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You are in Jovo's Palace!

You are in Jovo's Palace!!

Welcome Nguyen Chi Thien!! :)

Hiya!! It doesn't matter if you've "stumbled" in or if you were directed to come here by that you're here, take your time to check this place out...and if I find out that you left without checking it out... castigation shall be brought forth!! hehee ...I'm a nice guy... I won't brutally chastise you too bad. Okay, so on with the program and enjoy your stay here... This is an easily comprehendible web site....don't be like Felix here...

Sorrie...I only said the above sentence cuz i wanned to put Felix the Cat in here...hehehehee

P.S. Soo sorry to everyone especially the ones who have been sending me poems, quotes and jokes to's just that I recently got my life back (yes, Jovo has a life now...hehee) ...and don't have as much time to spend making this page better....BUT no fear! I will do it...soon....thanx fer understanding.

Click on the desired area of interest:

Learn more about meeh!!
Poems (Yes, for all you people who crave romance)
Inlightening quotes
Compiled jokes
Listen to music!!
Look, it's mah pixes!!

Here are some links:

Wingboy's Page

Billobob's Page

If you have any comments or suggestions, click on this:

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Page opened on 1-19-98

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