Lupin Hill 2004 Merchandise

The 2004 benefit raised $29,000 for Lupin Hill School!

Merchandise available as of June 18:

All merchandise is white with the 'All Together Now' logo in full color

6 mesh "trucker caps"
3 Small Adult T-shirts
1 X-Large Adult T-shirt
19 Medium Adult Tank tops
10 Large Adult Tank tops
8 X-Small Youth T-shirts
3 Small Youth T-shirts
27 Medium Youth T-shirts
10 Large Youth T-shirts

$10.00 per item plus $3.00 shipping

Please enclose a note indicating your choices, include your full mailing address, and make checks out to "Lupin Hill PFC."

Mail your orders to:

PO Box 4112
Roselle Park NJ 07204 USA

as Lupin Hill will be closed until the end of August. Per her request, the NOFC will forward everything received by August 13th to Kay Johnstone and orders will be filled as soon as the school office re-opens.

Please email the NOFC to let us know you have sent an order. Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis so if you want something that is low in quantity, order NOW!