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Blood. To some people even the thought of blood causes nausea or revultion. Yet blood is a part of all of us, and an object of fastenation, curiosity and even reverence to most of the world's religions. The xian's sacred blood of christ, the Hebrews use of blood at Passover, and the blood sacrifices of the early Hebrews and others show that this is no unusual or singular abberition of a small group. Indeed there are few, if any, religions in which Blood does not play a part. And more often then not, a major part. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church still holds as a tenet of their faith that the communion wafer and wine become, inside the worshiper's body, the actual blood and flesh of christ. Blood drinking and cannabilism in a mainstream church? I'm afraid so.

Well, now that we've hopefully dispelled some of the gag reflex, perhaps we can disscuss this very important subject in a reasonable manner. First and foremost, we do NOT condone the taking of blood in any manner from anyone that does not give it freely, willingly and without reservation, without conditions or influence, as a gift of LOVE ! Yes, Love. Are you surprised to see that word here, in a place where we follow a path of Vampyrism? Don't be. Yes, we venerate power and strength. But, bcause we are Wise, we know that physical strength fades, influence waxes and wanes, and financial fortunes vary. Love never ends. We grow and fade in this life, and eventually, no matter what arcane knowledge you learn or what skills you master, Death takes us all. Only Love is eternal. And as all things, even Love has a Dark side to it, as well as a light. Therefore we choose the Almighty Sword of Love, both the Light and the Dark, and in doing so, become immortal ourselves. The world shall yeild to us what we wish, because we are a part of it and a part of Love. Unlike others, we are a part of ALL of this world and this Love, and deny none of it. We embrace the Dark and walk there with peace, wrapped in Love. Shadowalkers, shapeshifters, vampyrs, lovers. And the Blood is the Life.

Do we use Blood in our rituals? Yes. As bond, as Power, as a sign of that Almighty Love, we use the ocean of our bodies in ritual and veneration. Is our way yours? Perhaps. Only you can say. But there is great beauty and majesty in the Dark.

So, enter freely and of your own will, if you will, and walk the night with us.

Why the Vampyr?
The Path
