The "Fake" Steam Train
The Plymouth gasoline engine featured in the above view was a steam look alike that, along with the 0-6-4
pulled the trains of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake. Above is a view as it appeared early in 1997. Shortly after that time the engine was sold, and extremities not found on
diesels, such as boiler, steam dome, balloon stack, and wooden headlight were removed. The engine is undergoing restoration to its original gas/mechanical appearance.
Presented above is a rendering of the engine as it appeared in the late 70's-early 80's, when the park operated it.
During the years following the parks demise the engine waited staticly in the desert beneath the canopy of the train shed next to the steam locomotive.
In these years the last course of the boiler fell off, revealing the engine and the boilers construction. The boiler was built of plywood, and what appeared to be part of an oil barrel,
placed over the engine.
weight...approx. 10 tons
engine...1940's Buick V-8
drive...chain drive
year built...mid-late 1940's
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