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Things That Get Hyped Up Too Much. I'm Here Too Make The Hype Overripe. Hey, That Rhymes!

1. The Loch Ness Monster.

People are always amazed at the Loch Ness Monster. I don't see what's so No Reality-esque about him or her or it. If it played the bag pipes and tuba and cook barbecue ribs, then it would be different.

2. Titanic(Contributed by Violet).

When I say this, I am talking about both the movie and the real thing. First, the real ship, all it did was hit that iceberg. There's no mystery or anything. No "Ghost Titanic" that sails and makes people all cold and stuffy. For the movie, yeesh, will it ever end? It've been a lot cooler if that lady was on the front of the ship when the Titanic hit the iceberg. Now that's creative.

3. When People Say "If U Were a Spice Girl, What Would U Be Called?"(Contributed by Violet)

That's gettin'real annoying now. And some answers are a bit, shall we say, idiotic. Like suspenders spice. Say what? This is getting old real quick, and I say the Spice Girls, i won't say anything 'bout them, but this strange "game", ugh. Oh well, one day, maybe the people who came up with this will spontaneously combust.

Tired? Rest in the Restless Place. No, not New York.

Zoomin' on down, man, woman, and child
