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Spiritual Links

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
A Spiritual Visiting Place
Government of Canada Site
Eckankar - Religion of the Sound and Light of God


Ever wonder where you true spirituality is, is it a manifestation of the teachings that your family taught you, could be Christianity, Buddhism, Muslem, Shaminism, Judaism, Hindu, and traditional aboriginal religion, Earth Religions such as Pagan and Wicca.

Being so many type religions, is one right, and the other(s) all wrong????

Is our existence just a pure example of random coincidences and luck???

Spirituality, as described in the World Book Dictionary states "SPIRITUALITY- devotion to spiritual things instead or worldly things" and/or "the fact or quality of being spiritual; being neither corporeal nor material".

If we ponder our most deepest and intimate thoughts, and take a look at our beliefs, in some people they are shaped from environment, behaviour, and subjected to repeated literature such as the Bible, Koran etc.

Some of the most spirtual people I have ever met, are people that have had spiritual experiences, such as Near Death Experiences, Fate, Miracles, and Experience(s). As most people that I have talked to about spirituality, there are many ways to find your way to GOD, aka GUARDIAN SPIRIT, aka CREATOR,and by many other related names also. Ironically, many of the most spiritual people that I know are no strong members of any particular church, or members of the clergy. These are ordinary people that have had extraordinary experiences. There are thousands of books on spirituality with many different perspectives in finding peace and the way to God. Just as there are many roads, sea voyages and air travel that lead to New York, I believe that there are many roads that can lead someone to their God, and some choose to do so by practicing no organized religion, others by practicing religion of their chosen faith, and others by some profound experience that has happened to them.

Although, through controversy, wars, beliefs, and there are many different versions of beliefs, many people find their inner peace and tranquility through spiritualism. Many religions people believe that when they die, they will be united with those souls that departed them in this life, some believe not only did we survive after death, but that we return many times by way of reincarnation, and there are those that believe that we have spiritual existences across other universes.

Dreaming, in particular, "lucid dreaming" is thought by many to be a spiritual experience. This type of dreaming, you are aware and concious of your surroundings, have control in communication and are able to travel at the speed of thought. Many people claim that they can contact perviously deceased relatives this way, and like other aspects of spirituality, it is somewhat controversial. Some of the famous and more well known people known for this, and sometimes known as Out of Body Experiences, are Robert Munroe, and Edgar Cayce. Again, others refer to this type of phenonemum as "psychic experiences".

My faith starts with a very simple concept; that concept is REVERANCE for the Earth in which we live. All creatures, all life, we are related by similar biological structures, and every organism is dependent on another for survival. I like to think that earth is our mothership that is taking us on a predestined journey. All peoples, all souls, all things on this planet are travelling this same celestial path. Astronomy and physics will reinforce this quantim reality. As in individual soul, we are all part of the great cosmic soul, some will call God, others will call Mother Earth, and regardless of the title, it is the central life giving force. Many traditional religions, including Christianity are comprised of many Pagan features. In fact, if one looks at the oldest religions, spirituality is the "life force". I truly believe that my soul is a "microcosm" that is part of the "macrocosm'. The macrocosm being that of Mother Earth, or if you prefer to say God, we are all individual souls that make up the entity. "Love" is the roadway that carries individual souls on this journey, in life we have to learn how to climb aboard. Karma is a way of measuring our deeds, I like to think of Karma as my conscience... the scale that measures right and wrong. Of course, this is partly an illusion... because what my conscience senses as right in thine eyes, can be seen as a wrong in someone elses eyes or viewpoints, which may be shaped by environment, moral values, beliefs etc. Bottom line, have reverence for life, as our time on earth is only part of that journey. And to those that may judge my beliefs as different... I would only suggest one question to you, that question being, are you being fullfilled by your spiritual path?? If not, then you must be not on the path that was intended for you. Follow that light in your heart, it is the one that will guide your soul on its important journey, that journey that ulitimately will lead to peace, harmony and most of all, pure unselfish love.

Personally, I am appalled to so called religions that use "FEAR" as a medium to keep people in that particular religion. Religions that promote love, and fight wars or cause injury to people in the name of their religion.... well, lets be logical, it certianly does not promote love. How many out there, practice a certian spiritual path, becuase they are fearful for what others may think. Unfortunately, FEAR, has been used as a catalyst in structures of power and heiracrchy. There are those that want to be in control over multitudes. "FEAR" is a consquence of unloving actions committed by others to have control over these people, consequently, making these select few believing they have authentic power. To these people, you are about as far distant from the love force as you can possibly be!

A book authored by Gary Zukav, called "SEAT OF THE SOUL" is one of the most profound books that I have had the opportunity to read. This book deals with soul searching concepts and Gary's beautiful illustrative techniques with his words are awe inspiring. As Gary portrays in his book, being able to forgive your enemies is a real authentic power, or at least that is the way I intrepret his writing. Real freedom comes from understanding your spirit, as material things will never bring that ulitimate joy.

I have also enjoyed many books written by Sri Harold Klemp, the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, who beautifully illustrates many spiritual lessons by so eloquently using words and phrases to express the teachings of Eck. Information on Eckankar can be found at their website at Eckankar - Light and Sound of God

Also, as I am a sufferer of Chronic Pain, it has enabled me to see deeper within myself, and to gather strength from deep within. Chronic Pain is like where the body becomes a "torture chamber for the Soul". Overcoming that emotion is a real challenge. Perhaps it is a karmic debt to balance something from long ago. The rewards of Chronic Pain, they are so few, but is the ability to be touched by spirit.