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The Path

The Path consists of 8 grades, each with their own teachings and lessons.
Do not be decieved, this is NOT some occult diploma mill. I guarantee that you will work for all of your grades, and I also guarentee that when you have earned them, you will know that you have and that you can create the magick that you have learned. This is not a game or toy. It is quite real.
The First Path, or Grade, consists of 12 lessons. This is a general introduction to the occult and the way of magick, as seen from our own Vampyric path. Remember, this is the Way of the Sacred Dark, so if you're looking for cutsie fairies and talking butterflies, you are in the wrong place. These 12 lessons will, over the time that it takes you to work throught them, give you a good, basic understanding of the principles of magick and our Path. It generally takes about one month to work through each one and there is a charge of $15.oo per lesson. As you finish each one, just return the answer pages, reports or whatever is required for that lesson with your payment for the next lesson and your corrected work will be returned to you along with the next lesson. Satisfactory completion of all 12 lessons allows you to petition to be admited to The Order of the Sacred Dark as a 1st level initiate. This will give you access to the rest of our teachings and Paths, and the right to add the number "1" to your name. It also will allow you to associate with others in our Order, if there are any in your area, as an Initiate of the Order eligible to join their Brood (The basic local orginization of Initiates).

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