developed. CDAP also provides policy support to various ministries of the Government of Afghanistan through a Policy Support Unit, working in conjunction with and under the guidance of the National Disability Commission.


CDAP is planning to migrate to an Government-led, Afghan managed programme, with international technical and financial support only as required. A careful and comprehensive capacity development strategy, that focuses on long-term success and ownership must be integrated into all functions of CDAP and its supported projects.


CDAP is looking for a programme manager to provide leadership and vision in this regard, ensuring that national field-staff, working in communities and international policy advisors are united and motivated towards a common goal. This position will require management, team-leadership, motivation and communication skills as well as a solid conceptual grasp of disability at a policy and practical level


General Responsibilities:


Overall Programme Manager for the Comprehensive Disabled Afghans' Programme with leadership, management, financial and reporting responsibilities and delegated authority




Coordinate and manage the various components of UN-related and supported disability activities in Afghanistan, including CDAP/CBR; the Policy Support Unit, the Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Unit, the Contracts Management Unit



Day-to-day supervision of management, financial and reporting issues for these units



Ensure that strategies are in place to improve the capacities of national staff, particularly civil servants for self-execution, with a focus on management, financial, monitoring, evaluation and reporting skills




Provide strategic advice and counsel to the Minister on all issues, as desired



Support the Minister, the Ministry and the National Disability Commission, as supported by the Policy Support Unit, in ensuring that disability is integrated into all National Development Programme components, as appropriate



Support PSU Members in the design of programme components for the National Development Budget that are be validated, endorsed and supported as part of the public health and disability support services of the Afghan Government through the National Disability Commission



Support the Minister of Martyrs and Disabled and the Ministry in their engagement with these entities and the larger strategic framework of development in Afghanistan.




Support the Adviser to the National Disability Commission as required in the development of a National Disability Strategy



Complete the transformation of CDAP into the implementation management, monitoring and support agent for the Basic Disability Package


Policy Support Unit:


Support the recruitment of international advisors for the Policy Support Unit in conjunction with Government priorities as expressed by the National Disability Commission



Support the transformation of theory into programme as advisors generate ideas in conjunction with their Government counterpart Ministries


Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Unit:


Plan and implement a mechanism for assessing disability services and providing ongoing feedback to the donor and implementation communities on improvement of services and effective implementation of the BDP



Support the MET Officer in ensuring that adequate and effective monitoring of all programmes implemented under the BDP



Support the MET Officer in ensuring that training is provided on a national basis, regularly, to all sectors that require support, working in conjunction with the PSU to design suitable training schemes


Reporting and PR:


Ensure that accurate and timely reporting to the National Disability Commission is performed



Provide support to the Reporting Officer in continually improving the quality of reporting


External Relations:


Liaise with stakeholders to improve advocacy, programme integration and to enable synergies with international community and NGO-based disability programs.



Develop a sustainable mechanism for donor relations, and migrate the programme to multi-year rolling funding as soon as possible



Coordinate funding appeals, with UNDP, the Government of Afghanistan, and the international disability community, to ensure that CDAP and its entities remain adequately funded through the end of 2006


Reporting and Supervision:


Reports directly to the Country Coordinator, UNOPS



Liaises regularly with the Country Office, UNDP



Liaises regularly with the National Disability Commission




Educated to post graduate level in a disability or a public-health / rights related discipline.



At least ten years overall work experience



At least three years of substantial experience in the disability sector, including interaction at the policy level and some familiarity with CBR concepts



At least five years experience in programme management and at least five years experience working with Government institutions, preferably with experience in post-conflict and development contexts.



At least five years experience within the United Nations system, of which at least three years should be in a programme management role with delegated financial authority.



Experience in Islamic countries is a significant advantage.



Experience in substantially addressing the challenge of gender equity through programme design is a significant advantage



Excellent oral and written English. Knowledge of local languages (Pushto/Dari) would be a significant advantage



Proven management skills are a must





Applications for this position should be sent to:


Gary Helseth, UNOPS - APIF Country Coordinator

Rahul Chandran, CDAP Programme Coordinator



LAN Consultant

Afghanistan New Beginnings Program 



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 28 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:






Duration: 3 months

Closing date of applications: 28 March 2004


I. Functions:


The LAN Consultant reports to the ICT CIO in Kabul. The LAN Consultant will assist the CIO in installation of the Local Area Network and its associated equipment and software in Kandahar, Bamyan, Jalalabad and Herat. The LAN Consultant will be required to configure servers and Cisco equipment. The consultant will be required to work with junior level ANBP ICT staff for capacity building and mentoring.


Responsible for implementation of all LAN components at the designated ANBP Regional Office. As related to installations, ensure that accepted policies and standards are enforced at each Regional Office. This will also require carrying out direction provided by the CIO.



Ensures that the LAN ICT functional components are fully integrated and that they work individually when so required.



Ensure full integration with VSAT systems for Wide Area Network connectivity.



Ensure full integration with PABX and VOIP systems for voice connectivity.



Must be able to expertly configure Cisco routers and MS 2000 server software, including MS Exchange.



Follow and enforce all ICT policies to ensure all systems above are highly available and that users of the systems described above enjoy an office environment without interruptions caused by the ICT infrastructure.



Develop policies and guidelines for maintenance and support of LAN and WAN environments, including hardware and software.


Follow a concise and clear reporting mechanism to keep the CIO abreast of all issues related to each installation. All reports are to be on time and must be fully informative.


Must be able to travel to the ANBP Regional Offices to perform all required duties.


Must be able to perform other duties as required.


II. Minimum Qualifications and Experience required:


Degrees and Certificates:


University Degree or equivalent in Computer Sciences, and/or Information Technology



Minimum of CCNA (routing and switching) certification from Cisco. Installation certification (CCIE) from Cisco will be considered an advantage.



Cisco security specialist in PIX Firewall



Microsoft MCSE (Windows 2000 or 2003, Exchange 2000 or 2003)





Minimum of 6 years practical and direct experience in Information Technology or Telecommunications industry.



Minimum of 4 years of experience in designing and implementing LAN and WAN using standards and latest technologies. Strong background in IP and Security Management would be an advantage.



Designing and Implementing Structured Cabling Solutions




Excellent working knowledge of English. Dari or Pashtu knowledge a plus


III. Submission of Applications:


The application comprises of one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post attaching your CV to it. Interested Afghan National Candidates should submit their application via e-mail their application (indicating on the SUBJECT line the VA number and the title of the position applied for to


For hard copy applications, please send to UNOCA Compound, Human Resources Section, UNDP / ANBP (DDR), Jalalabad Road, Kabul, with the vacancy title and number on the envelope.


Please note that applications received after the closing date (i.e. 28 March 2004) will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:




Assistant Country Director Programmes

Concern Worldwide (Error. Please check if your source name is taken from the contact directory.)



Job Location Afghanistan (Taloqan)



Closing date 30 Aug 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Job Purpose:


To ensure the effective and professional management of Concern Afghanistan's field operations.


Main Duties & Responsibilities:


i) Strategy Development


- Ensure that all programmes are designed, managed, and implemented in conformity with the Concern Worldwide Strategic Plan and Country Specific Strategic Plan.

- Input into the preparation of the country strategic plan.


ii) Senior Management


- Contribute to the strategic management of the country programme through participation in the Senior Management Team


iii) Programme Management


- Ensure effective operational management of Concern Afghanistan's programme through line management of relevant staff and participation in the Senior Management Team.

- Ensure that the programme is designed managed and implemented in accordance with all relevant Concern sectoral policies and strategies.

- Ensure that the programme meets appropriate standards in terms of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation through the oversight of Concern Worldwide's Project Cycle Management System.

- Maintain good donor relations through the production of high quality and timely donor proposals and reports.

- Ensure that Concern Afghanistan retains the capacity to respond to emergencies within its programme area.


iii) Human Resource Management


- Contribute to securing sufficient human resources for the programme to meet its objectives.

- Encourage the promotion of national staff to senior programme positions where possible through provision of appropriate training and mentoring.

- Set up and maintain a system of objective setting and performance appraisal for direct reports.


iv) Security Management


- Ensure programme staff awareness of and adherence to the field's security management system.


v) Representation & Communications


- Produce regular and timely situation reports for the Country Director.

- Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with central and local government in relation to the country programme.

- Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with UN, donors, INGOs, NGOs and appropriate local bodies in relation to the country programme.


vi) Organizational Learning


- Seek opportunities for Concern Afghanistan to contribute to Concern Worldwide's Organization learning via participation in relevant workshops, trainings and liaison with PDED.


Education & Qualifications Required:




Masters level qualification in programme management, programme planning, or relevant thematic subject (livelihoods, food security, watsan, education)




Third level qualification or specific training in assessment, monitoring & evaluation; international development; rural development; community development; information systems; Organizational development.


Experience Required:




Three years experience in a programme management/advisory position, with at least one year at senior management level, and with significant involvement in programme development; experience of strategic planning; experience of working in an insecure environment.




Experience of developing, implementing, and analysing livelihoods assessments or food security assessments; of developing, implementing, or managing project cycle management systems; of participatory programme approaches; of staff capacity building.


Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:




- Strong facilitation, interpersonal, motivational, and communication skills.

- Strong Organizational management and planning skills.

- Strong budgeting and financial management skills.

- Strong systems skills ' finance, logistics, transport, administration.

- Cross cultural awareness, sensitivity, and patience.

- Ability to mentor, support, and develop staff.

- Knowledge and experience of using participatory and gender sensitive approaches to assessments and analysis in particular and development in general.

- Ability to train people in process and programme-approach issues

- Understanding of and total commitment to using security conscious approaches to work.

- Willingness to work as part of a multi-cultural team and operate in a restricted cultural environment.

- Empathy with Organizational goals.




- Strong writing skills.

- Strong skills in presentation, creating simple documents to convey programme information in brief, accessible form.

- Knowledge and experience of information systems management.

- A sense of humour.

- Ability to work independently but as a team player. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:



Head of Programme Quality Unit

Concern Worldwide (Error. Please check if your source name is taken from the contact directory.)



Job Location Afghanistan (Taloqan)



Closing date 30 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Job Purpose:


To ensure effective development, management, and operation of Concern Afghanistan's Programme Quality Unit.


The Programme Quality Unit (PQU) is a distinct unit within the Programming Department charged with providing technical and crosscutting support to programme coordinators and other field staff. It currently has four units' community development, food security, engineering, and monitoring & evaluation. A team of international and national advisers staffs it; one of the advisers has the nominal title of head, with responsibilities for internal systems and administrative tasks: currently, line management of senior advisers falls to the Assistant Country Director (Programming).


This interim system does not allow for sufficient line management support to individual staff members and does not give the PQU the focus and unity it requires to fulfil an expanded range of tasks planned for it in the Programming Department's development plan. These include enhanced support and advice on cross-cutting themes, improved policy interpretation and contextualisation, and quality standards attainment. A dedicated Head of PQU will improve both line management and allow for the Unit's strategic development.


Education & Qualifications Required:




Third level qualification in international development, programme management, programme planning, or relevant thematic subject (livelihood security, food security, watsan, education)




Degree or Masters level qualification in programme management, Organizational development, or planning.


Experience Required:




- At least two year's overseas experience with an international NGO, UN agency, or research institution in a management/programme development/advisory position.

- Experience of staff management, training and capacity building.

- Experience of strategic planning.

- Experience of working in an insecure environment.




- Experience of managing, implementing, or supporting food security, education, or livelihood security programmes.

- Experience of planning for and advising on crosscutting themes (community development, equality, monitoring & evaluation, capacity building, rights based approaches).


Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:




- Strong facilitation, interpersonal, motivational, and communication skills.

- Strong Organizational management and planning skills.

- Cross cultural awareness, sensitivity, and patience.

- Ability to mentor, support, and develop staff.

- Research skills, both qualitative and quantitative.

- Knowledge and experience of using participatory and gender sensitive approaches to research in particular and development in general.

- Ability to train people in process and programme-approach issues

- Understanding of and total commitment to using security conscious approaches to work.

- Willingness to work as part of a multi-cultural team and operate in a restricted cultural environment.

- Empathy with Organizational goals.




- Strong writing skills.

- Strong skills in presentation, creating simple documents to convey programme information in brief, accessible form.

- Knowledge and experience of information systems management.

- A sense of humour.

- Ability to work independently but as a team player.

- Local language skills (Dari or Farsi). 




Applications for this position should be sent to:




A Psychologist or Psychiatrist

Action Against Hunger (



Organization Description Action Contre la Faim is a non-governmental Organization. It intervenes in more than 35 countries and implements nutrition, health, food security, and water and sanitation programmes. 



Job Location Afghanistan



Closing date 15 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



General Objective:

The different ACF's programs in Kabul are Water and Sanitation, Nutrition, Medical, Education and health.




To train and manage the local staff (10 people for the mental health program only)



To follow the mental health program and to define priorities in collaboration with the technical coordinator of the headquarter



To write mid-term reports



To keep the link with others ACF's programs, particularly home treatment, health and health education



To stimulate the local mental health network



To follow up the clinical work with some beneficiaries in individual interviews



To follow the research in progress and particularly the work on the maternal milk deficiency



To follow the program's budget in collaboration with the expatriate administrator



To be the ACF representative beside the local structure



To take part in the inter-NGO meetings


Qualifications and previous experiences:


- Psychologist or Psychiatrist

- 2 years previous experience

- Humanitarian experience appreciated

- Fluent in English necessary


Problem solving skills :


- Open minded and good human contacts

- Ability to capitalize on personal experiences and information, which are available within the organization, in order to become self sufficient and autonomous quickly.

- Ability to take initiatives in order to deal with difficulties which are encountered in daily work.


Adaptability and flexibility :


- Ability to change the priorities according to the evolution of the mission or of the organization itself.

- Ability to work within a fluid situation (changes within the team, the location of the programmes)

- Willingness to live and work within a team and to respect the rules of collective living.


Motivation and involvement :


- Motivation and commitment to humanitarian ideals

- Involvement in the ethos of the organization .

- Ability to integrate into local environment and to be aware of the political and economic aspects of the country.

- Energy and Stamina to withstand long working hours and often stressful conditions.


Professionalism and Management :


- Ability to conduct work in a professional and mature way

- Ability to deal with local authorities as a representative of ACF.

- Ability to manage local staff in a mature and impartial way.


Status : volunteer


Length of the contract : one year


A training course is insured before the departure on the field

ACF covers all the costs which can be generated in the framework of the mission, such as housing and travelling expenses, living costs and various insurances.


Monthly indemnity: 838.47 Euros. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Recruitment officer

4 rue Niepce

75014 Paris




Security Officer

UN Office for Project Services (



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 01 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Programme: Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan

Position: Mine Action Security Officer

Level: P3/L3 (ALD equivalent)*

Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan

Reporting to: Chief of Operations

Duration: 8 months

Estimated Start Date: 1 May 2004

Closing Date: 1 April 2004




The post is located in the Operations Department of the Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan, under the overall command of Chief of Operations, at the Kabul duty station. The incumbent is a senior member of the section and works under the policy guidance of the United Nations Security Coordinators office in UNDP, Kabul. The individual will be responsible for the following:


a. Act as security focal point for the management of all security matters with respect to the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan (MAPA).


b. Keep UNSECOORD informed of all security information that comes to his/her attention.


c. Carry out security and threat assesment missions related to MAPA activities.


d. Ensure MAPA staff compliance with system-wide security instructions through information sharing and regular briefings.




Specific responsibilities include:


Daily liaison and coordination with the UNSECORD Security Staff at UNDP.



Develop, manage and control the Security Policy for the MAPA that is in compliance with the UN Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS).



Developing and implementing a security workplan to ensure that all security procedures and processes are developed and implemented. Included shall also be contingency plans in responce to security insidents.



Inspect, monitor and evaluate all facilities including office, residential and worksites to ensure MOSS compliance.



Monitoring all MAPA operations to ensure adherence to the MAPA Security policies, SOP and requirements.



Compiling of monitoring reports after visiting operations and providing the Chief of Operations with a monthly summary on the security status of the MAPA.



Investigation of all security incidents/accidents and provide the Chief of Operations with a comprehensive report within 7 (seven) days after the occurrence of the incident.



Provide technical advice to the Chief of Operations on all issues related to security for the MAPA.



Provide security advice and direction to mine action Organizations.



Training of all staff in security and security supervision and management.



Any other tasks designated by the Programme Manager or the Chief of Operations.




- Proven security specialist with the associated expert qualifications or equivalent experience

- Five years of similar experience, preferably in humanitarian security programmes

- Thorough knowledge of all security systems available and the UN Security requirements.

- Qualified in incident/accident investigation

- A knowledge of the mine action activities is desireable.

- Proven leadership qualities

- Good negotiation and interpersonal skills

- A recognized qualification in first aid training and sound knowledge of fire fighting techniques and emergency responses to various incidents is highly desirable.

- Fluent in English

- Ability to work in a multi national environment

- Computer literate

- Physically fit


* This grade is indicative only. The final grade will be determined at the time of recruitment according to the candidates qualifications. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Interested individuals should e-mail a detailed CV (including birth date and nationality) or their updated UN P11 to the address below and should include the exact vacancy number of the post they apply for in the 'Subject ' of their e-mail:

Interested applicants must fulfill the specified qualifications. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Deadline for submission of applications is 1 April 2004. For more information on the UN 's involvement in Mine Action, visit our website at: http:// and



Field Program Officer

US Agency for International Development (



Job Location Afghanistan (Various locations in Afghanistan)



Closing date 09 Mar 2005


Job Description and qualifications:



The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications from qualified, U.S. citizens interested in serving as a Field Program Officer (FPO) in Afghanistan on a one-year contract (personal services contract - PSC).

The FPO will be one team member of a joint civilian / military Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). PRTs are located throughout Afghanistan and are involved in a wide range of activities related to security and reconstruction.


The FPO serves as the primary representative of USAID in his/her area, and is involved with collecting and analyzing information on actual and potential USAID projects, liaison with local officials, UN agencies and NGOs, and the management of projects implemented through the PRTs. Living and working conditions are rustic and challenging.


For more information, including qualifications and application instructions, please refer to USAID solicitation No. 306-04-510 at Candidates are encouraged to apply even if they are not immediately available. Medical clearance and national security information clearance required. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:




Monitoring & Evaluation Intern

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (



Job Location Afghanistan



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Location: Afghanistan North (Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar and Faryab)

Duration : 12 months (6x2)

Starting Date: April 2004


I. Background on ACTED


ACTED, l'Agence d'Aide à la Cooperation Technique et au Développement or the Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development, is an NGO registered in France with global operations in Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. ACTED has been active in Afghanistan since 1993, and is one of the largest NGOs in the country, capitalizing on a continued 10-year presence in Afghanistan throughout successive regimes and on established operations throughout Central Asia. ACTED operates mainly in the North, Northeastern and Central areas of Afghanistan.


While most of ACTED's operations in Afghanistan have so far been centered on relief activities (e.g. provision of food, shelter, response to natural disasters and IDP camp management), the agency is moving towards an integrated development strategy including community mobilization, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation, agriculture and micro-credit. As such, ACTED Afghanistan is both growing and changing, and requires staff which have the ability to operate in and manage this change effectively and creatively.


II. Job Description


The Monitoring & Evaluation Intern will have the following responsibilities:


Daily Monitoring and Evaluation

Keep track of all projects- and programmes-monitoring and evaluation schedules and work with base staff to design and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures.



Follow up the day-to-day workings of the M&E Department in Shamali area including reading of weekly monitoring reports and follow up.

Information Systems

Work with all departments to follow up project and programme databases, including work on the nomenclature used (official names, etc.)



Ensure that appraisal, monitoring and evaluation reports are made useful for fundraising and add to the general base of field knowledge in Afghanistan for all organizations working in the area

Participatory Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation

Ensure that local partners engaged in appraisal for and / or with ACTED are trained and given advice in participatory approaches, minimalizing bias, and other key methodologies for information gathering.



Work with base and regional staff to help design and improve adapted participatory appraisal mechanisms for ACTED's Afghan programs.

III. Qualifications required

Honors or Masters degree, preferably in a development related field



Astute critical thinking and analytic skills



Proven relevant experience, even short term (examples of reports highly appreciated)



Experience with participatory appraisals and project cycle management encouraged.



Ability to travel and work in difficult conditions (electricity black outs, limited water supply, fuel shortages) is a must.



Good spoken and written English.



Proven ability to work creatively and independently both in the field and in the office (applicants are encouraged to send reports or examples of work).

IV. Other highly desirable characteristics

Experience working directly with beneficiaries (personally conducting interviews, etc.).



Ability to work under pressure.



Experience training local NGOs a plus.

V. Conditions

Intern status (200 USD / month )



Lodging, transportation, insurance, medical cover ensured by ACTED.





Applications for this position should be sent to:


Patricia d'Erneville



Deputy Director, Programs Kabul Afghanistan

International Rescue Committee (



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 06 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



The Deputy Director (Program) is responsible for supervising and support all IRC program activities in Afghanistan. Working under the supervision of the Country Director he/she is expected to take the lead in planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all IRC program initiatives. He/she will directly supervise all Field and Sector Coordinators in Herat, Jalal Abad, Mazar-I-Sherif, and Kabul. The Deputy Director (Program) will work closely with the Deputy Director (Operation) and/or HR/Admin Coordinator, Security/Logistic Coordinator and Finance Coordinator to ensure that programs receive all necessary logistics, finance, and admin support from the Country office in Kabul.



Critically reviewing IRC program operations in Afghanistan; Suggest improvements, changes, and new directions and/or program initiatives; With the Field and Sector Coordinators and the Senior Program Managers, under the supervision of the Country Director, lead the process of drafting of concept papers, proposals and proposed new initiatives; At the request of the Country Director, draft project goals and objectives, and program evaluations; In collaboration with the Field and Sector Coordinators and program managers, write and submit a monthly situation report to be submitted to the Country Director by the 6th day of the month following the reporting period; Participate in a Country Program Management Report, which will be submitted to the Regional Director in NY by the 8the day of the Month; Draft summaries, updates, issue specific reports and other documents at the request of the Country Director; In Collaboration with the Grant managers, ensure that quality donor reports are generated and submitted to donors and NY in a timely manner; With the Grant managers, Field Coordinators, and Finance Coordinator ensure proper allocation of budgets and resources. Oversee budget re-alignments and amendments when necessary; Work with the Deputy Director of Operation, the Finance Controller and Grant managers to develop operational budgets, which reflect a detailed understanding of situational parameters, beneficiary needs, available resources and technical possibilities; Work with the Field Coordinators, Grant managers and the Deputy Director for operation to ensure that expenditure do not exceed program budgets; Work with the Deputy Director of operation and Grant Managers to ensure that financial reports reflecting the status of programs are generated regularly by the grant unit and shared with Field Coordinators, Program Managers; With the grant managers ensure that all filed staff are trained and well understand all grant guidelines. Ensure that grant requirements and procedure are adhered to; Provide on-going problem-solving guidance for field offices regarding programmatic issues, planning issues, and difficulties encounters with local authorities and Partners; Provide guidance to the Partnership unit to ensure adequate support to all local Partners in relation to program implementation as well as their training and development of their capacity; Represent IRC and IRC's interests with the Government officials, donors, UN, and other operating and implementing partners.


Assist the CD in developing a strong relationship with donors to ensure sustainable funding of programs; Organize and chair regular coordination meetings with all Program staff including Field Coordinators, Sector Coordinators and advisors, Program Support Coordinators and Senior Program Manager. Meet on a regular basis with the Country Director: At the request of the Country Director, host delegations affiliated with IRC, project donors, or other parties whose arrival has been cleared through the proper channels; Attend all program coordination meetings with other bodies involved in the Afghanistan operation; The Country Director has overall responsibility over logistics, administration finance and security issues. However, since these aspects have direct link with and directly impact the programs, the Deputy Director (Program) is expect to establish and maintain a close, professional working relationship with the Deputy Director operation to ensure that Programs and Field staff receive necessary support and advise; Supervise Field and Sector Coordinators. Ensure that a pleasant working relationship and mutual trust and cooperation is developed and maintained between Field Staff Coordinators, Sector Advisors, and Program support staff.

Assist in interviewing and recruitment of the senior Program staff both National and International ; Work with the HR coordinator and Deputy Director Operation to ensure training of program staff and orientation for new staff regarding IRC financial and administrative policies; Act as a member of the overall IRC Afghanistan Directorship team to address all issues of security and support.


Requirements: Graduate Degree in relevant field; Extensive international work experience in a multi-sector field office with a large number of Internationals and national staff; Ability to work in live in unstable environments; Strong budget and human resource management skills; Strong program planning background; Experience with US government, SV, and UN grants; Strong communication and inter-personal skills; Strong liaison and diplomatic skills


Long Term. Unaccompanied.


Contact Susan Riehl 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Interested Applicants are urged to apply online at:



Field Accountant

Concern (



Job Location Afghanistan (Taloqan)



Closing date 30 Apr 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Job Purpose:

To maintain effective control of systems to Concern Worldwide standards and to ensure adequate accountability within Concern Afghanistan programmes. The post holder is also a member of the senior management team and will participate in all major decisions relating to Concern Afghanistan.


Duties & Responsibilities:


Maintain an effective & efficient system of internal controls which comply with Concern Guidelines.

Reporting to large international donors on expenditure incurred over the life of the programmes

Provision of financial training and support to local partners.

Timely preparation of monthly management accounts for programme heads and the Country Director

Timely preparation of financial reports & budget submissions required by Concern HQ (FRPs, budget revisions etc).

Ensure that all accounts are completed in a timely and accurate manner.

Assist with preparation of & revisions to budgets, both for Concern and for donors.

Provision of support and advice to Programme heads on finance and accounting issues.

Support and supervision of national accounting staff in our support and programme location offices.

Training of local staff in Concern accounting practices and mentoring the national Finance Manager.

Directing the expatriate assistant accountant in the conduct of his responsibilities and supporting his development.

Planning and management of the annual audit process.

To undertake periodic reviews and financial evaluations and audits of programme activities.

As a member of the country Senior Management Team contribute to all major decisions in Concern Afghanistan.


Person Specification




ACA/ACCA/CIMA accredited

Two year's experience working as an accountant in a finance function is essential, preferably in a financial reporting environment.

General management experience is required.

Candidates should be self-motivated & have experience of planning & delegating work within a team environment.

Must be computer literate with a comprehensive knowledge of MS Excel & accounts packages.

Good communication & team building skills




Chartered member of recognised Accountancy Institution

Knowledge of development issues & concepts

Relevant overseas experience with an NGO

Experience of working in an insecure environment.





Applications for this position should be sent to:



Programme Manager




Concern (


Job Location



Closing date

30 Jun 2004


Job Description and qualifications:


Programme Manager - National Solidarity Programme
Job Purpose:

To ensure effective and professional management of Concern
Afghanistan's NSP Project initially in Warsaj District and expanding to a second district in late 2004.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • To oversee implementation of the project within the terms of the project contract, budget, and proposal.
  • Ensure that Concern's approach meets the process as outlined in the project proposal and MRRD's Operational Manual.
  • Ensure female participation in all aspects of NSP.
  • Ensure translation of all NSP documents from English to Dari and Dari to English.
  • Set goals and objectives with key staff.
  • Responsible for the capacity building of NSP staff.
  • Identify needs and organise training.
  • To oversee the design, Organization, and execution of staff and community training courses, workshops, and other major project activities.
  • Compare Concern NSP training with other FP's.
  • Identify, train and support national counterpart.
  • Identify and develop strategies for working with the Village Development Councils post NSP Warsaj.
  • Capacity building of MRRD representative.


  • Ensure that NSP is monitored and evaluated to meet Concern and MRRD goals and objectives.
  • Identify and organise external evaluators for evaluating NSP.
  • Identify needs from PDED and organise field visits.
  • Ensure that lessons learned are shared within Concern and other FP's.


  • Provide internal monthly reports to ACDP.
  • Provide external narrative and financial reports to MRRD as per the schedule agreed.


  • To represent Concern at donor, inter-agency, and coordination meetings between MRRD and FP's.

Human Resources:

  • Responsible for the recruitment of all NSP staff.
  • To oversee the running of finance and systems, logistics, human resources and administration of NSP.
  • To directly line-manage relevant project staff (currently 5 national staff).
  • Know and understand Concern's national staff policy manual


  • To ensure that all project staff are aware of Concern's security management system, including security guidelines.
  • Know and understand the Concern Security Manual.
  • Follow and obey Concern's security procedures.

Concern Strategic Planning:

  • To oversee implementation of the project within the terms of Concern strategies, policies, systems, and procedures.
  • To participate in the development of the country strategic plan, specifically investigating partnership with LNGO's and other policies.

Person Specification

1. Education & Qualifications Required:

Essential: Relevant Master's level degree (humanitarian aid, rural development, community development, Organizational and institutional capacity building and development)

Desirable: Educational background (diploma level or above) in any of Concern Afghanistan's programme competencies (livelihood and food security, water and sanitation, rural infrastructure development) and/or project management, financial management, and training of trainers.

2. Experience Required:

Essential: At least two years previous overseas experience in a role directly involved with managing and implementing community development programmes or partner/local institution Organizational capacity development programmes. At least two years experience of managing a team of national staff.

Desirable: Previous experience (one year or more) of working as a trainer in an area related to the objective of this job. Previous experience in
Afghanistan with a local or international NGO. Previous experience working in an Islamic culture. Previous experience working in a complex post emergency. Knowledge or understanding of NSP or similar projects in other fields.


Applications for this position should be sent to:


Programme Coordinator




Concern (


Job Location

Afghanistan (Badakshan)


Closing date

30 Sep 2004


Job Description and qualifications:


Job purpose: To ensure the effective and professional management of the area programme.
Main Duties & Responsibilities

i) Strategy Development

Ensure that the area programme is managed and implemented in conformity with the Interim/Country Specific Strategic Plan.

Input into the preparation and revision of the Interim/Country Specific Strategic Plan.

ii) Programme Management

Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through development of draft Programme Area Plans, implementation of approved Programme Area Plans, oversight of the programme area budget, and participation in the Programme Co-ordination Team.

Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through oversight of and adherence to logistics, communications, transport, human resource, and finance policies and procedures.

Contribute to the development of the area programme through participation in and facilitation of PTSU assessments, visits, and evaluations.

Ensure that the area programme is managed and implemented in accordance with all relevant Concern sectoral policies and strategies.

Ensure that the area programme meets the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and other relevant standards of Concern Worldwide's Project Cycle Management System.

Maintain accurate documentation of the area programme's activities, summarised in monthly reports to the Assistant Country Director (Programming) and in submissions for donor reports as required.

iii) Human Resource Management

Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through line management of relevant staff.

Contribute to securing sufficient human resources for the area programme to meet its objectives.

Encourage the promotion of national staff to senior programme positions where possible through provision of appropriate on-the-job training and mentoring.

iv) Security Management

Ensure programme staff awareness of and adherence to the field's security management system.

Participate in and contribute to revisions of the security management system as required.

v) Representation & Communications

Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with local government in relation to the area programme.

Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with UN, INGOs, NGOs and appropriate local bodies in relation to the area programme.

Participate in relevant co-ordination & sectoral meetings and working groups as appropriate.

vi) Organizational Learning

Seek opportunities for Concern Afghanistan to contribute to Concern Worldwide's Organization learning via participation in relevant workshops, trainings and liaison with PDED.

1. Education & Qualifications Required:

Essential: Third level qualification in programme management, programme planning, or relevant thematic subject (livelihoods, food security, watsan, education)
Desirable: Masters level qualification in assessment, monitoring & evaluation; international development; rural development; community development; information systems.

2. Experience Required:

Essential: Two years experience in a programme management position, with significant involvement in development, management, analysis, monitoring, and evaluation of livelihoods programmes; experience in programme planning and strategic planning; experience of staff training and capacity building; experience of working in an insecure environment.

Desirable: Experience of developing, implementing, and analysing livelihoods assessments or food security assessments; of developing, implementing, or managing project cycle management systems; of strategic programme development; of participatory programme approaches.

3. Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:


  • Strong facilitation, interpersonal, motivational, and communication skills.
  • Strong Organizational management and planning skills.
  • Strong budgeting and financial management skills.
  • Cross cultural awareness, sensitivity, and patience.
  • Ability to mentor, support, and develop staff.
  • Knowledge and experience of using participatory and gender sensitive approaches to assessments and analysis in particular and development in general.
  • Ability to train people in process and programme-approach issues
  • Understanding of and total commitment to using security conscious approaches to work.
  • Willingness to work as part of a multi-cultural team and operate in a restricted cultural environment.
  • Empathy with Organizational goals.


  • Strong writing skills.
  • Strong skills in presentation, creating simple documents to convey programme information in brief, accessible form.
  • Knowledge and experience of information systems management.
  • A sense of humour.
  • Ability to work independently but as a team player.


Applications for this position should be sent to:


Programme Coordinator



Concern (



Job Location Afghanistan (Baghlan)



Closing date 30 Sep 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Job purpose: To ensure the effective and professional management of the area programme.

Main Duties & Responsibilities


i) Strategy Development


Ensure that the area programme is managed and implemented in conformity with the Interim/Country Specific Strategic Plan.


Input into the preparation and revision of the Interim/Country Specific Strategic Plan.


ii) Programme Management


Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through development of draft area plans in line with programme objectives, implementation of approved area plans, oversight of the programme area budget, and participation in the Programme Co-ordination Team.


Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through oversight of and adherence to logistics, communications, transport, human resource, and finance policies and procedures.


Contribute to the development of the area programme through participation in thematic working groups, and facilitation of PTSU assessments, visits, and evaluations.


Ensure that the area programme is managed and implemented in accordance with all relevant Concern sectoral policies and strategies.


Ensure that the area programme meets the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and other relevant standards of Concern Worldwide's Project Cycle Management System.


Maintain accurate documentation of the area programme's activities, summarised in scheduled narrative and data reports to the Assistant Country Director (Programming).


iii) Human Resource Management


Ensure effective operational management of the area programme through line management of relevant staff.


Contribute to securing sufficient human resources for the area programme to meet its objectives.


Encourage the promotion of national staff to senior programme positions where possible through provision of appropriate on-the-job training and mentoring.


iv) Security Management


Ensure programme staff awareness of and adherence to the field's security management system.


Participate in and contribute to revisions of the security management system as required.


v) Representation & Communications


Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with local government in relation to the area programme.


Maintain (and, where necessary, establish) productive relationships with UN, INGOs, NGOs and appropriate local bodies in relation to the area programme.


Participate in relevant co-ordination & sectoral meetings and working groups as appropriate.


vi) Organizational Learning


Seek opportunities for Concern Afghanistan to contribute to Concern Worldwide's Organization learning via participation in relevant workshops, trainings and liaison with PDED.


1. Education & Qualifications Required:


Essential: Third level qualification in programme management, programme planning, or relevant thematic subject (livelihoods, food security, watsan, education)

Desirable: Masters level qualification in assessment, monitoring & evaluation; international development; rural development; community development; information systems.


2. Experience Required:


Essential: Two years experience in a programme management position, with significant involvement in development, management, analysis, monitoring, and evaluation of livelihoods programmes; experience in programme planning and strategic planning; experience of staff training and capacity building; experience of working in an insecure environment.


Desirable: Experience of developing, implementing, and analysing livelihoods assessments or food security assessments; of developing, implementing, or managing project cycle management systems; of strategic programme development; of participatory programme approaches.


3. Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:




Strong facilitation, interpersonal, motivational, and communication skills.

Strong Organizational management and planning skills.

Strong budgeting and financial management skills.

Cross cultural awareness, sensitivity, and patience.

Ability to mentor, support, and develop staff.

Knowledge and experience of using participatory and gender sensitive approaches to assessments and analysis in particular and development in general.

Ability to train people in process and programme-approach issues

Understanding of and total commitment to using security conscious approaches to work.

Willingness to work as part of a multi-cultural team and operate in a restricted cultural environment.

Empathy with Organizational goals.




Strong writing skills.

Strong skills in presentation, creating simple documents to convey programme information in brief, accessible form.

Knowledge and experience of information systems management.

A sense of humour.

Ability to work independently but as a team player.





Applications for this position should be sent to:



Water & Sanitation Engineer




Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (


Job Location

Afghanistan (North -Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar and Faryab -)


Closing date

31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:


Department: Infrastructure Department
Position: Water and Sanitation Engineer North
Contract duration: 8 months
Location: Afghanistan (North)
Date: April 2004

I. Background on ACTED:

ACTED, l'Agence d'Aide à la Cooperation Technique et au Développement or the Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development, is an NGO registered in France with global operations in Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. ACTED has been active in
Afghanistan since 1993, and is one of the largest NGOs in the cosuntry, capitalizing on a continued 10-year presence in Afghanistan throughout successive regimes and on established operations throughout Central Asia. ACTED operates mainly in the North, Northeastern and Central areas of Afghanistan.

While most of ACTED's operations in Afghanistan have so far been centered on relief activities (e.g. provision of food, shelter, response to natural disasters and IDP camp management), the agency is moving towards an integrated development strategy including community mobilization, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation, agriculture and micro-credit. AsAsuch, ACTED is both growing and changing, and requires staff which have the ability to operate in and manage this change effectively and creatively.

II. Background on program:

ACTED planned water supply and sanitation program in Afghanistan, Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar and Faryab provinces during 2004 will consist of construction and rehabilitation of wells, installation of shallow hand pumps, spring tapping system construction, construction of public latrine and hygiene campaign to complement the construction of latrines, wells and other water and sanitation activities.

III. Responsibilities:

The responsibilities of the Water and Sanitation Engineer are to:

  • Conduct a technical and sociological study of the projects for well rehabilitation/reconstruction and spring catchments - based on a thorough needs assessment;
  • Follow and evaluate the creation and capacity-building water committees;
  • Organize an autonomous service of maintenance for the maintenance of existing works;
  • Manage water and sanitation programs, budgets, and staff
  • Manage the procurement and storage of materials;
  • Liaise with external stakeholders: local and regional government officials, UN and NGO agencies to promote improved of planning and coordination of existing and new programs;
  • Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities;
  • Ensure cross-program integration, learning, sharing and adoption of best practices from other ACTED regional programs;
  • Develop strategies and initiatives to enhance and improve beneficiary selection;
  • Design technical manuals on approved and appropriate construction practices;
  • Ensure effective integration and mainstreaming of gender into all programs.

III. Qualifications and skills :

Qualified candidates must have:

  • 3+ years of professional experience in humanitarian and/or development organizations in water and sanitation;
  • Educational background in Hydraulic Engineering or Agronomy;
  • Aptitude for community mobilization and capacity-building;
  • Knowledge of and practical experience in the development of didactic materials for training;
  • Knowledge of donor practices, the program proposal process, and humanitarian and/or development program solicitations and applications;
  • Excellent communication and drafting skills in English required '
  • Commitment to gender equity, and passion for development an absolute requirement;
  • Knowledge of Afghanistan and/or the region an asset;
  • Must be able to work independently as well as being a strong team player;
  • Cross-cultural sensitivity and flexibility required;
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word and Excel required.

IV. Conditions:

  • Salary depending on experience 1500/2000 euros/month
  • Benefits: All accommodation, food and travel expenses covered, including a one-week R&R between the third and fourth month of operation. Medical and life insurance also covered.
  • Living and security conditions: Further information available during the interview process

V. Submission of applications:

Applications, in English, should include a resume, a cover letter and three references. Applications should be submitted no later than
31 March 2004.


Applications for this position should be sent to:

Patricia d'Erneville
33, rue Godot de Mauroy



Monitoring & evaluation Officer Intern 



Organization Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (



Job Location Afghanistan (South -Kabul/ Shamali-)



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Department: Program

Position: Monitoring and Evaluation officer

Contract duration: 12 months (with possibility of extension)

Location: Afghanistan - (Kabul-Shamali)

Starting Date: April 2004


I. Background on ACTED


ACTED, l'Agence d'Aide à la Cooperation Technique et au Développement or the Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development, is an NGO registered in France with global operations in Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. ACTED has been active in Afghanistan since 1993, and is one of the largest NGOs in the country, capitalizing on a continued 10-year presence in Afghanistan throughout successive regimes and on established operations throughout Central Asia. ACTED operates mainly in the North, Northeastern and Central areas of Afghanistan.


While most of ACTED's operations in Afghanistan have so far been centered on relief activities (e.g. provision of food, shelter, response to natural disasters and IDP camp management), the agency is moving towards an integrated development strategy including community mobilization, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation, agriculture and micro-credit. As such, ACTED Afghanistan is both growing and changing, and requires staff which have the ability to operate in and manage this change effectively and creatively.


II. Job Description


ACTED is working with ECHO to meet the emergency needs of vulnerable population in Kabul and Shamali through the improvement of environment sanitation and housing, and income and knowledge enhancement within a long-term framework. The 2004 programme is likely to include shelter construction, water and sanitation, infrastructure development and hygiene education activities.


Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will closely monitor the progress to ensure stated goals are carried out. It will also identify where adjustment are necessary to remain in step with the evolving situation.


Monitoring the different activities will take place on a daily basis; with results being fed back to be entered into the central database at ACTED's office in Taloqan, Maymana and Pul-e-Khumri.


The Monitoring & Evaluation Officer will have the following responsibilities:


Daily Monitoring and Evaluation


Use of appropriate indicators to measure the effectiveness of the different activities.

Checking of the program's appropriateness at different levels.

Keep track of all projects' and programmes' monitoring and evaluation schedules and work with base staff to design and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures.

Follow up the day-to-day workings of the M&E Department in North area including reading of weekly monitoring reports and follow up.


Information Systems


Work with all departments to follow up project and programme databases, including work on the nomenclature used (official names, etc.)

Ensure that appraisal, monitoring and evaluation reports are made useful for fundraising and add to the general base of field knowledge in Afghanistan for all organizations working in the area


Participatory Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation


Ensure that local partners engaged in appraisal for and / or with ACTED are trained and given advice in participatory approaches, minimalizing bias, and other key methodologies for information gathering.

Work with base and regional staff to help design and improve adapted participatory appraisal mechanisms for ACTED's Afghan programs.


III. Qualifications required


Honors or Masters degree, preferably in a development related field

Astute critical thinking and analytic skills

Proven relevant experience, even short term (examples of reports highly appreciated)

Experience with participatory appraisals and project cycle management encouraged.

Ability to travel and work in difficult conditions (electricity black outs, limited water supply, fuel shortages) is a must.

Good spoken and written English.

Proven ability to work creatively and independently both in the field and in the office (applicants are encouraged to send reports or examples of work).

Language skills in Farsi or Dari a plus


IV. Other highly desirable characteristics


Experience working directly with beneficiaries (personally conducting interviews, etc.).

Ability to work under pressure.

Experience training local NGOs a plus.


V. Conditions


Salaried status (1500 euros per month) + per diem

Lodging, transportation, insurance, medical cover ensured by ACTED. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Patricia d'Erneville





Hygiene Education Coordinator

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (



Job Location Afghanistan (Shamali area)



Closing date 31 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Department: Community Development

Position: Health Education Officer

Contract duration: 12 months

Location Afghanistan, Shamali Plain

Starting Date April 2004


I. Background on ACTED:


ACTED, l'Agence d'Aide à la Cooperation Technique et au Développement or the Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development, is an NGO registered in France with global operations in Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. ACTED has been active in Afghanistan since 1993, and is one of the largest NGOs in the country, capitalizing on a continued 10-year presence in Afghanistan throughout successive regimes and on established operations throughout Central Asia. ACTED operates mainly in the North, Northeastern and Central areas of Afghanistan.


While most of ACTED's operations in Afghanistan have so far been centered on relief activities (e.g. provision of food, shelter, response to natural disasters and IDP camp management), the agency is moving towards an integrated development strategy including community mobilization, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation, agriculture and micro-credit. As such, ACTED Afghanistan is both growing and changing, and requires staff which have the ability to operate in and manage this change effectively and creatively.


II. Background on Program


ACTED's planned water supply and sanitation program in Shamali during 2004 will consist of construction of wells and gravity-flow pipe schemes, basic sanitary latrines and water sources in the schools and public sanitation campaign for basic households hygiene education training. This will be achieved by setting up and training to improve the health and hygiene of rural and urban population.


Hygiene education is considered an essential component of all water and sanitation programs. In order to achieve clear dissemination of hygiene promotion messages, ACTED will work through member of the local community, training and monitoring them in promotion of health messages. ACTED will also conduct hygiene education and promotion in schools, using a variety of appropriate media.


III. Responsibilities:


The role of Hygiene Education Officer is to coordinate and manage the team of ACTED staff in community mobilization and hygiene education, consisting of twelve field officers and nine hygiene promoters.


Specific responsibilities will include:


Staff management and coordination

Liaison with local authorities

Setting up and training village, urban and district water committees

Emphasis on the role of female community members in the planning, construction and maintenance of community water supplies

Capacity building of the local maintenance network

Sourcing and preparation of appropriate hygiene education materials

Design and use of surveys, assessment tools and questionnaires related to health and hygiene

Analysis data from assessment tools

Coordination with other NGOs working in the area

Input to reports for donors, HQ and local authorities

Monitoring and evaluation of community hygiene promoters

Preparation of training materials for ACTED and community staff

Organization of training workshops and seminars


IV. Qualifications:


Qualified candidates must have:


A university degree incorporating a component of public health, water or sanitation, vocational nursing/public health training, and/or a background in community mobilization or adult education.

Previous experience in developing countries is required.

Candidates should have the following qualities:

Highly motivated and with a desire to work in participation with local communities;

Able to coordinate and manage staff and programme activities;

Sound knowledge of good hygiene practice and waterborne diseases;

Gender awareness;

Able to prepare and analyze surveys, with an emphasis on participatory techniques;

Able to prepare and use training materials and methodologies, with an emphasis on participatory techniques;

Fluency in English;

Excellent communication skills;

Flexibility and patience;

Cultural awareness and flexibility;

Computer skills (Microsoft Word & Excel).


V. Conditions:


The position will be unsalaried, with a local allowance of US$200 per month.

Benefits: All accommodation, food and travel expenses covered, including a one-week R&R between the third and fourth month of operation. Medical and life insurance also covered.

Living and security conditions: Further information available during the interview process.


VI. Submission of applications:


Applications, in English, should include a resume, a cover letter and three references. Applications should be sent no later than 31 March 2004. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Patricia d'Erneville



Infrastructure Program Manager

International Rescue Committee (



Job Location Afghanistan (Gardez)



Closing date 10 Jun 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



The core objective of this post is to plan and manage IRC's construction and water/ sanitation projects in Central and South-eastern Afghanistan, whilst developing the capacity of the engineering team.

The post-holder will be responsible for the following:


Developing the construction team's technical, financial and programmatic capability, aimed at responding to the needs of the returned refugees and internally displaced persons and other most vulnerable groups in the south-east region, through design, management, implementation and monitoring of shelter, water/sanitation, irrigation and school reconstruction projects;


Enhancing the impact and coherence of IRC's engagement in south-eastern Afghanistan;


Developing data collection/analysis and management systems;


Reporting on achievement to Field Coordinator, donors and relevant government departments;


Coordinating with relevant Government Departments;


The Programme Manager will have responsibility for strategizing, planning and implementing work in all of the infrastructure sector's projects, in cooperation with other IRC sectors, donors and government. This will include: planning programme implementation, beneficiary identification, staff training and ensuring the effectiveness of program monitoring and reporting.


The Programme Manager will be expected to build on IRC's existing excellent relations with the beneficiary community, to ensure programmes are effectively targeted. This will include enhancing the engineering team's ability to collate, analyze and record relevant data to ensure the needs of the community are addressed. In moving from a post conflict environment towards a development strategy the post holder will be expected to contribute to IRC policy and develop closer links with government.




The successful candidate is required to possess;


A degree in civil engineering and minimum 8 years post graduate relevant work experience, at least 3 years of which should be in an emergency relief or development capacity;

Experience in water and sanitation activities would be advantageous; Experience of working in a volatile security environment is essential; Willingness to travel to rural areas in the South eastern region;

Experience of managing staff at a senior level;

An ability to further develop the capacity of experienced engineers;

Experience of proposal writing and financial management (including reporting to donors);

Excellent written and spoken English. A knowledge of Dari or Pashto would be an advantage;

Creativity, flexibility, self-motivation and the ability to prioritize workloads.


Long Term. Unaccompanied 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Interested Applicants are urged to apply online at: Contact: Susan Riehl



Program Manager, Rebuilding Agriculture Markets Program , Eastern Afghanistan

International Rescue Committee (



Job Location Afghanistan (Eastern Afghanistan)



Closing date 05 May 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Responsibilities: The IRC seeks a program manager for the RAMP program, The Rebuilding Agriculture and Markets Program. The Manager will be responsible for the following: Preparing land survey and plans for infrastructure re-habilitation activities (extent of which depends on quality of private consultancy report); Initiating and following working schedules for project duration; Supervising and inspecting work quality throughout project (both RAMP and MoRD will be actively involved); Liaising with external stakeholders (local population, local authorities etc); Coordinating local contractors (tender process experience), workers, suppliers and transporters; Reporting as is required by Donor and IRC;

Financial tracking and budget control; Conducting technical and sociological studies for future RAMP project.


Requirements: Recognised professional certification in structural/civil engineering or architecture (drafting skills a plus); Experience in planning and execution of construction projects ( skills/experience in project management); Able to work independently as well as a team player; Very good communication, computer and reporting skills; Flexible, resourceful and most importantly resilient. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Interested Applicants are urged to apply online at:



Water & Irrigation Engineer

Relief International (



Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 04 Dec 2004


Job Description and qualifications:




Job Description and Qualifications:


Relief International, an international relief and development agency with cross-sectoral programs bridging relief and development, has an immediate opening for Water Engineer to manage and supervise various projects designed to rehabilitate water supply and irrigation systems primarily used for agriculture.




1.Carry out community driven technology interventions working to maximize the impact and sustainability of agricultural projects in the relief to development scenario in Afghanistan.


2.Prepare tenders, oversee bidding processes, monitor contractors, and report on ongoing projects.


3.Identify, train and supervise qualified national water engineering personnel.


4.Represent RI water engineering programs in interagency coordination mechanisms and to other partners including local authorities, UN and donors.




1.Bachelor's degree in Water Engineering or Civil Engineering.


2.At least 3 years of progressively responsible community-based water and irrigation programming in developing country settings; construction experience in the use of appropriate technology; experience with community participatory techniques.


3.Experience of living and working in insecure environments.


4.Excellent team skills.


5.Strong written and oral communication skills in English, including proven experience of proposal writing.


6.Minimum 2 years experience in an overseas posting.


7.Minimum 2 years experience working for a non-governmental organization (NGO).


8.Immediate availability.


Starting date: Immediately


Contract period: 8-12 months.


Salary Range and Benefits: $1500US-$2000US per month depending on experience plus per-diem, leave, insurances, housing, and travel. This is an unaccompanied post.


Submission:Please submit cover letter including salary history/requirement, a copy of your resume/CV and 3 professional references (name, title, organization, relationship, phone number, email) to The email subject line MUST include the following: Water Engineer Afghanistan RESUMES WITHOUT THE JOB TITLE IN THE SUBJECT HEADER CANNOT NOT BE CONSIDERED. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:



Job reference code: RW_34777L




Programme Manager south

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (



Job Location Afghanistan (Shamali area)



Closing date 30 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Department: Coordination

Position: Program Manager South

Contract duration: 12 months

Location: Afghanistan

Starting Date April 2004


I. Background on ACTED:


ACTED, l'Agence d'Aide à la Cooperation Technique et au Développement or the Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development, is an NGO registered in France with global operations in Central Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. ACTED has been active in Afghanistan since 1993, and is one of the largest NGOs in the country, capitalizing on a continued 10-year presence in Afghanistan throughout successive regimes and on established operations throughout Central Asia. ACTED operates mainly in the North, Northeastern and Central areas of Afghanistan.


While most of ACTED's operations in Afghanistan have so far been centered on relief activities (e.g. provision of food, shelter, response to natural disasters and IDP camp management), the agency is moving towards an integrated development strategy including community mobilization, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation, agriculture and micro-credit. As such, ACTED Afghanistan is both growing and changing, and requires staff which have the ability to operate in and manage this change effectively and creatively.


II. Background on programme:


ACTED is working closely with ECHO to meet the emergency needs of vulnerable population in Kabul and Shamali through the improvement of environmental sanitation and housing and income and knowledge enhancement within a long term framework. The 2004 programme is likely to include shelter construction, water and sanitation, infrastructure development and hygiene education activities.


III. Responsibilities:


The Programme Manager will work under the Area Cordinator's supervision. His responsibilities will include:




Implementation and follow up of the programme, with a particular focus on shelter construction, water and sanitation programmes as well as community mobilization and income generation activities;

Manage a 50 person local staff team;

Ensure effective integration and mainstreaming of gender into all programs;

Build and/or improve systems to supervise and manage the implementation, monitoring, learning and evaluation of programmes;

Closely supervise and monitor the work of finance, administration, logistics and auditing departments in relation to the programme;

Administer program budgets and evaluate financial program effectiveness;

Facilitate the development of monitoring and evaluation tools for program.




Liaise with the donor for the programme;

Produce all reporting requirements for the programme.


IV. Qualifications:


Qualified candidates must have:


3+ years of field experience in project management and/or relief programs;

Strong educational background in development, management or any related field;

Some background in finance and logistics;

Excellent communication and drafting skills;

Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;

Familiarity with the aid system, and ability to interface with donors, Ministries, local authorities and community leaders;

Strong interpersonal skills;

Fluency in English required

Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management software a requirement.


IV. Conditions:


Salary: depending on experience (1500/2000 euros/month)

Benefits: All accommodation, food and travel expenses covered, including a one-week R&R between the third and fourth month of operation. Medical and life insurance also covered.

Living and security conditions: Further information available during the interview process.


V. Submission of application:


Applications, in English, should include a resume, a cover letter and three references. Applications should be submitted no later than 31 march 2004. (please see contact details for appplications) 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Patricia d'Erneville


+ 33 142653333



Programme Advisor 

UN Development Programme (


Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)



Closing date 18 Mar 2010


Job Description and qualifications:



Post Title: Programme Advisor

Organizational Unit: UNDP/ANBP


Type of Appointment: ALD/3 - International


Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan


Duration: 6 months, with possibility of extension


Closing date of applications: EXTENDED to 18 March 2004




The Programme Advisor (Development) will be located in the Offices of the"Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme", an organization of the Transitional Government of Afghanistan established to assist in implementing the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) Programme. He/she will report directly to the Senior Programme Advisor and will have the following duties and responsibilities:


Within the delegated authority, the incumbent will:


Provide relevant and value added advice to Government in the design and conceptualization of reintegration packages for ex-combatants;

Develop conceptual approaches and identify best practices including design of projects and programmes focusing on reintegration needs of ex-combatants;



Work closely and provide needed technical assistance to relevant line ministries to ensure that the government is aware of the complex needs of ex-combatants and that there is appropriate level of programmatic response;



Coordinate and liaise with UN agencies including UNAMA, INGOs, NGOs and potential donors to identify programme activities suitable for reintegration of the ex-combatants;



Assist in identifying government investment and national development programmes that can provide employment to ex-combatants including programmes implemented by non-governmental partners;



Consolidate and analyze information on programme activities including assisting in the development of the operational work plan for a national DDR programme;



Provide planning and organizational expertise in assisting in the creation and capacity building for the Afghan DDR Programme;



Draft project documents, position papers and policy notes;



Monitor substantive project development and implementation;



Train national counterparts and develop approaches to build DDR capacity within national authorities



Advanced university degree, in developmental economics, political science, social sciences or international relations;

8-12 years of experience of which 6 years is in a field related to programme management and policy development;



Excellent knowledge of process planning;



Good knowledge of the UN system and its procedures;



Effective communication skills and ability to establish good working relationships with national and local authorities, and international interlocutors;



High moral integrity, sound political judgment, as well as diplomacy, impartiality and discretion and proved capacity of initiative, leadership and autonomy;



Ability to work and act under pressure and with discretion in a politically sensitive environment, with a minimum of comfort;



Ability to travel under harsh conditions within the country whenever required;



Excellent computer literacy;



Excellent command of English and good knowledge of at least one other UN language.



Knowledge of the political and economic situation and prior work experience in Afghanistan is highly desirable.

Submission of Applications:


The application comprises of one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post attaching your CV to it. Interested International Candidates should submit their application in writing (marked"Confidential", clearly indicating on the subject line the VA number and the title of the position applied for) to the Human Resources Manager of UNDP/ANBP at Jalalabad Road Pul Charkhi UN Compound, DDR/Human Resources Section, Kabul, Afghanistan; or e-mail their application (indicating on the SUBJECT line the VA number and the title of the position applied for to


Please note that applications received after the closing date (closing date has been extended to 18 March 2004) will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:




Chief of Information




UN Office for Project Services (


Job Location

Afghanistan (Kabul)


Closing date

24 Mar 2004


Job Description and qualifications:


Vacancy Announcement
Post: Chief of Information
Level: L4/P4 equivalent (ALD equivalent)
Duty Station:
Kabul, Afghanistan
Reporting to: UN Programme Manager
Estim. Starting Date: 1 May 2004
Period of Contract: six months initially and then renewed based on performance and funding

The Mine Action Programme in Afghanistan (MAPA) was transferred from UNOCHA to the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in June 2002. The UNMAS project is executed with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The
Mine Action Center for Afghanistan manages the MAPA. The Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan (MACA) has converted their information database to the UN system of choice ' the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA). MACA has conducted normal operations throughout the transfer and at the same time has overseen the implementation of a Landmine Impact Survey (LIS) in accordance with UN protocols and certification guidelines. The Chief of Information will coordinate the implementation of IMSMA, oversee the execution of the LIS, coordinate external quality assurance for the LIS. He/she will also guide, advise, assist and organize training for all MAPA staff in the Programme's information systems.

The Chief of Information is responsible to the UN Programme Manager for the following duties:

- Coordinate UN Policy requirements with regard to information systems with UNMAS,

- Coordinate IMSMA implementation for Afghanistan with GICHD/ETHZ and MACA MIS and recommend changes necessary to ensure compatibility both now and in the future,

- Coordinate landmine impact survey requirements with SAC, Cranfield University, MCPA and MACA Regional Mine Action Centers. Review and develop systems to further amalgamate Level 1 survey data, socio-economic impact data and other planning data into existing and future IMSMA systems,

- Coordinate HI's data input model Project for mine victim information,

- Review and advise on the compatibility of MAPA information systems and existing/proposed AIMs systems,

- Prepare lists, reports and spreadsheets depicting mined area information.

- Conduct end-user needs analysis and develop map and statistical products for users,

- Train the national staff on the management of the overall flow, management, processing, dissemination and storage of information to ensure that the correct data is entered and that the necessary quality controls are put into place to ensure that accurate information is available to enable the operations department to make the correct decisions.

- Identify, coordinate and/or design appropriate training courses for MAPA data personnel and NGOs/operators including: Specialist courses for technical data staff (e.g. programming languages, information management, etc), General courses for non-technical staff (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets),

- Identify training needs, establish and implement a training programme to develop the skills of national colleagues in the Information Cell to input, manipulate and analyze data, and to update and modify the database as required in support of the mine action programme. S/he will also provide training on the management information system to other staff of the Mine Action Programme to ensure that it is available as an effective management tool. Training will normally be provided on-the-job or through structured in-house workshops or seminars, but could also involve identifying and costing external sources.

- Review, advise and oversee the development and maintenance of a MAPA web site,

- Review and advise on MACA/MAPA information and reporting systems to maximize the usefulness of electronic office tools/systems,

- Review and advise on present reference system for minefield records,

- Advise on and develop database requirements for sub-national offices (RMACs),

- Review and develop the present archive and back'up systems,

- Maintain existing information Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and develop new SOP as required for the MAPA,

- Provide technical advice on data, GIS and information systems and management to the MACA as required,

- Coordinate/conduct evaluations of new information products and systems as well as recommend acquisition of new hardware/software,

- To perform Quality Assurance on minefield, dangerous areas and victim survey information regarding to IMSMA,

- Manage and supervise the Information Section of the MACA, and

- Any other duties as requested by the UN Programme Manager.


The Chief of Information must have the following attributes:

  • At least 8 years experience in the development, maintenance and management of computerized GIS and database systems. Formal education, such as a degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, would be an asset.
  • Proven experience in mine action programme or mine clearance operations is highly desirable.
  • In-depth knowledge of database and GIS software, and computer networks. Good knowledge of related hardware and peripheral equipment.
  • Knowledge of IMSMA is a prerequisite.
  • Very good ability in topographical map reading
  • Experience in a mixed nationality-working environment. Experience of working in the region desirable,
  • Able to exercise sound judgement and capably take on a wide range of tasks with minimal guidance,
  • Able to work in a limited infrastructure environment for extended periods.
  • Able to work well in a team, to project a positive image, is self-motivated and able to recommend options for resolution of issues,
  • Knowledgeable about UNMAS, GICHD, SAC and current programmes and trends,
  • Able to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner,
  • Applies protocol appropriately, and
  • Physically fit and in good health

The closing date for applications is
24 March 2004. Interested applicants should send their CV or P11 by email (see contact information) by the closing date. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Applications for this position should be sent to:


Field Prosthetic Educator



Center For International Rehabilitation (



Organization Description Distance Learning Education in Prosthetics and Orthotics 



Job Location Afghanistan



Closing date 03 May 2004


Job Description and qualifications:



Field Prosthetic Educator


The Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR) is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation focused on the development of programs and technology to assist people with disabilities in low-income countries around the world. The CIR is an outgrowth of Physicians Against Land Mines (PALM), a public education and advocacy organization formed in l996 to address the treatment and prevention of land mine injuries. CIR/PALM has established relationships with local partners in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Balkans and in Central Asia, to assist in carrying out research activities and clinical trials on products developed through the Center.


JOB DESCRIPTION: The prosthetic program manager will be based in Kabul, Afghanistan and be primarily responsible for clinical trials of new innovative prosthetic designs developed by CIR project members and the delivery of education programs regionally in coordination with the CIR. Travel to other field areas will be required on occasion. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:


Administrative Activities


Conduct field assessments.

Coordinate with the Ministry of Health and other Ministries.

Coordinate the CIR wheelchair project.

Identify centers that have the interest and capacity to implement Distance Learning Education.

Identify potential funding sources in the field.

Identify potential partners such as local NGOs and P&O centers to build local capacity.

Coordinate with other INGOs.

Coordinate all CIR projects in the field.

Travel to other regions for dissemination of CIR systems and products.

Coordinate with existing CIR partners in the field.


Education Activities


Conduct field training and dissemination.

Provide students and prosthetic technicians with the needed clinical supervision upon completion of each education module set.

Conduct short-term workshops.

Develop and adapt educational materials for local distribution.

Clinical/Field Trials for Prosthetic Designs

Provide expert feedback on the methods being tested and make recommendations for improvements.

Submit progress reports, patient photos, case histories, and follow-up plan to the CIR Chicago office for inclusion in donor reports and journal submissions.

Participate in the development of future activities, funding and program expansion.


QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must have a college degree and be certified by either the American Board, or the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO Level 1) and have at least five years experience in prosthetic and orthotic fabrication and direct patient care. Management experience, and demonstrated organizational skills are essential. Relevant experience in an overseas environment is desirable. Applicant must be able to speak and write English fluently. 




Applications for this position should be sent to:


Please send cover letter, resume and references to the attention of the Field Operations Manager, Nikola Prvulov, Center for International Rehabilitation, 351 East Huron, 2nd Floor Annex, Chicago, IL 60611, email: . CIR/PALM assures equal employment opportunities for all qualified persons without discrimination.




Procurement Specialists

Crown Agents


Apply By:  5 April 2004





 Job Opportunity Description


Afghanistan – Providing Support in Public Sector Procurement


Crown Agents is an international development company delivering capacity building and institutional development services in public sector transformation, particularly in revenue enhancement and expenditure management, banking, public finance, training and procurement. We work for the public and private sectors in more than 100 countries, as well as for international development agencies and institutions and operate at all times to the highest standards of integrity and transparency.


As part of the technical assistance which Crown Agents provides in Afghanistan we are seeking to identify suitably qualified professionals who would be interested in potential long term (3 year) assignments to Afghanistan.


Procurement Specialists


- Extensive experience in the practical application of World Bank guidelines for the procurement of goods, works and services ideally gained in a developing country environment.

- Fluent written and spoken English

- Knowledge and awareness of cultural sensitivities

- Degree/professional procurement qualification


Interested individuals are invited to submit their CV’s for consideration along with details of their availability and fee rates to Jenny Brady. Email address


Closing date for applications 5 April 05



Capacity Building Specialist

Crown Agents


 Apply By:  5 April 2004




 Job Opportunity Description


Afghanistan - Providing Support in Public Sector Procurement


Crown Agents is an international development company delivering capacity building and institutional development services in public sector transformation, particularly in revenue enhancement and expenditure management, banking, public finance, training and procurement. We work for the public and private sectors in more than 100 countries, as well as for international development agencies and institutions and operate at all times to the highest standards of integrity and transparency.


As part of the technical assistance which Crown Agents provides in Afghanistan we are seeking to identify suitably qualified professionals who would be interested in potential long term (3 year) assignment to Afghanistan.


Capacity Building Specialist


- An human resource development specialist

- with experience in training design and delivery

- Knowledge of procurement under donor assisted procurement regulations in particular those of the World Bank

- International experience essential

- Knowledge and awareness of cultural sensitivities

- Fluent written and spoken English


Interested individuals are invited to submit their CV's for consideration along with details of their availability and fee rates to Jenny Brady. Email address


Closing date for applications 5 April 05



Programme Manager

Crown Agents


 Apply By:  5 April 2004




 Job Opportunity Description


Afghanistan - Providing Support in Public Sector Procurement


Crown Agents is an international development company delivering capacity building and institutional development services in public sector transformation, particularly in revenue enhancement and expenditure management, banking, public finance, training and procurement. We work for the public and private sectors in more than 100 countries, as well as for international development agencies and institutions and operate at all times to the highest standards of integrity and transparency.


As part of the technical assistance which Crown Agents provides in Afghanistan we are seeking to identify suitably qualified professionals who would be interested in a potential long term (3 year) assignment to Afghanistan.


Programme Manager


- A skilled team leader with proven project management skills

- Experience of overseeing/implementing change management programmes in public sector environment, involving capacity building - preferably in public financial management/procurement sector

- International experience essential

- Knowledge and awareness of cultural sensitivities

- Fluent written and spoken English

- Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills are essential.


Interested individuals are invited to submit their CV's for consideration along with details of their availability and fee rates to Jenny Brady. Email address


Closing date for applications 5 April 05




Senior Management

Mercy Corps


Apply By:  11 April 2004



 Job Opportunity Description


Mercy Corps, operational in Afghanistan since 1986, manages a large, multi-sectoral program primarily in rural areas of Afghanistan that focus on enhancing livelihood (both agricultural and non-agricultural) opportunities for Afghans. These programs also work to improve participation in community decision-making about available services while holding service providers accountable. 2004 brings some significant new program expansion plans for Mercy Corps Afghanistan, along with the challenges of a fluid security environment. Afghanistan is at a critical crossroads right now—with upcoming elections in 2004, Mercy Corps is well positioned to help shape the future of Afghanistan.


The rapid, successful recruitment of Senior and Operational leadership for Afghanistan is critical to the work we’ve been doing in Afghanistan. We have recently restructured the leadership team to effectively address the challenges and opportunities presented by working in Afghanistan, and are currently seeking professional, committed individuals for the following positions.


Country Director

Director of Program

Finance Manager


All three positions provide excellent yet challenging opportunities to make a huge difference for the communities of Afghanistan. In addition, Kabul is now an accompanied post for Mercy Corps Team Members and their spouses/partners.


Success Factors:

The successful Management candidates will combine strong communications, participatory leadership and compassionate decisiveness to implement an overall vision for Mercy Corps programs in Afghanistan. A stable and tolerant personality is essential in order to be comfortable and thrive while effectively managing a team working and living in the conditions presented by Afghanistan. An understanding of the current political, economic, social conditions and the historical context of Afghanistan is important, along with the ability to obtain, analyze and act on large amounts of security and program information from a diverse range of sources. The most successful Mercy Corps staff members have a strong commitment to teamwork and accountability, and make effective communication a priority in all situations.


For more information on Mercy Corps’ Afghanistan programs, please visit For more information regarding these three key positions, and to apply, click on “Jobs.”




NO WFP/ 033 /2004

                                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Workshop Assistant

1 Position



Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: 21 March 2004


Purpose: Under the direct supervision of the Fleet Manager and the overall supervision of  the Head, WFP Faizabad, the incumbent will be responsible for the following:-



·         Maintaining the technical efficiency of WFP owned fleet, ensuring the correct use of maintenance and repair facilities and safe usage of tools and equipment;

·         Advising the Fleet Manager in all fleet workshop management matters including mechanic training as required;

·         Overall supervision of the workshop and monitor staff daily tasks

·         Maintenance, repair, overhaul and modification of various makes/models of WFP owned fleet;

·         Install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, and electronic system in all types of vehicles;

·         Work closely with the Store-man on issuing/purchasing of spares;

·         Travel outside duty station at short notice to service vehicles and recoveries;

·         Driving heavy trucks, light vehicles and other heavy equipment machinery;

·         Perform other duties as requested.



·         Secondary School Education.

·         At least three years job related experience in with Govt or any reputable organization.

·         Basic computer knowledge i.e MS words and MS Excel.

·         Fluency in both written and oral English and the language of the duty station.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


For the above post, WFP is looking for candidate with good inter-personal skills and the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary international setting with staff from different cultural backgrounds. A high standard of trustworthiness is essential


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Head of Area- Office WFP, Faizabad


 Human Resource Office

WFP Country Ooffice

Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638


  Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)



Only short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.          




NO WFP/ 027 /2004

                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Admin Assistant Airport

1 Position


SC- 5

Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under the general supervision of the Country Director, Reports to Administrative Officer.



·         Engender a positive relationship with the airport authorities; including immigration, customs and other authorities at the airport to facilitate UNHAS passengers’ arrival and departures.

·         Work closely with UNHAS in establishing aircraft arrival and departure known times to ensure that all aircraft arrival and departures known. There can be last minute changes due to, weather slot times and other causes of delays of which the Administrative Assistant must be aware.

·         Work closely with the Transport section particularly with the Transport Supervisors to ensure     that and drivers are available to take WFP passengers to and from Kabul airport.

·         Meet all incoming flights at Kabul airport, identify WFP passengers and assist them with Customs Immigration, luggage and ensure that transport awaits passengers and escort them to the vehicle.

·          Ensure that appropriate vehicles and drivers are available to take WFP passengers to and from Kabul airport.

·         Be aware of possible delays in transporting passengers to and from the airport as a result of security or other events which can cause traffic jams resulting in delays.

·         Maintain a monthly control record of showing all arrivals and departure of WFP staff, consultants and visitors.

·         Perform other duties as required.



·         Completion of secondary school education.

·         At least three-four years of progressively responsible general clerical or secretarial work experience, including at least one year in the field of accounting, human resources, air operations or administrative services or other related field.

·         Training and/or experience utilising computers, including word processing, spreadsheet and other software packages, HF, VHF radios.

·         Excellent knowledge of Dari and Pushto as well as English.

·         Working knowledge (level C) of two of the UN Official languages, training and/or experience using Word, Excel, Power Point and other WFP software; knowledge of WFP administrative regulations and rules, and WFP policies and procedures in the area of work. Experience with air operations would be advantage.

·         Excellent communications skills.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Human Resource Officer

WFP Country Office

Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)




Only Short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.




NO WFP/ 028 /2004

                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Staff Assistant (ICT Unit)

Position: 1



Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:

Country Office Kabul

Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under overall guidance and supervision of the Head of the unit and CD. The incumbent will perform the following duties:




·        Prepare correspondence for supervisor’s signature, checking enclosures and addresses.

·        Arrange appointments for supervisor, receive visitors, place and screens telephone calls, respond to routine requests for information and assists in making travel arrangements for supervisor.

·        Type a wide variety of material from drafts, printed texts and dictating machine

·        May operate word-processing equipment.

·        Proofread documents for correctness.

·        Arrange appointments for other senior staff.

·        Draft correspondence on routine matters.

·        Receive and screen correspondence and attachments and all necessary background information.

·        Maintain office records and reference files on various subjects.

·        Take notes at meeting as required.

·        Perform other related duties as required.




·         Higher/Secondary school education.

·         At least three years experience as secretary with reputable organization.

·         Fluency both in written and oral English and the languages of the duty station.

·         Excellent knowledge of computer including work processing spreadsheets and other software packages.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)





NO WFP/ 032 /2004

                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Tally Clerk

1 Position



Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under direct guidance and supervision of the Logistic Officer and Head of the Area Office, the incumbent will perform the following duties:



·         Ensure the WFP standard procedures for handling and storage of food and non-food commodities are followed.

·         Supervise the porters/labours during loading and unloading operations at the warehouse and ensure that no hooks are used during the loading and unloading.

·         Ensure stocks/stacks of commodities are in sound conditions.

·         Physically count all units of commodities during unloading/stacking in the warehouse.

·         Prepare waybills for all out-going commodities and assist the storekeepers in the loading/unloading exercise.

·         Physically count all stocks/stacks of food and non-food commodities.

·         Assist the storekeeper with filing of warehouse reports, waybills.

·         Ensure that the warehouse are properly cleaned and report any infestation noticed.

·         Any other task required in the context of WFP operations,



·         Higher/Secondary school education.

·         At least two years experience as a security guard with a well record.

·         Ability to speak and write English and the languages of the duty station.

·         Excellent knowledge of computer.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Head of Area Office, WFP Faizabad


Human Resource Officer

WFP Country Office

Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

        (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)



Only Short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.



NO WFP/ 034 /2003

                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Guest House Manager

1 Position


SC- 3

Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under overall guidance and supervision of Admin/Finance Officer and Area Office. The incumbent will perform the following duties:



·        Assist Finance/Admin Officer in managing/equipping well functioning guesthouse. Also take initiative in improving guesthouse facilities and equipment.

·        Ensure mobilization of all support staff for neat and clean environment in the guesthouse. It includes supervision of keeping kitchen clean and hygiene; rooms are properly clean; change of bed sheets, towel and other essential items. Cleaning of bathrooms/toilets.

·        Procurement of all necessity items for guesthouse including maintaining sufficient quantity of food stock for guest.

·        Ensure staff handles all guesthouse property will good care. That includes necessary action if any one handles these property inappropriate way.

·        Ensure responsible staff members are on duty regularly.

·        Brief new arrival guest about guesthouse rules and show the existing facilities. Also maintain proper guest register.

·        Carry out quick actions on guest’s request.

·        Ensure deadline is met in submitting income/expenditure statement  to the AO for final review and onward transmission to CO for further action.

·        Maintains attendance records of all support staff including security armed guards.

·        The incumbent assists the Finance and Administrative Officer in the maintaining a proper inventory record of all non-expendable items, periodically checking the items, physically and assisting in preparation of year-end inventory. Upkeep of stores both archives and supplies.

·        Ensure control system in place for utilization of generator including maintenance, repair and fuel consumption.

·        Perform other related duties as required.



·        Higher/Secondary school education or equivalent to university degree.

·         At least three years experience of work with reputable organization.

·         Fluency both in written and oral English and the languages of the duty station.

·         Knowledge of computer.

In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Head of Area- Office WFP, Faizabad


Human Resource Officer

WFP Country Office

                Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)




Only Short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.



NO WFP/ 031 /2004

                                                                                                                Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:


2 Positions



Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under the guidance and supervision of the Guest House Manager, the incumbent will performing the following duties:




Responsible for the total cleaning of the interior and exterior of the office premises, help in the safe keeping of office equipment and files. Prepare and service tea in the office and perform any other duties as may be required by other staff.



·        Secondary school education, preferably High school degree.

·         At least one year experience with the relevant field.

·         Ability to speak English and the language of the duty station.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Applicants meeting the above qualifications are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their Curriculum Vitae, address and telephone number of three referees, to:


Head of Area Office, WFP Faizabad


Human Resource Officer

WFP Country Office

                                Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)




Only Short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.



NO WFP/ 030 /2004

                                                                                                                                    Issuing Date: March 21, 2004

Post Title:

Cook & Assistant Cook

2 Positions



Nature of Contract: SC

Duty Station:


Closing Date: April 04, 2004


Purpose: Under the guidance and supervision of Admin/Finance Officer and Guest House Supervisor, the incumbent will perform the following duties:



·        Perform cooking.

·        Make sure that fresh and healthy food is served to the guests.

·        Make sure that the food supplies are used efficiently and there is no food wastage.

·        Prepare daily menu.

·        Keep truck of food stock.

·        Order food supplies.

·        Maintain kitchen machines and equipments

·        Supervise kitchen staff.

·        Any other related tasks as required.


Experience and Requirements:

·        Knowledge of international cooking is essential; kitchen hygiene training is also required.

·        Two years experience in related field and be able to provide excellent references.

·        Evidence of qualifications will be required.

·        Speaking English is an advantage.


In line with WFP policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome.


Afghan Nationals meeting the above qualification are requested to submit a cover letter quoting this Vacancy Announcement No. along with their curriculum vitae, photocopies of certificates and name, address and telephone number of three referees to:


Head of Area Office, WFP Faizabad


Human Resource Officer

WFP Country Office

                                Wazir Akbar Khan, Peace Street 103, Kabul

   Tel:  +93 (0) 70 282 817-26,

           (0) 20 210 0216-8, 28586/623/645

   Thu: +882 1621 110 189 /631 /634 /638

   Sat:  +873 763 044 995/996 (Fax)




Only Short-listed candidates meeting the qualifications will be contacted.