OcTy'S BlAh LiNkS & JuNk
This is the page to all the other things that I have going on other then
this site so look below and cruise
there and see what I have to offer if
you like it e-mail me from the address posted on the site!!
I do a site for the band Type O Negative (to go there click on pic!!)
the site grows everyday. You will never know what will be next!!! So stop on
by and check my shtuff out I am sure you will like it there!! Take it E!!
You want to see the MANLY MAN the MIGHTY ON Petrus of Steele (peter Steele)
in the August 95' issue of Playgirl?? Well then e-mail me and I'll tell you
where the site is since I am not allowed to advertise pornography on this site,
you will have to. I know all you drooling Petrus followers will love it! HELL I DID!!!
This is my personal page with shit like chat rooms, my friends and like info on the Real me and my voice on
Real Audio...plus otha pics of sexy lil' me *nods* heheheheh Take a peek by clicking on the pic!!!
Email: octobermoon@hotmail.com