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Welcome to BILLS ISLAND and my ideas in making your own web page. I do not confess to know anything about making web pages other than the fact that I have made one of my own. Without the help of ANGELFIRE and their free home page service I may have never made my own page. However, I do have my little island on the web and plan to be here for a while. One of these days I'll set up a web site with my server, but I will always keep my page with Angelfire as long as they are around.

With the help of a friend of mine Fishing Dad we have learned HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). This has taken a lot of trial and error, but, it is a lot of fun and enjoyment when you finally get it all to work.

Below you will find a list of pages that helped me in the creation and the understanding of HTML. Going through the pages you will find help in how to save images and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This is what you use to upload images to your server.

Once you have learned how to capture images on the net, you save them to disc and you can learn how to change them to suit your needs. Or, you can make your own and upload them. One of the best programs to use to revise or making your own graphics is Paint Shop Pro.

One of the easiest ways to learn all of this is to go to ANGELFIRE and start your own home page. They use a basic editor until you feel a little comfortable in HTML then you go to their advanced editor to really get things flying. They have a FAQ page and an page where you can post questions to get help. There are other services on the web who provide free pages, however I have found that Angelfire is for me the easiest one to understand.

Here is a list of sites to get you started.

The Free Graphics Store
Original Animation for Download
Mediabuilder Image Library
J Z Pardon My Icon
Angelfire Image Page
Image O Rama
Icon Bazaar
Gif Wizard
Gif Animation
Clip Art
Bilbo's Graphics
Instructions on how to publish YOUR information on the Web
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
Yahoo's World Wide Web links
Yahoo's Page Design and Layout
Anthony's Icon Library
Icon Sets
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
The Color Ramper
Arcamax Animation Library
Animation Festival
Frame Set 38
Free For Free
Creating Killer Web Sites
Graphic Hints
Creative Identities
HTML Goodies
Learn The Net
S J Daniels Help Center
CNET Builder.Com
Amazing Free Stuff
HTML Reference
Dave Central
Webseek Directory

Once you have learned the basics of making your own web page you can start to do different things on it with Java. Java is a new method of programing that you can do some really neat things with. I have a few Java driven programs on my home page. Below I have added a few Java pages to get you on your way.

%100 Pure Java
Caffeine Connection
Java Goodies
Jesse's Cut and Paste Java Script Warehouse


Send Me Mail !!

If any links do not work or if there is a link you want me to add, let me know.