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My Kids

Hi these are my 3 kids. Starting from the left. Christine Lynn she's 13. She's a bit of a card. She is very good at many things. Then there is Max Andre he's 18. WHOA I can't believe that and I am his mother LOL. He is very good with his hands. He loves to draw. Then Next is Shannon Marie shes 14. She has got the prettiest blue eyes. She's a bit shy and quiet. But she also Is not afraid to speak her mind. Way to go girl. They all are very spontaneous just like me, easy going, down to earth,and fun loving. They live in Northern Ky with their dad .I keep trying to put up a recent pic but ANGELFIRE doesnt seem to be working proper :-< . Anyways soon as they will let me I will have it up asap.

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To my children
