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Other Web Pages Where Spiders Will Suck Out Your Brains

(Ooo...a torn graphicky thing...)

Warning: Going to most of these will bring you back into Reality. I hope you're prepared!

Not so sincerely,


The norealo-meter

Other Linkomatics

Right or left where you started

Cool Place With Funny, Funny Pictures. Webmaster - Riddler42 (6 because it has some stuff that is noreality material, but still has some reality)

Lots o' Links Be Here. Webmaster - Chasewlf (6 because of all the freaky stuff and oddities. There's some wolfies and wrestling junk and even Sailor Moon stuff. Yes, you heard me)

Pretty Coolness Droolness. Has Buffy Junk and Jewel Junk and Other Junk. Webmaster - NAC (6 because it's about TV and Jewel, but has some reality-based stuff)

Has Those Robots That Go EE-OO-AH-AH-AH. Webmaster - Jazz (6 because even though the idea is not that ordinary, those robots are common now in the past two decades)

Everything That You Don't Need is Here. Webmaster - The Violet Giant (7 because it is practical and useless at the same time. Ouch, my head hurts)

Blechh!!!. Webmaster - Mr. Samwich (3 because well, it's about owls and sports... but there's a delightful Sandwich section...)

Official Neve(I do not know how to pronounce this so I will not make any puns) Web Site. Webmaster - Neve (3 because the only things non-realistic are the funny looking band members and the bass player's name)

Has a Bunch o'Stuff That's Cute Cuddly, and Heart Felt. Weird. Owner-Ladyluck (3 because the missing children stuff and veterans salute and kitties is realistic, nowadays it's unusual that there are people like this)

A WAY KEWL NiGHTS (and other stuff) Page! This girl is fantasmic at arty type junkity junk. Webmaster - Alaer or JEF (8 because this page is brimming with NR stuff. The piccies are manufique!)

Very Peculiar Site Filled With Nonsensical Phrases! Prepare to vomit on your comet! (I know that rhymes, but I just realized that) Owner-Draglor (5 because it really DOES have potential, but a little too short. More useless "proverbs" and it'll get upgraded immediately!)

A Great Place to Find a Constantly Developing world. False Nightopia is Pretty Cool. Webmaster - Catilina (5 because that False Nightopia seems irregular, and with all the inner kwirks, it earns something good in my book. True there's a diary, but her life isn't normal. Besides, she actually wanted me to reduce the rating upon request)

A Site Dedicated to ASCII Art! Zelda Ascii Art Especially! Just watch out, Small Children! The Webmaster Dost Not Like Tots! =P Webmaster - Dark Link Feldman (9 because of the sheer power of ASCII art... and that it instills a sense of..a sense of... just go...)

A... Site. Not Sure WHAT This Site is Themed. Seems to Be This Person's Interests... and... She's Linked to Me, Out of Her Own Free Will! That Scores Brownie Points! Webmaster - Khara (4 because, despite all the realism and thanks and such, there's a bit of..not that... Like having Jewel on the site. That's pretty weird. As well as whimsical comments and such)

These are Web Sites that I consider have a PERFECT 10:

Everything You Need to Know About That Mysterious Gas That Smells Like Old Fish on Dry Land, and Then Some. Webmaster - Dr. Rex Breefs

Little Boxers Making Peace and Fighting at the Same Time All While Doing a Variety of Activities. Strange. Webmaster - DMan

Two of the Original Pioneers For Surrealism, and No-realism. That Duo of Boy and Stuffed Tiger, Those Creators of G.R.O.S.S., the Calvinball Players, Well, Do I Really Have to Give You More Clues?

Very Kewl Page. One of My Faves. Pretty Creative. It Has to Do With Video Game Fan Fiction and Fan Art as Well as Other Stuff. You Can See My Work There!! It's Got Everything I Tell You! A Messageboard filled with peculiar individuals as strange as me, and so much more! I'm even dedicating a section of my site to us! Webmasters - Spider Productions
