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My Awards

Thanx to these fine folks who bestowed me with their award! I don't remember the exact dates on the first two, but now since i made this page, it'll be much easier. :) Be sure to visit them & see what they have to offer !!

This is an Award that i recently made. All you need to do is send me your 'URL' You will be notified if your site has won it. The only other thing that i ask is it must be a family friendly site.
Of course, signing my GuestBook helps.

My 1st (July 97)

My 2nd (Aug.97)

My 3rd (Oct. 12th 97)

My 4th (Oct. 27th 97)

My 5th (Nov. 26th 97)

My 6th (Jan. 15th 98)

My 7th (Feb. 4th 99)

My 8th (Mar. 23rd 99)

My 9th (Apr. 2nd 99)

My 10th (Oct. 23rd 99)

Page Two Awards

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