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Afghanistan-related Jobs

List for 02 January 2004





Employment Opportunities

Project Director, Afghanistan Media Project

Position Title: Project Director, Afghanistan Media Project

Duration: One Year (three month probationary period)

Renewable based on funding

Terms: 70,000 Cdn $

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

IMPACS - the Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society seeks an experienced journalist and project director to lead the implementation of its women's media capacity-building project based in Kabul, Afghanistan. The incumbent will be responsible for project development and management, training programs coordination and delivery, financial management and reporting.

Specific duties will include developing project work plans, liaising with key stakeholders, overseeing all aspects of training, managing a small team of national staff and coordinating all aspects of project implementation. The Project Manager will be reporting to and be supported by IMPACS staff in Vancouver. Contract is for one year (three month probation period) and extending based on availability of funding.


Qualification Requirements

The ideal candidate will have a minimum of five years senior project management experience, preferably working within an international context. S/he will have an excellent knowledge of electronic media and have fundraising experience. The candidate will possess a university degree in communications, international development, political studies (or a related discipline). S/he will have excellent communications skills and cross-cultural awareness, exhibit sound judgment and be capable of living and working in a conflict environment. Preference will be given to Canadians and Canadian permanent residents. Women candidates are encouraged to apply.

Interested persons may consult the IMPACS website for the full job description.

Please forward a letter of interest and résumé no later than January 6, 2004 to

International Programs

IMPACS - Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society

910 / 207 West Hastings St.


V6B 1H7


It may be sent by fax at 604 682 4353 or electronically to

Further inquiries can be addressed to Rosamelia Andrade, Program Officer, International Media Programs at 604 682 1953 Ext. 110 or at

IMPACS Contract Position

Job Description

The Project Director reports to the Executive Director of IMPACS and is responsible for all aspects of the development, implementation monitoring and evaluation of a 2-year project in Afghanistan. The Project Director will work with partner organizations in Canada and Afghanistan, and supervise the staff and trainers in all aspects of the operations of the project.

In accordance with the objectives outlined in the project document:

Project Development and Management:

Negotiating protocol agreements with partners

Developing the project work plans in coordination with partner organizations

Overseeing the development of the women's community radio stations, the training program, the radio production unit, the media and elections program, the media and law program, and the gender policy framework

Identifying and securing facilities for projects

Supporting media legislation development missions

Coordinating security for project personnel

Other ad hoc tasks as required


Overseeing all aspects of the training process

Recruiting, orienting and scheduling media trainers and academics

Identifying and hiring qualified Pashtu and Dari translators

Developing suitable training curricula

Participating as a trainer and developing appropriate course material

Organizing out-of-country training

Organizing roundtables and workshops as required

Financial Management

Developing the project budget

Managing project expenditures

Maintaining all bookkeeping records

Preparing monthly financial reports

Preparing midterm and final financial reports

Providing documents for internal or external audits (as required)

Human Resource Management

Working with partners to develop job descriptions

Recruiting, supervising and evaluating national staff

Supervising, supporting and evaluating trainers

Providing support and supervision for international interns in cooperation with IMPACS staff in Vancouver and contract staff in Afghanistan

External Liaison

Liaising with the Canadian High Commission and the Canadian Embassy in Kabul on project and security issues

Maintaining strong communication and consultation with project partners

Participating in policy development discussions

Participating in the coordination of activities with members of the international donor community active in Afghanistan, and in particular in media development

Maintaining contact with Asian media outlets interested in fostering relations with Afghan media

Developing and maintaining media relations with Canadian, Afghan and international media outlets to promote the project

Representing IMPACS as appropriate at official gatherings, meetings and conferences

Evaluation / Reporting

Developing a plan for each stage of the project including the assessments, training process, technical assistance, support to the development of media legislation, small projects support

Submitting a weekly project log to the Executive Director

Providing quarterly briefing notes for the IMPACS Board package

Coordinating project evaluation process as outlined in project document

Preparing donor mid-term and final reports for IMPACS




Kabul 23 December 2003


Post Title: Operations Manager

Duty Station: Kabul

Organizational Unit: UNFPA Afghanistan (United Nations Population Fund)

Type of appointment: NO-C (National Officer)

Duration: 1 year after 3months probation

Number of Positions: 1 (One)

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: UNFPA Afghanistan has been operating under an emergency programme. Beginning 2004 the office will be operating under a regular country programme. UNFPA Afghanistan works in close collaboration with national partners including the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women’s affairs, the Ministry of Education, UN agencies and NGO’s. UNFPA has been in operation in Afghanistan since the late 1970’s. In response to the recent crisis, UNFPA provides assistance for reproductive health; women’s development and gender issues.


Under the direct guidance of the Representative and /or Deputy Representative, the operations manager provides leadership and advise in all aspects of CO management and operations management operations, finance, administration, procurement and information technology as well as human resources. His/her role is to insure a fully accountable, smoothly functioning, well managed and results oriented Country Office and to facilitate programme implementation and delivery by providing for the operational needs of programme and projects..

The Operations Manager:

· Assesses and anticipates operational and staffing requirements for the implementation of the country programme and its component projects by participating in design and review meetings and assessing managerial and operational capacities of executing agencies. Supports the achievement of programme and projects results facilitating operational aspects of project inputs under national execution in terms of personnel, sub-contracts, equipment, fellowships, study tours and other project related events.

· Ensures the strategic and efficient management of office and programme financial resources through planning and tracking of available resources exercising appropriate financial control and ensuring corporate financial policies are met and reporting structures established and maintained. Advises when deviations from rules and regulations may be required and proposes alternative solutions to meet office and programme objectives.

· Ensures optimal staffing of office and projects through timely provision and training of human resources applying best practice HR tools and mechanisms and advising on appropriate contract modalities. Advises on HR policies and benefits and implements and monitors corporate HR policies and systems including performance management.

· Oversees the implementation of corporate systems and applications in support of finance and human resources management and country office operations and ensures training of staff and project personnel. Promotes network relationships for accessing and sharing knowledge and ensures a continuos and accurate /up-dated flow of information between the Country Office and HQ and support of finance and human resources management.

· Ensures timely provision of goods and services for office and projects by managing the procurement process, recommending best approach and contracting modalities, evaluating cost effectiveness and providing support in negotiating agreements. Oversees management of UNFPA assets and facilities.

· Ensures that UNFPA interests are considered in common system activities relating to common services and premises, cost recovery, cost –sharing arrangements, privileges and immunities, entitlements and salaries surveys, security etc by participating in interagency meetings and working groups.


Job requirements:




Master’s degree in business administration, public administration, finance, information technology, economics or related field.




5 – 8 years professional experience preferably in administration, finance or office management in the public or private sector. Language requirements are: fluency in English and Dari.



Computer skills:

Proficiency in current office software applications and corporate IT systems.



Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Good analytical and communication skills.




The application comprises a one-page cover letter explaining your interests and suitability for the post and your CV. Kindly submit your application in writing (marked confidential, clearly indicating on the sealed envelope the Vacancy Announcement Number) to UNFPA in Kabul. Applications can also be sent through email to


Short listed candidates will be invited to UNFPA Kabul for interviews.

This position is only for Afghan candidates

Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

Closing date for applications: 10 January 2004





National Emergency Employment Programme Rural Access (NEEPRA)

Title of Post: National Trainer/facilitator

Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan

Duration of Appointment: 12 months with possibility of extension

Issue date: 20 December 2003

Closing date: 15 January 2004

Scheduled Starting Date: February 2004


One of the national priority programs of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan (TISA) is the National Emergency Employment Programme. Through NEEP, increased and improved access to local markets, schools, clinics and productive agricultural land will be provided and natural resources will be protected and developed. NEEP’s specific objectives are: a) increased social protection for 5-6 million vulnerable people through the provision of short-term employment opportunities; b) increased economic livelihood opportunities for the poor through increased access to public and productive infrastructure services, facilities and assets; c) increased technical and management capacity in the government and private sector regarding resource allocation, planning, designing, contracting, implementation and maintenance of projects executed within the framework of NEEP.

ILO is contracted by MRRD for providing Technical Assistance services. The purpose of the ILO-TA is to contribute to the development, institutionalization and implementation of effective systems and procedures for coordination, programming, planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation within NEEP. Other activities will be the establishment of a functional MIS for NEEP, and the development of guidelines and methodologies that relate to social protection, civil engineering and contracting. To build the managerial and technical capacity within the Government and the private sector the Transitional Islamic Government of Afghanistan has requested the TA input of a national Training Advisor/facilitator for the NEEP JPMU

General Duties

The Training Advisor will be assigned to the NEEP JPMU and shall work under the overall direction of the Program Director of the JPMU. The Advisor will report to the NEEP Chief Technical Advisor and will work in close collaboration and coordination with the Government staff assigned to NEEP, other NEEP Advisors, key stakeholders, implementing partners and other relevant programs. Together with the JPMU Government counterparts, the Training Advisor will be responsible for the development of an overall capacity building master plan for NEEP and the coordination and implementation of training activities. Within the overall responsibilities, the Training Advisor and the Government Counterparts will be specifically responsible for the coordination and implementation of the following activities:

Make an inventory and assessment of the available personnel capacities, skills and training requirements within the involved Government institutions and among the Implementing Partners

Coordinate and contribute to the development of a comprehensive training plan at national and provincial level; effective training methods and techniques;

Coordinate the development and/or translation of training materials, including modules for the Training of Trainers (TOT) based on participatory training techniques

Conduct and coordinate TOT courses and training courses for NEEP staff, involved Government staff and staff of implementing partners

Participate in the preparation and organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions and meetings, and provide inputs in those, as and when required.

Facilitate workshops, including log frame workshops, using participatory methods

Analyze and evaluate budgets, objectives and activities relevant to the organization of NEEP training activities. Prepare budget estimates and expenditure forecasts by analyzing and monitoring situation of resources as compared to planned activities and making recommendations to management for remedial action.

Qualifications and experience required

The National Trainer/Facilitator should have:

B.Sc in a relevant discipline

At least 7 years of progressive experience as a Trainer and Facilitator of workshops and training courses.

Proven ability to facilitate workshops with large numbers of participants, using participatory models and applying the logical framework approach.

Technical knowledge of one or more of the infrastructure sectors covered under NEEP is an advantage.

Demonstrated ability to develop and apply training, modules and methodologies in various fields, related to rural infrastructure development.


Fluency in both spoken and written English.

Excellent command of Dari and/or Pashto.


The following competencies are expected of the successful candidate:

The ability to justify requirements and approaches to problem resolution and ability to negotiate

To deal with people with tact and diplomacy

Good team player but also capable to operate individually

Excellent communication skills, in speaking and in writing

Excellent drafting and report writing skills;

Strong capability to adapt to rapidly changing requirements

Capability to perform effectively and efficiently in a highly demanding working environment with very tight deadlines


Contact for more information:

Samira Hamidi

Human Resources

United Nations Development Programme for Afghanistan

Shah Mahmood Ghazi wat,Kabul , Afghanistan

+93 (0)70225899 ( Cell )

+873 761 660 769 ( Fax )

+93 20 210 1682-85 ( Work ) ( Internet )


Coordinateur de Programme Agricole

Solidarités (

Job Location Afghanistan (Kabul)

Closing date 15 Jan 2004

Job Description and qualifications:


Solidarités, ONG présente en Afghanistan depuis plus de vingt ans, intervient aujourd'hui principalement en milieu rural dans le centre et le nord du pays.

Au niveau politique, l'Afghanistan reste confronté à des enjeux majeurs. Le gouvernement de Karzaï reste fragile malgré les efforts de la communauté Internationale. Les problèmes de sécurité sont toujours très préoccupants ; le rôle et l'impact de la présence des forces américaines reste incertain notamment dans leur volonté d'occuper une place de choix dans la reconstruction du pays (à travers les Provincial Reconstruction Team). La paix n'est donc pas revenue et la reconstruction du pays peine à s'amorcer.

Le niveau de production agricole est encore insuffisant pour assurer l'autosuffisance alimentaire du pays. Cependant les précipitations de cette année sont de bonnes augures pour les récoltes à venir.

Sur un plan humanitaire, nombreux sont les problèmes qui restent encore sans réponse. L'aide au retour des réfugiés reste une priorité notamment sur la zone Nord du pays. Dans le Hazarajat les besoins s'amenuisent et nous étudions les possibilités d'intervention sur d'autres zones (Panjao, Waras) où une évaluation est en cours.

En terme de stratégie opérationnelle, les actions engagées par Solidarités ont pour objet d'aider à la réinstallation des populations déplacées par les combats et les conséquences de trois années de sécheresse. La mission Solidarités Afghanistan comprend actuellement deux bases régionales (Mazar & Bamyan), qui chacune a la responsabilité de bases locales et de programmes spécifiques, avec une structure régionale de coordination à Kaboul (programmes, logistique, administration).

Le volume des budgets mis en oeuvre pour l'année 2002 s'élève à 6,5 Millions d'Euros.


a. Coordination du Programme Agricole

- Etre le garant de la cohérence du programme vis à vis des besoins des populations

- Contribuer à une stratégie de programme adaptée à la stratégie de l'organisation et au contexte

- Fixer des objectifs et des indicateurs spécifiques et généraux

- Superviser la planification des activités et des ressources dans le temps, selon les objectifs fixés

- Assure la coordination technique, et la représentation du programme avec les représentants des partenaires institutionnels (DG, FAO, ...)

b. Suivi du programme en cours

- Etre le garant du reporting programme dans les délais (intermédiaires et finaux. narratifs et financiers)

- S'assurer de l'application de l'éthique, de la charte et du mandat de l'organisation ainsi que de la politique humanitaire et de développement en interne et en externe

- Etre force de proposition pour la prolongation ou le développement de l'activité agricole en fonction des résultats obtenus et de l'impact de l'action sur les populations

c. La gestion des ressources humaines alloués au programme agricole

- Planifier les ressources humaines et les structures organisationnelles en fonction du programme

- Utiliser les techniques de management préconisées par l'association

- Faire les entretiens d'appréciation des performances pour le personnel sous sa responsabilité directe (2 expatriés et 70 nationaux)

- Gérer et faire valoir la dynamique de groupe dans l'atteinte des objectifs du programme et le bien-être du personnel, par des réunions de l'équipe, des visites de terrain, etc.

- Arbitrer / aider à résoudre des conflits d'équipe

- Motiver les individus et les aider à contribuer à l'atteinte des objectifs des programmes

- Transmettre et promouvoir les valeurs et l'éthique de l'organisation

d. La gestion financière et budgétaire concernant son programme

- Participe à l'élaboration des budgets adaptés aux besoins de l'organisation et aux différents bailleurs de fonds

- Suivre les lignes budgétaires qui le concerne

- Faire la demande de trésorerie mensuel pour son programme

- S'assurer de la production des rapports budgétaires conformément aux échéances fixées par le siège


- Formation supérieure agro ou formation technique agricole en production animale et végétale + base en technologie agro- alimentaire

- Expériences en gestion de projet de relance agricole en sortie de crise et des relations avec les communautés villageoises indispensables

- Expérience en zone aride et moyenne montagne est un plus

- Connaissance en zootechnie est un plus

- Longue expérience en développement agri/agro à l'étranger avec une bonne connaissance des partenaires institutionnels (DG relex, FAO, ICARDA,...)

- Totale maîtrise en anglais et informatique (internet, Word, Excel) INDISPENSABLE


Salarié ( selon les critères de l'association et compétences ) ou Volontaire indemnisé ( 838 € par mois + 200 USD de « per diem » par mois )

Frais de vie :

Hébergement, nourriture, déplacements sont à la charge de Solidarités.

Assurances :

L'expatrié bénéficie d'une couverture sociale de qualité permettant de couvrir les frais

de santé (frais médicaux et chirurgicaux, frais bucco dentaires et ophtalmologiques, rapatriement) et d'une prévoyance accident incluant les risques de guerre. Les frais de vaccination nécessaire au départ sont remboursés par l'assurance.

Break :

L'expatrié bénéficie de périodes de breaks tout au long de sa mission. Pour une mission d'une durée d'un an, l'expatrié bénéficie, au bout de trois mois de terrain, d'un break d'une semaine en dehors du pays d'intervention avec une participation forfaitaire de Solidarités de 500 USD.

Après 6 mois de mission, break de 15 jours avec un aller retour en France payé par

Solidarités de façon à garder contact avec ses proches.

Il/elle bénéficie de nouveau d'un break d'une semaine hors du pays d'intervention avec une participation de 500 USD de Solidarités au bout de 9 mois.

Formalités administratives :

Afin de simplifier la procédure administrative post recrutement, vous êtes invités à vous assurer de la validité des documents suivants :

- Passeport ( valide 6 mois après la date de fin de mission prévue)

- Permis de conduire national et international

- Pour les ressortissants hors Union Européenne ( titre de séjour sur territoire français)

- Carnet de vaccination (surtout fièvre jaune)

Applications for this position should be sent to:

Adresser CV ( avec noms et adresses de vos référents) et lettre de motivation en français, de préférence en version informatique à:



105 avenue Gambetta 75020 PARIS - FRANCE

Tel :+33 1 - Fax : +33 1

Pour plus de renseignements sur Solidarités et son action :



Trader Publishing Company

Trader Publishing Company, the industry leader in photo-guide automotive advertising, seeks a success-minded individual to further develop the San Diego County sales territory. This challenging opportunity is for candidates desiring to improve overall sales performance and develop themselves for advancement within our company right away.



Account Executive

Location: US-CA-San Diego

Job Description

This is an exciting career opportunity with good earning potential for a hard-working assertive individual.

1. Candidates should have a strong desire to succeed in a myriad of challenging business situations

2. Ability to speak Farsi a plus

3. Candidate should be a self-starter who has good organizational skills

4. A positive attitude and drive to stay focused should be a couple of your key attributes

Trader publications is a drug screening and motor vehicle screening company.

Any offer of employment is contingent upon the candidate successfully passing a drug screen and MVR check of driving history.

Trader offers a dynamic environment, excellent growth opportunities, competitive earnings and a comprehensive benefits package including a generous 401K. Trader Publishing Company supports a diverse workforce.

If you have the skills and seek challenging growth opportunities, please send cover letter with ad code and resume to



Project Manager


August 2003 – August 2004


The project manager will be responsible for the overall management and facilitation of the IFES project to provide electoral assistance to Afghanistan. The project manager will be based in Kabul and will be required to travel within Afghanistan for the conduct of his duties.


• Provide technical assistance and advice to Afghan counterparts, and guide activities of program staff and consultants in the areas of election administration, voter education, and political law development.

• Work with interim project facilitator/advisor in identifying potential office facilities to accommodate as many as five persons at a time.

• Obtain any required permits to conduct the project.

• Identify and hire Afghan staff.

• Oversee necessary preparations for consultants, including hotel accommodations and appointments.

• Arrange for project vehicles, which may include purchasing a vehicle.

• Liaise with IFES CIDA project Head of Mission to ensure that projects complement each other and leverage resources and funding.

• Identify relevant stakeholders for the project specialists to meet, and set up meetings.

• Monitor activities and stay current with consultants’ work in all program areas.

• Monitor and track project expenses against budget targets.

• Obtain and analyze regular financial projections from international and local consultants and senior local staff for forward costs of all specific project activities.

• Consult regularly on the status of current and projected project activities, and financial and administrative issues, with USAID and IFES/DC.

• Help draft project reports as required by USAID and requested by IFES/DC.


• Master’s degree preferred; Bachelor’s degree required.

• At least 10 years’ experience working on international development issues, preferably in Afghanistan or other South/Central Asian countries.

• Knowledge of the political environment of Afghanistan and context within the region.

• Experience with election administration, election law, and public information campaigns is desired.

• Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills (oral and written with an emphasis on report writing).

• Office management experience, including management of local and international staff.

• Ability to represent IFES at the highest levels of government and professional organizations.

• Knowledge of and experience with USAID administrative procedures and financial reporting requirements a plus.

• Fluency in standard office computer applications (including Word, Excel, Access, e-mail and Internet).

• Working knowledge of Farsi, Dari, and/or Tajik preferred.


To apply please send your resume and cover letter to

indicating PM Afghanistan in the e-mail subject line.



Senior Program Assistant


The International Foundation for Election Systems is seeking a Senior Program Assistant who will provide administrative and programmatic support for current and developing programs in Asia.


• Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree

• Prior project management experience

• Prior international experience (preferably in South Asia)

• Proficiency with spreadsheets

• Experience working with budgets and financial management

• Excellent written and oral communication skills

• Prioritizing and completing multiple tasks

• Keen interest in news and current affairs in Asia


• Knowledge of Asian political environments

• Asian language skills (especially Farsi/Dari)


The duties of the SPA shall include:

• Manage a small project with minimum supervision

• Preparing and tracking project budgets

• Preparing position descriptions and scopes of work for project personnel

• Assistance in recruiting specialists

• Making and finalizing travel arrangements for consultants and IFES staff

• Planning meetings, briefings, and seminars and making necessary logistical arrangements

• Editing and compiling proposals, briefings books, and reports

• Drafting and editing correspondence to Asian contacts and donor organizations

• Tracking Asian news and political developments

• Providing clerical assistance, such as faxing, filing or copying

• Maintaining project documents and files

• Conducting research for assigned projects

• Performing other duties, as assigned



Please send your resume and cover letter to

indicating “Asia Senior Program Assistant” in the e-mail subject line.


Persian Specialist

Near Eastern Collection

Sterling Memorial Library

Yale University Library

Librarian I

Fixed Duration: Two years from date of hire with continuation possible.


The University Library, which is a highly valued partner in teaching and research at the University, holds over 10.5 million volumes, as well as numerous other media, housed in the Sterling Memorial Library and 22 school and departmental libraries. It employs a dynamic and innovative staff of nearly 600 FTE who have the opportunity to work with the highest caliber of faculty and students, participate on committees and are involved in other areas of staff development. A full spectrum of library resources, from rare books and manuscripts to rapidly expanding network of electronic resources, constitutes one of Yale's distinctive strengths. The Library is engaged in numerous ambitious projects to expand its collections and access to them. For additional information on the Yale University Library, please visit the Library's Web site at:

For additional information on the Near Eastern Collection, please visit


Under the supervision of the Near East Curator, the Persian Specialist will manage, select, process and catalog materials in the Persian language, potentially in a wide range of different formats including monographs, serials, electronic materials and microforms dealing with Iranian studies from Iran, the United States and Europe.

The Persian Specialist will establish relationships with vendors and use different vendor lists in selecting materials to be added to the Near East Collection at Sterling Memorial Library. Other duties will be: to assist the ordering and receiving units at the Acquisition Department in verifying and romanizing bibliographical information in Persian and related languages, to prepare full descriptive cataloging records according to national standards, to assign subject headings and call numbers, to create name authority records for NACO and the Yale Cataloging system. In addition, the Persian Specialist will provide reference services to the faculty and graduate and undergraduate students and train student assistant if needed. Participation in committee activities related to the job responsibilities is expected in the Yale library, with the Council on Mid East Studies of the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, the Department of Near East Languages and Civilizations, and on the national level.


MLS from ALA accredited Library Science program or an advanced graduate degree in Iranian Studies or related subject is required. Some experience in library activities is preferred. Excellent command of oral and written Persian and oral and written fluency in English is required. Knowledge of other Middle Eastern languages such as Arabic or Turkish is preferred. Ability to communicate and work with others in the Near East Department and the library staff as a whole is essential. Familiarity with print and electronic tools in Persian studies is required as well as familiarity with trade books in the Middle East and specifically in Iran. Experience in using a personal computer and an understanding of online library systems is necessary. Ability to make judgments and to work independently is highly desirable. Minimum of two years of professional experience and demonstrated professional accomplishments appropriate to the rank, for appointment as Librarian II.


Competitive salary will be based upon the successful candidate's qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 18 holiday, recess and personal days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applications consisting of a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references should be mailed to: Diane Y. Turner, Associate University Librarian for Human Resources, Staff Training & Security; Yale University Library; P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520; fax: (203) 432-1806. Submissions via email are also welcomed and can be sent as a Word attachment to Please be sure to include Source Code EAYU8928.


Persian Language Instructor


Central Eurasian Studies Department

Seeking lecturer in Persian language instruction beginning 2004-2005 academic year. Applicants should hold PhD or ABD in Iranian or Persian studies or another relevant field. Native-speaker or equivalent Persian language proficiency required. Successful applicant will demonstrate commitment to teaching Persian at all levels and developing the language program in coordination with other faculty members.

Send letter of application, three reference letters and graduate school transcripts to Administrative Secretary, Indiana University Central Eurasian Studies Department, Goodbody Hall 157, 1011 East Third Street, Bloomington IN 47405-7005.

Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and is committed to employing quality faculty who will enhance the rich diversity of our academic community. Applications received by December 30, 2003 are assured full consideration.