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The purpose of this web page is to introduce the mountain biker to rides of a non technical nature in the Los Angeles area where one can also experience the wilderness feeling. Within a 100 miles one can experience on your mountain bike the exhilaration of conquering the mountain peaks surrounding you that are seen from the freeways. I live in the West San Fernando Valley which is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges. Looking to the south lies the Santa Monica Mountains. Here one can ride in Topanga State park, Point Magu State park, and Malibu Creek park. Deep canyons, ocean views and chaparrel covered mountains offer many miles of scenic mountain biking. To the west is the Simi hills where riding in Chesbro park one can experience old California the way the land was before urbanization took over. To the north lies the majestic San Gabriel and further out the Los Padres mountains around Gorman and Frazer Park. Here many miles of great off road and remote pave road rides gets you really in the outback of the LA area. In this area are many rides into the pines where great vistas await you of the ruggedness and beauty of the area. LA and the freeways are below you sometimes 3000 feet. You don't need a $3000 bike to enjoy these rides. My bike is a $750 hardtail with lx-xt components. The rides given here are just a sample of the many more trails out there to be explored. We are very fortunate to live in a climate where one can mountain bike all four seasons. So go out there and ride your heart out and be thankful you live in LA regardless of what everybody else thinks about us. We live in one of the best urban areas to mountain bike.

Here is how I determine my ride classifications. Non technical means fireroad with hard pack and minimal rocks and sand. The width of the trail is large enough for a SUV to ride on. Technical is single tract riding where some basic skills in control of riding are needed. My rides tend to be mostly non technical where the danger of injury is kept to a minimum. One still has to be careful especially on the downhills. Excessive speed can be dangerous if you hit a rut or stone and lose control. Most of the rides have nice long descents on fireroads.

The rating of the rides is determined by the fatigue factor in my quads,total elevation climb and duration of the ride. Moderate is 1500 ft elevation climb, 2.5-3.0 hours ride and little pain in the quads. Moderately streneous is 1500-2500 feet climbing, 3.0-4.0 hours in the saddle and when you finish your quads are feeling it pretty good. Streneous rating is over 2500 feet climbing in excess of 4 hours in the saddle and cramping beginning or existing in the quads. Not a nice feeling.

I am almost 50, 200lbs and the only time I work out is when I bike ride. I tend not to drink or eat enough when I ride so my bonker time may be quicker than yours. If you are able to do 24 minutes at level 9 on the hill program on a lifecyle, you should be able to do all the rides. As for the time factor, I am not the fastest rider or quickest downhiller. For every hour of riding I take a 10 minute rest break. It should not take you any longer than the maximum times given for each ride.
