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ScotiaSpirit's Spirituality


Hello. As you have already guessed, I'm a native Nova Scotian, that likes surfing around the net, and once in a while like chatting. I have a wonderful son who is now nine and started school in September 1998. At present, I am contemplating my options regarding some aspects of my personal life.

My previous work included doing Land Surveying, however made some life changes and entered the Accounting/Business Administration field. I am currently an employee of the Federal Government, however have been on medical leave undergoing physiotherapy and pain modalitiy treatments. I am leader of a local chronic pain support group.

I have made some great friends since being on the net and and it is a wonderful place to chat, email family members and particpate in many wonderful groups.

I have to admit that my spirituality is probably different then the norm of most people. I believe in soul, and we are all here on a learning experience for greater spiritual understanding. My basis of understanding and conveyence of my thoughts would take many pages to explain, so I will leave it off here, but welcome hearing from people that have special spiritual experiences to share with me. I like to attend spirituality seminars and am very open minded about learning new spiritual things. I find this a very rewarding experience. I have learned a great deal from my ECK friends. Some very interesting books on the Eck teachings are authored by Sri Harold Klemp, who is the spiritual leader of Eckankar. One of my favourites is called, "The Art of Spiritual Dreaming". Studying dreams is very interesting and thought provoking.

My life has been altered due to medical conditions and the most challenging one has been Chronic Pain. To anyone not familiar with chronic pain, the best way that I would describe it is having a pain that lasts longer than six months, and to add insight to that word, if anyone has ever suffered things like an abcess tooth, kidney stones, appendicitis, think a moment of that intensity of pain, and then have to live with it every waking hour of every day.

Common chronic pain conditions are Migraine Headaches, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Low Back Pain, Thoracic Pain, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, TMJ, just to name a few, as well as other medical conditions that can cause chronic pain such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns disease, arthritis, herniated disks to mention another few. I belong to support group(s) for chronic pain in the Halifax area and feel support groups are one of the best avenues for learning coping mechanisms while living with this disease, and of course, people in the groups all share the common thread of chronic pain, so have made some very meaningful friends. It is very rewarding to help others that are journeying through this difficult medical challenge which can affect both body and spirit. I have included a link in this page to NACPAC, which is the North American Chronic Pain Association Canada and you can find a wealth of information at that website on many chronic pain conditions.

When I have some free time, I will dedicate an actual page on chronic pain. (This project is in progress)

Life offers many challenges. Meeting these challenges as we face them, is part of this journey. Overcoming adversity is a rewarding experience.


"Be true to yourself, then you can be true to others!"

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Email: Scotiaspirit

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