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Monday, 5/15/00, 6:00-9:00 AM
Artist/Band Track Title CD/LP/EP/7"/Compilation
Ghost Daggma Snuffbox Immanence (CD), 1999
Sun Ra and his Myth Science Arkestra Angels and Demons at Play Angels and Demons at Play/The Nubians of Plutonia (CD), 1993 [material from 1956-1960]
Pendulum Sandrine We're Too Small to Lose Each Other (CD), 1999
Nine Wood TV Western New Can of Ice (CD), 1998
Vacuum Tree Head Potpourri Discoteca MM (CD-R EP), 1999
Vas Deferens Organization Entrees Drug Bubbles (CD), 1999
Gaji Hungry Children 90's Japanese Independent Musics (Compilation CD), 1998
Black Flag The Process of Weeding Out The Process of Weeding Out (LP), 1985
Buzzcocks Lester Sands {Drop in the Ocean} Time's Up (CD), 2000 [rare/unreleased material]
Saint Andre Hotbox Exalting the Grid (7"), 1998
Windsor for the Derby * Difference and Repetition (CD), 1999
South Flannery South (CD), 1998
Windy & Carl The Silent Ocean Depths (CD), 1998
DJ Cheb I Sabbah Radhe Krishna Mahamaya (CD), 2000
Amon Tobin Defocus Bricolage (Double LP), 1997
The Double U Beetle Lantern Bog Swap Falling Lanterns (CD), 2000
Ali Jihad Racy Moorish Impressions Mystical Legacies (CD), 1998
Hassan Erraji & Arabesque Thrikraiat al Andalous Africa North (Compilation CD), 1999
Secret Chiefs 3 Beyond the Mountain Qaf Second Grand Constitution and Bylaws (CD), 1998
Mr. Bungle Ars Moriendi California (CD), 1999
Kazutoki Umezu Get Away with Murder First Deserter (CD), 1997
Jim's Big Ego Someday Cafe Jim's Big Ego (7"), 1995
Last Days of May ECG 102A Radiant Black Mind (CD), 2000
Morphine Swing It Low Like Swimming (CD), 1997
Gamelan Sangburni Bratyasa {Farewell} Smoking Cloves (CD), 1996
Keuhkot Jumala Ruskea Aikakirja (CD), 1998
Volapük Le Feu du Tigre Le Feu du Tigre {Tiger Fire} (CD), 1995
FJF Carryout Blow Horn (CD), 1997
The Persuasions Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up Right Around the Corner (CD), 1994
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