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Ally Dusalle sat outside the jail and tilted her hat down over her eyes. She was alone and had decided to take advantage of the solitude to do a little pondering.

And the subject of her pondering? The ongoing war between Mary Travis and Aenohe, Ally's hawk.

Mary and Aenohe had met in a very inauspicious way. Aenohe had been waiting outside the saloon for Ally when he'd decided to fly down the street a little ways.

On his trip he'd spotted a mouse coming out of the Clarion. Unfortunately Mary had chosen that moment to walk out the very same door and of course, Aenohe nearly hit her. Mary'd freaked and went for a gun. Poor Aenohe nearly got his little head blown off.

Of course Ally had straightened the situation out but Mary had remained distrustful and slightly hostile towards Aenohe and Aenohe was wary of Mrs. Travis, never venturing to close.

Ally frowned. She wasn't sure of what, or anything, she could do. Aenohe wasn't about to let Mary anywhere near him not that Mary wanted to be anywhere near him anyway.

She was still thinking when a scream rent the air.

Ally's frown deepened as she bolted from her chair towards the sound. That scream had sounded suspiciously like Mary Travis.

When Ally burst into the Clarion, closely followed by Chris and Vin, she found Mary Travis stroking Aenohe's feathers. And Aenohe was clearly enjoying the attention.

"Mrs. Travis?" Ally said hesitantly, with a raised eyebrow.

"Y'all right Mary?" Chris queried.

Mary beamed at them. "Oh yes. Thanks to Aenohe here."

"Pardon?" All three chorused.

Mary gestured to a dead diamond backed rattler lying near the door. "It must have gotten in when I wasn't looking. I turned and it was right at my feet. It would've bitten me if Aenohe hadn't killed it."

With a cautious movement Vin nudged the rattler, making sure it was dead. When he was sure he picked it up and tossed it out the door. "So you're al'right?" He questioned leaning against the doorframe.

Mary nodded. Aenohe chirped.

Chris, Vin and Ally shared a look then excused themselves.

"Does anyone know what the hell just happened?" Chris asked when they'd stepped off the boardwalk.

Ally and Vin shrugged.

"Miz. Travis and Aenohe called a truce." Vin stated calmly.

Chris and Ally looked at each other. "Uh huh." They said flatly.

There was silence for a few moments as they wandered along the street.

"Saloon?" Ally offered.

"Saloon." Chris and Vin agreed.

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