So, you want to know more about Blink do ya? Well, lets start by introducing them.
That would be Mark Hoppus,
he plays bass and sings
That guy up there is Tom Delonge, he plays the guitar and also sings
That is Travis Barker,
he plays the drums and does not sing.
This is Scott Raynor,
he is no longer in the band and he does not sing
And now on to the biography
Fun, fast and melodic, with a finger for detail and a fistful of happiness - it's San Diego's Blink-182.
Mark Hoppus (bass, vocals), Tom Delonge (guitar, vocals) and Scott Raynor (drums) met four years ago at an
annual Future Proctologists of America camping trip. Gathered around the campfire, these disturbed kids
recognized in one another the same love for songs involving girls, friends, life and chronic diarrhea. On that
night, a legend was born.
After a short-lived turn as "El Cuatro and the Cajones," a mariachi band available for weddings, birthdays and
ritual circumcisions, the boys put aside their sombreros and plugged in their amps, hoping to spread their
goodwill, positive attitute and fondness for toilet humor throughout the world.
Since those early days four years ago, Blink-182 has had the opportunity to tour extensively throughout the
US, Canada, Japan and Australia with bands like (and including) Pennywise and NOFX. Heavily involved in the
surf, skate and snowboarding scenes, Blink-182 has been included on Taylor Steele's surf video tours and on
the '96 (and again in '97) Warped Tour. With the help of Billabong, the boys always try to look their best,
despite the difficulties of life on the road and the hassle of trying to find pants that fit their peculiar groin
Over the years, Blink-182 has released a number of 7"s, and in 1995 they released their first full-length album,
Cheshire Cat, on Grilled Cheese (a division of Cargo Music). In 1996, they signed a joint-venture record deal
with Cargo Music and MCA Records.
When questioned about the direction he would like to see the band take both musically and artistically, Mark,
the grandfather of the group at 25 comments, "Well, it's nothing major. I try to eat right and I work out a couple
of times a week, but only on my right side, so I'm basically only building up one butt cheek. And I could kick
your ass with it right now!" Scott, the baby at only 18, says nothing, having been raised by a tribe of mimes in
the hills of Poway. His parents threw him out of the home when he was only four weeks old after they caught
him urinating on himself. Tom, the middle child at 21 is perhaps the proudest of his band, explaining, "We try
our hardest in everything we do, and have a lot of fun at it. By the way, did you know that Mark only exercises
one butt cheek?"
Brought together so many nights ago by the light of the campfire, these boys have a promising future ahead of
them. They have dedicated their young lives to playing fun, positive, energetic music for anyone brave enough
to lend them an ear. And now with the release of their newest album, Dude Ranch, they are set to conquer the
hearts and souls of America, the world and eventually Uranus.
As Blink has grown from doing side stage shows at SOMA to now headlining world tours, they have stayed relatively
real. Scott has left the band right before their newest album Enema of the State was recorded. Travis Barker formerly
of the Aquabats has since took his place. Enema of the State is now out and doing very well in sales. Blink is now
headlining the 99 Warped Tour with Pennywise, Less Than Jake, River Fenix, and the Vandals.
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