<font color="yellow">þ@uL¥'s <font color="blue">çRAzyE <font color="green">¶agE<font color="red">?¡
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þ@ul¥'s çRAzyE ¶agE

This is the Crazy Page! You must abide by the crazy page rules. You must remain seated while standing at all times. You must refrain from flash mammography. You must keep your hands and arms inside your pants at all times. And, most importantly, remember to Breeeeeeathe (pretty stupid huh?).

«þ@uL¥'§ ç®@z¥E  ¶ÅgE ®µLɧ»    

  • You MUST be at least 18 years of age or older to view this page!!!
  • This page is for boys under the age of 16 ONLY!!!
  • All girls are welcome (except if you are from these states: Minnessissippi, Okalahorida and West New South Caliowalaskansalabamontexafornia).
  • You must be alive, dead or at least Room Tempature.

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