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More about Miss BobCat

Well hello again. I guess you want to know whats happened in my life since I created this web site almost a yr ago. Well lets see . I now have someone in my life right now. He means the world to me. So guys ? Sorry but I am not prowling around anymore. But I still can be friends and talk. Just got to think of him now to as well. SORRY :( But I am happy. Anyways I am now living in Visalia Calif. I work for a computer business there I am a computer tech in training. It's in central Calif. It's not a big town about 90 thousand people but I like it. The mountains are only a half hour away as you can see in the picture above here. I love to go there and just enjoy the view and think or what ever ;). Well I will continue to add things here. Maybe I will add my sweetie picture if he doesnt mind. Who knows ?

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