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Carfax Abbey

Welcome to Carfax Abbey, the homepage of morbious8. I am the Broodmaster of The Order of the Sacred Dark. In here we will explore a, perhaps, darker approach to the Old Religion, and magick in general, then you might have seen elsewhere.
No, this isn't Satanism. That faith is merely a form of Christianity and we of the craft (another comman name for wicca, or witchcraft) were around a long time before the coming of the pale Galilean.
No, we are as we always have been, seperate and unconnected with more recent faiths. This is not to belittle them, they are valid to those who find them so. Just as our ways are valid to those who follw our paths.

Again I say welcome. Enter freely and of your will.
For the Blood is the Life!

Who we are
