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Who We Are

We are those who find the shadows more comfortable then the daylight, those who look in places unthought-of for answers to questions that few seem to share.
In truth, we are few. Most people will never understand the forces that drive us and, far too often, will laugh at us. The Dark things of life call to us and in their mysteries we find the truths of our lives. We find that a full moon, a fog-filled graveyard, the loneliness of a cliff overlooking the sea, holds more peace, beauty and meaning then any bright and shining sunlight.
We are those whom others have misunderstood, and in their ignorence, have belittled, mocked and harrassed us because we were different. I too have felt the pain of isolation and not fitting in to the "in" crowd. I spent many years trying desperatly to be as the others, till I finally realized that I was different!
And I found that that was good, for it was who I was.
The Dark WAS my home and my place, and further, I found it was good, and that I was not alone.

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