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I am a Plains Cree Tumbleweed Prodigy born and raised in the shimmering wheat fields of Saskatchewan. Home, where the buffalos roamed...

I attended high-school in Regina, and attended the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College at the University of Regina, (or as we used to call it: The U of Aargh!), for five long years.

I am currently working as a free-lance journalist and have just completed my latest novel. It is tentatively called DAWSON CITY, UBER ALLES.

I have travelled all over North America especially Canada. For quite a number of years I have explored Alaska and Yukon Territory. And I promise to see the rest of the world very soon.

The Nepenthe Journal is an on-going experiment of sorts. Part travel document and part diary, I hope most of all to tell an entertaining story. I have always been fascinated by travel stories and accounts.

Paul Theroux, Bruce Chatwin, Eric Newby, Redmon O'Hanlon, et. al. are some of my favourite writers. I aspire to their level of travel writing. That is, I don't care to inform the reader on the best bed and breakfast. I'd rather tell you who I took to bed and had breakfast with... I don't care about the world's largest hockey stick. I'd rather tell you the story about the person I met while eating a sandwich underneath it.

The fascinating aspect of travel is not the exotic location but rather the one-of-a-kind adventure of it all...The satori by misadventure.

"It's a big-ass ol' world,
Let's go take a look at some of it..."
-Pastor Beernuts-

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